Examples of the the word, pond , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Items. Other amateurs may be interested in observing the life found in, pond ,water and of other samples. Microscopes may also prove useful for the water
  2. Oceanic fish pond s (see Hawaiian aquaculture). A remarkable example is a fish, pond ,dating from at least 1,000 years ago, at Aleppo. Legend says that it was
  3. In front of the Rijksmuseum on the square itself is a long, rectangular, pond , This is transformed into an ice rink in winter. The northwestern part of the
  4. Are generally restricted to a specific habitat, such as a cave or a, pond , Principles gleaned from food web studies are used to extrapolate smaller
  5. Has a gazebo, picnic tables, and a small man-made waterfall that connects to a, pond ,called Mill Pond which is part of the Northern Branch of the Kalamazoo River.
  6. Musics a person or group can play.;: a holding tank for liquids; an artificial, pond ,for water. It is spelled reservoir, in French.; Rouge: literally" red" in
  7. Plato described the Greeks living round the Aegean" like frogs around a, pond ,". The Aegean Sea was later invaded by the Persians and the Romans, and
  8. Are all capable of emptying a pond of its fish. A well-designed outdoor, pond ,will have areas too deep for herons to stand in, overhangs high enough above
  9. Actually buys wigs so the Competes won't be" scalped" ) and the" cement, pond ," (swimming pool–she has a fear of water). In a long story arc in the show's
  10. Chorus frogs, commonly called" spring peepers" that are found in nearly every, pond , Some years have outbreaks of cicadas or ladybugs. Mosquitos and houseflies are
  11. A white-skinned Kodak is a visual dinner bell against the dark green of a, pond , Herons, kingfishers,otters, raccoons,cats, foxes,badgers and hedgehogs are
  12. Gallery File: Ems worth. JPG|Ems worth town square File: Emsworth2. JPG|The mill, pond ,File: Emsworth6. JPG|Ems worth from the mill pond wall File: Emsworth4. JPG|The
  13. Passers-by. It may prove necessary to string nets or wires above the surface. A, pond ,usually includes a pump and filtration system to keep the water clear. KOI are
  14. Duke Dog Alley). Other unique features on the campus include Newman Lake,a, pond ,located in the Lake Area next to Greek Row and Sonnet Hall, the Edith J.
  15. Of sorts. When he rescued a Bird Watchers girl troop who fell into the" cement, pond ," (they were attacked by ants),Jethro got a" lifesaving badge ".
  16. Imagine what happens if a stone is thrown into the middle of a very still, pond , When the stone hits the surface of the water, a circular pattern of waves
  17. Near Main Street. Air Travel Other than the occasional seaplane landing on the, pond , the nearest airport is in neighboring Chatham; the nearest regional service is
  18. These ions are separated from the solids, which are discarded to a tailing, pond ,or spent heap, the recoverable gold having been removed. The metal is recovered
  19. And exercise tracks, playgrounds,swimming pool, amphitheatre, pavilions,and a, pond ,for boat rowing and water bicycles, is located on the grounds of Kraków’s
  20. Sentence ending particle),do not generally employ direct. Is Bashō's" old, pond ,"::: :ふるいけやかわずとびこむみずのおと (transliterated into 17 hiragana)::: furtive ya
  21. Log cabin the Competes had lived in and place it right next to the" cement, pond ," and the still Granny had installed to make moonshine. Another time Drysdale
  22. After giving birth to Apollo and Artemis, she attempted to drink water from a, pond ,in Lucia. The peasants there refused to allow her to do so by stirring the mud
  23. So pump repairs are less urgent. The least expensive bulk cistern is a fenced, pond ,or pool at ground level. Reducing autonomy reduces the size and expense of
  24. Ya (5): ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mu (7): Mitzi no o-to (5) Translated:: old, pond ,...: a frog leaps in: water’s sound Another haiku by Basho::: :はつしぐれさるもこみのをほしげなり
  25. There refused to allow her to do so by stirring the mud at the bottom of the, pond , Let turned them into frogs for their in hospitality, forever doomed to swim in
  26. Ophelia (1851–1852),and showed Mingus as the murdered woman, floating in a, pond ,as a serpent swam over her body. The single received widespread attention in
  27. Repaired, and additional facilities were constructed as necessary. A reservoir, pond , surrounded by trees, served as a recreational area one mile north of the base.
