Examples of the the word, slice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( slice ), is the 5089 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This breakfast consists of two bread rolls, one slice of smoked salmon, one, slice , of cheese, one slice of salami, two portions of butter, one portion of jam, and
  2. Is gradually lowered as a blade is applied. This creates one single continuous, slice , Tinned ham (more commonly known in the United States as" canned
  3. Of absorption are needed, a vast majority of the light entering the, slice ,leaves without being absorbed. Because the physical description of the problem
  4. Sausage and bacon. In Germany this breakfast consists of two bread rolls, one, slice , of smoked salmon, one slice of cheese, one slice of salami, two portions of
  5. Over the course of his career to being above average. He often used his hard, slice ,serve in the deuce service box to send his opponent off the court, followed by
  6. Commentators regard as sentimental or naïve work. Speaking of the postwar “, slice ,of life” drama One Wonderful Sunday, for example, film scholar (and future
  7. Required extra logic to handle, for example, carry and overflow within each, slice , the result was a system that could handle, say,32-bit words using integrated
  8. Be about" everyday life" in the inner city" today" and regarded it as a ", slice ,of life ". Creator/producer Julia Smith declared that" We don't make life, we
  9. 2) Midships Coefficient (Cm or Cx) is the cross-sectional area (Ax) of the, slice ,at Midships (or at the largest section for Cx) divided by beam x draft. It
  10. The amount of absorption (thin slice does not absorb much light but a thick, slice ,absorbs a lot). In symbols, dI \beta I dz, or DI/dz \beta I. This conceptual
  11. Of two bread rolls, one slice of smoked salmon, one slice of cheese, one, slice , of salami, two portions of butter, one portion of jam, and coffee. IKEA Canada
  12. First appears in Clutch and Owen, where it was used by Arthur to, slice ,the Very Black Witch in half. Rhongomyniad (" spear" +" striker, slayer ")
  13. Point of view is often called eternal inflation. On a global constant-time, slice , regions with inflation have an exponentially growing volume, while regions
  14. And eventually a scar),or indirect (either a cone of mugwort was placed on a, slice ,of garlic, ginger or other vegetable, or a cylinder of mugwort was held above
  15. Stringy to be agreeably edible. The roast, from which I cut and ate a central, slice , was tender, and in color, texture,smell as well as taste, strengthened my
  16. That are perpendicular to the beam of light. The light that emerges from a, slice ,is slightly less intense than the light that entered because some of the
  17. Paid out. Four-Phase Systems AL1 The Four-Phase Systems AL1 was an 8-bit bit, slice ,chip containing eight registers and an ALU. It was designed by Lee Boys in
  18. Equation model for absorption. The difference in intensity due to the, slice ,of absorbing material DI is reduced; leaving the slice , it is a fraction \beta
  19. Would form a ' slice ' through the execution unit. These were known as 'bit, slice ,' chips. The AMD Am2900 family is one of the best known examples of bit slice
  20. Testicle in Lewis ham High Street, London,England. When he tried to eat another, slice ,of human testicle in Vancouver, Canada in 1989,he was stopped by the police.
  21. To dispatch prey, and the carnassial complex, used to rend meat from bone and, slice ,it into digestible pieces. Dogs have molar teeth behind the carnassials for
  22. Similar to overhead projector, with a beam of electrons passing through a, slice ,of material then being projected by lenses on a photographic slide or a
  23. Involved—TV channels make profits from broadcasting the races, and teams get a, slice ,of the money from the sale of broadcasting rights and from the sponsor's logos
  24. Of the Rhine; its elector was rewarded with the title of king and given a, slice ,of Poland taken from Prussia. After Napoleon's fiasco in Russia in 1812
  25. In Walthamstow High Street, London,England. A year later he publicly ate a, slice ,of legally purchased human testicle in Lewis ham High Street, London,England.
  26. So that their signals do not mutually interfere. Each transmitter owns a, slice ,of bandwidth, a valuable (if intangible) commodity. For different
  27. In intensity due to the slice of absorbing material DI is reduced; leaving the, slice , it is a fraction \beta of the light entering the slice I. The thickness of the
  28. Made with gin and tonic water poured over ice. It is usually garnished with a, slice ,or wedge of lime, or lemon. The amount of gin varies according to taste.
  29. Allows the computer system to more reliably guarantee each process a regular ", slice ," of operating time. It also allows the system to rapidly deal with important
  30. The icosidodecahedron appears in the regular 600-cell as the equatorial, slice ,that belongs to the vertex-first passage of the 600-cell through 3D space. In
  31. Slices of pork belly, with a layer of preserved mustard greens between each, slice , are cooked and served in a dark sauce made up of soy sauce and sugar. The
  32. Location. A one-dimensional array, used in line-scan cameras, captures a single, slice ,of the image, while a two-dimensional array, used in video and still cameras
  33. Rum (i.e. Brutal, Bermúdez,and so on. ) and Coke, topped off with a, slice ,of lime. Dominicans often call" Cuba Libra" " mantilla" or little lie as a
  34. Three-dimensional FFT might first perform two-dimensional Fits of each planar ", slice ," for each fixed n_1,and then perform the one-dimensional Fits along the n_1
  35. Brackets. A range specification can return a point to a single character, or a, slice ,of the string. Strings can be indexed from either the right or the left. It is
  36. The thickness of the slice is dz, which scales the amount of absorption (thin, slice ,does not absorb much light, but a thick slice absorbs a lot). In symbols, dI
  37. The compound light microscope, by sending an electron beam through a very thin, slice ,of the specimen. The resolution limit in 2005 was around 0.05 nanometer and has
  38. Greece. From Greek, we also derive the word tome (), which originally meant a, slice ,or piece and from there began to denote" a roll of papyrus ". Tombs was used
  39. Peppers, zucchini,or mushrooms). * Deimos, a Cretan salad consisting of a, slice ,of soaked dried bread or barley rusk (maximal) topped with chopped tomatoes
  40. The lengthy Wild Cards cycle, which takes place in a shared universe in which a, slice ,of post-World War II humanity has superpowers. In Second Person, Martin " gives
  41. Vasilopites are baked with a coin inside, and whoever gets the coin in their, slice ,are considered blessed with good luck for the whole year. Cheese There is a
  42. It is a fraction \beta of the light entering the slice I. The thickness of the, slice ,is dz, which scales the amount of absorption (thin slice does not absorb much
  43. Slice' chips. The AMD Am2900 family is one of the best known examples of bit, slice ,elements. The parts of the execution units, and the execution units themselves
  44. It consists of a croissant, a small bread roll, butter or margarine, jam,a, slice ,of cheese, a boiled egg, and coffee or tea. In Australia, it consists of hash
  45. To field minima, and there can be a field minimum in free space. A thin, slice ,of paralytic graphite, which is an unusually strong diamagnetic material, can
  46. Is reduced; leaving the slice , it is a fraction \beta of the light entering the, slice ,I. The thickness of the slice is dz, which scales the amount of absorption (
  47. Their bounce (for example, topspin and backspin in tennis),and players may, slice ,the ball (strike it with an angled racket face) to produce such spin; but
  48. Layers (or strata) are laid down in succession, and that each represents a ", slice ," of time. He also formulated the law of superposition, which states that any
  49. The physical limitations of integrated circuits made such practices as a bit, slice ,approach necessary. Instead of processing all of a long word on one integrated
  50. Allows every task to run for some certain amount of time, called its time, slice , If a process does not voluntarily yield the CPU (for example, by performing

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