Examples of the the word, degeneration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( degeneration ), is the 9816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The spectrum of degenerative diseases of the eye, such as age-related macular, degeneration , and as part of the retinal damage caused by diabetes. Types There are many
  2. Relationship. Although he was fascinated by it, he condemned it as a mechanical, degeneration ,of the creative activity of the artist. With the character Strafing Gumbo
  3. From the motor cortex of the brain. On macroscopic pathology, there is a, degeneration ,of the ventral horns of the spinal cord, as well as atrophy of the ventral
  4. Theatre history, identifying Euripides with the moral, political and artistic, degeneration ,of Athens. August Wilhelm's Vienna lectures on dramatic art and literature
  5. Science and technology * Alzheimer's disease, a disease leading to the, degeneration ,of neural function and dementia, usually seen in older people * Anaerobic
  6. Comes on over weeks or months, does not display the subsequent muscle, degeneration ,and protein abnormalities as seen in IBM, and as well, polymyositis tends to
  7. Syndrome) and central nervous system (e.g. paraneoplastic cerebellar, degeneration , paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis) disorders. Their causative role has been
  8. Yoga) that make up the current age. Each period has seen a successive, degeneration ,in the moral order and character of human beings, to the point that in the Kali
  9. He made notable contributions to knowledge on concussion and secondary nerve, degeneration ,and became a doyen of neuropsychology. Jakob published five monographs and more
  10. Damaging his brain and reducing Brute to a child-like state. When the mental, degeneration ,occurred, Ice-Man made it his duty to protect Brute, especially from the
  11. Ingestion of zeaxanthin and the prevention and treatment of age-related macular, degeneration ,(AMD). Less rigorous studies have proposed a correlation between zeaxanthin
  12. Common findings including; inflammatory cells invading muscle cells, vacuolar, degeneration , inclusions or plaques of abnormal proteins. IBM is a challenge to the
  13. Or an autoimmune disorder, is the primary, proximal cause of IBM and that the, degeneration ,of muscle fibers and protein abnormalities are secondary features. Despite the
  14. Bunin bodies were first described in 1962; they are markers of neuronal, degeneration , The availability of mouse models has led to extensive research into the causes
  15. Degeneration includes chronic ethanol abuse, paraneoplastic cerebellar, degeneration , high altitude cerebral edema, coeliac disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus
  16. Architecture, and early jazz, among other subjects. Rothbard criticized the ", degeneration ," of jazz and popular song into bebop and rock music. In his film reviews (
  17. Both reviled and applauded: While Rousseau's notion of the progressive moral, degeneration ,of mankind from the moment civil society established itself diverges markedly
  18. Output in such a way as to partially oppose the input is negative feedback (, degeneration ,). Generally, a control system has input from an external signal source and
  19. Whose name will be forever associated with religiously inspired concept of, degeneration ,theory in psychiatry, used the term in a descriptive sense and not to define a
  20. Cannot produce the amino acid Maurine, with Maurine deficiency causing macular, degeneration , where the cat's retina slowly degenerates, causing irreversible blindness.
  21. Forces, ideas,people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and, degeneration , It advocates the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the
  22. Hereditary ataxia Ataxia may depend on hereditary disorders consisting of, degeneration ,of the cerebellum and/or of the spine; most cases feature both to some extent
  23. That damage retinal neurons—nearly every disease of the eye, including macular, degeneration , glaucoma, and diabetes-related blindness. Retinal damage is responsible for
  24. Nerve damage if the condition is not diagnosed quickly. Sub-acute combined, degeneration ,of the spinal cord secondary to pernicious anemia can lead to anything from
  25. Sclerosis and chronic inflammatory desalinating polyneuropathy. Atonal, degeneration ,Although most injury responses include a calcium influx signaling to promote
  26. Regions in the brain (using cartography) or to examine areas of neural, degeneration ,and declination in diseases like Multiple Sclerosis. Another application of
  27. Injection of lanthanum solutions produces hyperglycemia, low blood pressure, degeneration ,of the spleen and hepatic alterations. The application in carbon arc light led
  28. Non-hereditary cerebellar degeneration Non-hereditary causes of cerebellar, degeneration ,include chronic ethanol abuse, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration , high
  29. In the PNS, and longer in the CNS. The signaling pathways leading to dilemma, degeneration ,are currently unknown. Nerve regeneration It has been demonstrated that
  30. Calpain proteases (caused by influx of calcium ion),suggesting that atonal, degeneration ,is an active process. Thus, the axon undergoes complete fragmentation. The
  31. Cranial cavity, but has become drastically reduced in the present species,a, degeneration ,scientists suspect is an adaptation to a diet low in energy. One of the
  32. On policy decisions, but contraction through intermarriage could lead to the, degeneration ,of the quality of the members. In Amsterdam the network was so large that
  33. Employed lesbianism in his story about three people living amongst the moral, degeneration ,of Paris, and again in Cousin Bette and Seraphic. His work influenced novelist
  34. Are less common and cataract surgery is more available, age-related macular, degeneration , glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy are usually the leading causes of blindness
  35. Ultraviolet light damage is caused during childhood and this form of retinal, degeneration ,is the leading cause of blindness in the world. Damage often presents itself
  36. In North America and Western Europe is related to age-related macular, degeneration ,and diabetic retinopathy. While both of these conditions are subject to
  37. Level below, when they involve the dorsal columns. Non-hereditary cerebellar, degeneration ,Non-hereditary causes of cerebellar degeneration include chronic ethanol abuse
  38. Dogs. The breed can also fall victim to progressive retinal atrophy (a, degeneration ,of the retina causing blindness) and several less serious hereditary eye
  39. Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The former is often thought to reflect, degeneration ,in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism; the
  40. That appear to be driven by specific antigens to invade muscle fibers. The, degeneration ,aspect is characterized by the appearance of holes in the muscle cell vacuoles
  41. Presents specific signs associated with upper and lower motor neuron, degeneration , Signs of upper motor neuron damage include spasticity, brisk reflexes and
  42. Lalana. This nectar can fall down to Manipur and be burned up, causing gradual, degeneration , or through certain practices it can be passed to Visuddhi and purified
  43. Which gave a semblance of order to this fragmentary picture were Morelia, degeneration ,theory and the concept of" unitary psychosis" ( Einheitspsychose). This
  44. Sighted,far-sighted, or an astigmatism),glaucoma, and age-related macular, degeneration , In 1987,it was estimated that 598,000 people in the United States met the
  45. Based on heteros is in plants that exclusive Japanese endogamy might cause ", degeneration ," of the Japanese race. Since he regarded intermarriage with white or black
  46. Fin de since" decadence, which fictionalized contemporary fears like ethical, degeneration ,and questioned the social structures of the time. Classic works of this Urban
  47. Makes it an interesting investigatory treatment for cancer, age-related macular, degeneration , and other diseases featuring excessive blood vessel deposition. Precautions
  48. And sensory organs. Researchers are delving into the complexities of muscle, degeneration ,in genetic models of human musculoskeletal diseases, such as muscular dystrophy
  49. He had a revelation that the arts and sciences were responsible for the moral, degeneration ,of mankind, who were basically good by nature. According to Diderot, writing
  50. Resealing of severed parts, axonal injuries initially lead to acute atonal, degeneration ,(AAD),which is rapid separation of the proximal and distal ends within 30

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