  28. Of these parks are: Menelik Park (houses an amusement park with a large, pond ,for rowing),the Botanical Garden, Seğmenler Park, Anayasa Park, Kuğulu Park (
  29. Continents. Many British people refer to the USA and Canada as" across the, pond ,", and vice versa. Ocean bottom The principal feature of the bathymetric (
  30. Ayu belong to quite different super orders of Teleostean. The fish resides in a, pond ,in Chengdu near Seoul, South Korea. Differences from goldfish were
  31. Raccoons, cats,foxes, badgers and hedgehogs are all capable of emptying a, pond ,of its fish. A well-designed outdoor pond will have areas too deep for herons
  32. File: Emsworth2. JPG|The mill pond File: Emsworth6. JPG|Ems worth from the mill, pond ,wall File: Emsworth4. JPG|The old tidal mill File: EmsworthWater. JPG|Ems worth
  33. Also located in the Meeting area are the Tasman Meeting and Situ Palembang, pond ,parks. The Tasman Meeting was built on the former Persia soccer Stadium. Tasman
  34. The house, taken up agriculture and horticulture, tended orchard and, pond , and planted many trees, which,according to Mikhail, he " looked after … as
  35. Ruthie of Ruthrieston in 1881. It has extensive gardens, a rose hill, boating, pond , bandstand, and play area as well as Europe's second largest enclosed gardens
  36. Dam ". Resolution included installing a pipe through the beaver dam so that the, pond ,'s water level could not become excessive. Now protected, the beaver have
  37. Terrestrial ecosystem ## Aquatic ecosystem ### Lentil, the ecosystem of a lake, pond ,or swamp. ### Logic, the ecosystem of a river, stream or spring. # Artificial
  38. Winters, pond s generally have a minimum of 1.5 meters (4½ feet). Specific, pond ,construction has evolved by KOI keepers intent on raising show quality KOI. KOI
  39. Niches, as extensive cultures (low intensity, low management) within the same, pond , The" Integrated" in IATA refers to the more intensive cultivation of the
  40. And streams, and building their homes (known as" lodges" ) in the resulting, pond , Beavers also build canals to float build materials that are difficult to haul
  41. Landscape and Recreation: public camp and picnic ground development, lake and, pond ,site clearing and development; #Range: stock driveways, elimination of
  42. Water-caltrops. JPG|Trap Nathans Image: Type latifolia 02 BGI. JPG Image: UK, pond ,bladder wort. JPG|Urticaria vulgarism (Common Bladder wort) Image: Vallisneria
  43. To an artificial ridge of earth intended to retain the water of a river or, pond , In other places this may be called a levee. While many scientific experts
  44. Area contains an alpine garden, arboretum,meadows, steppes,marsh, and, pond , as well as collections of plants from the Canary Islands, Caucasus,East Asia
  45. Regional Airport. It is composed of seven major buildings and a natural, pond ,and offers three masters and 12 complete bachelor degree programs.
  46. Including picnic tables, beaches,restrooms, fishing,softball, basketball, pond , tennis, and volleyball. The largest park is Mills Park, which has a total of
  47. Still in existence today. Kilt also claims the oldest purpose-built curling, pond ,in the world at Calcium, in the form of a low dam creating a shallow pool some
  48. Date 1511 (uncovered along with another bearing the date 1551) when an old, pond ,was drained at Dublin, Scotland. Kilt Curling Club claims to be the first
  49. He referred to followers of the movement as" Frog pond ians" after the, pond ,on Boston Common. And ridiculed their writings as" metaphor-run ", lapsing
  50. Only about fifty people attended the ceremony. His home, garden and waterlily, pond ,were bequeathed by his son Michel, his only heir, to the French Academy of Fine

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