Examples of the the word, critique , in a Sentence Context

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  1. With each other and meanwhile keep their diversity. There are still other, critique ,related Confucian ideas,e.g. If what others say is right and your fault is
  2. Using the golden section as a structural principle. Milton Babbitt, in his 1949, critique , of Bartók's string quartets, criticized Bartok for using tonality and non
  3. Cultural traditions. There are a number of criticisms of the modernization, critique , One centers on the definition of" traditional society. " The criticism is
  4. Has on numerous occasions commented and defended himself against Are Fog's, critique , especially in the web-book" Goddess Paris ". Further, career Government work
  5. Will be based off the seven deadly sins Critical theory is an examination and, critique ,of society and culture, drawing from knowledge across the social sciences and
  6. From Kant's (18th-century) and Marx's (19th Century) use of the term ", critique ,", as in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Marx's concept that his work Was
  7. Luther's complaints against the book carried past the point of scholarly, critique ,and may reflect Luther's antisemitism, which is disputed, such as in the
  8. Anarcho-pacifist Amman Tenancy. Anarcho-pacifism became a" basis for a, critique ,of militarism on both sides of the Cold War. " The resurgence of anarchist
  9. Powerful explanation from the social Neverland, many of the weapons of social, critique , ” (p. 230) Media tropes Media commentators regularly note a tendency in news
  10. Ahmad's characteristic method here of reductive ad hominem and ad feminism, critique ,subverts his accompanying claim to Marxist subjectivity ..." *" Almost any ad
  11. Mexico City by the corrupt mayor of a small town. It is a humorous political, critique , aimed squarely at the then ruling party Parties Revolutionary Institutional (
  12. Of 'critical theory' as an umbrella term to describe any theory founded upon, critique , In the sociological context, critical theory refers to a style of Marxist
  13. The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (2009) is an extensive, critique ,of what he calls" celebrity culture. " Citing authors like Daniel Boorstin
  14. Various critique s against Confucianism, including Laozi's comment and Mozi's, critique , Lu Run also criticized Confucianism heavily for shaping Chinese people into
  15. Pernicious elitism; the term" ivory tower" often carries with it an implicit, critique ,of academic elitism. Criticism of perceived academic elitism may or may not
  16. Head of chemistry at Blue coat school, in Liverpool, has said:" I think to, critique ,Darwinism is quite appropriate. " Andy McIntosh, a professor of thermodynamics
  17. holder's consent. Fair dealing uses are research and study; review and, critique ,; parody and satire; news reportage and the giving of professional advice (i.
  18. And Neurolinguistic programming (especially the Meta model,Korzybski's, critique ,of cause-effect thinking, and ideas behind human modeling for performance). As
  19. Had produced false proofs before him, and Gauss's dissertation contains a, critique ,of d'Alembert's work. Ironically, by today's standard,Gauss's own attempt
  20. Principal target of his attack in The Open Society and Its Enemies). In his, critique ,of the twentieth century totalitarians, Popper wrote," I do not wish to imply
  21. Is used in juridical and ethical discussions of law and ethics, and often is a, critique ,of principle- or rule-based reasoning. The term" casuistry" originates from
  22. The Ming Dynasty. Ming Dynasty thinkers such as Wang Ranging would further, critique ,and expand Neo-Confucianism with ideas of individualism and innate morality
  23. His work. He instead favors social anarchism and an antiauthoritarian Marxist, critique ,of capitalism; however, his book is often cited by anarcho-capitalists. Fiction
  24. A free market does not equal the end of civil society, which continues to be a, critique ,of anarcho-capitalism). Moreover, anarcho-capitalists (as well as classical
  25. Intellectual pursuits, increasingly scholars are interested in the areas of, critique ,where the two overlap. To use an epistemological distinction introduced by
  26. Of and topical guide to critical theory: Critical theory – examination and, critique ,of society and culture, drawing from knowledge across the social sciences and
  27. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Fleischman and Pons replied to this, critique , but the only thing left clear was that no gamma ray had been registered and
  28. 1775. The republicanism was inspired by the" country party" in Britain, whose, critique , of British government emphasized that corruption was a terrible reality in
  29. Carrier emerged as the dominant offensive weapon of naval warfare. British self, critique ,The official British Admiralty examination of the Grand Fleet's performance
  30. Cured (as Voltaire would see it) of his optimism. Interestingly, this, critique , of Voltaire's seems to be directed almost exclusively at Leibniz optimism.
  31. Misfeature of Man, Jensen gives point-by-point rebuttals too much of Gould's, critique , including Gould's treatment of heritability, the " reification" of g, and
  32. Philosophy,Alhazen's Rival phi’Lankan (Treatise on Place) presents a, critique ,of Aristotle's concept of place (tops). Aristotle's Physics stated that
  33. That he says was taken out of context by the media. The real statement was a, critique ,of the Israeli government and its treatment of the Palestinian people. Chuck D
  34. Disaster simulation where the different skill areas are put to the test. A, critique ,follows the exercise where students and instructors have an opportunity to
  35. Attraction, and by implication the Earth also is a participant. Here is a, critique ,due to Mach arguing that only relative motion is established: All observers
  36. Beyond just the purely subjective contents of the mind. Søren Kierkegaard's, critique ,The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard provided a critical response to the
  37. Confusion that is exhibited in the Transcendental Analytic section of his, critique , Lastly, Schopenhauer departed from Kant in how he interpreted the Platonic
  38. His own interests in the sake of a greater social good. "). Socialist, critique ,Many socialists, particularly Libertarian socialists, democratic socialists
  39. Plants one of the main concerns is tritium. In 2007 Greenpeace published a, critique ,of tritium emissions from Canadian nuclear power plants This report was
  40. By the romantic movement and medievalism, and developed a devastating, critique ,of industrialism. In his novels, he outlined an England divided into two
  41. Of the book's release, he has been included in some discussions of the book's, critique , Indeed, within the narrative, the prison chaplain warns against the program
  42. S marketing, creativity and presentation that makes it almost embarrassing to, critique ,their efforts ", while Creek wrote:" SOS is surrounded on this LP by so many
  43. 1960s following the" cognitive revolution" initiated by Noam Chomsky's 1959, critique , of behaviorism and empiricism more generally. The origins of cognitive thinking
  44. Works of Abu Dhabi Roy, Starhawk, and John German, in particular, inspired a, critique ,favoring feminism, consensus process and political secession. Organization
  45. Of 'critical theory' as an umbrella term to describe any theory founded upon, critique , Essence of critical theory Branches of critical theory Gender studies ** Susan
  46. Used the story of Job as a central signifier for his core philosophy (the vast, critique ,of the history of Western philosophy, which he saw broadly as a monumental
  47. Is often misinterpreted because the public" only sees the 'slut' without the, critique ,of the system that creates categories like 'slut. '" In the early '90s,Hole
  48. The maturation of the traditional model of administrative law * 1965 - 1985:, critique ,and transformation of the administrative process Agriculture The agricultural
  49. Economics Benjamin Franklin, in his capacity as a farmer, wrote at least one, critique ,about the negative consequences of price controls, trade restrictions and
  50. Works A Madman's Diary and The True Story of Ah Q. In modern times, waves of, critique ,along with vilification against Confucianism arose. Taiping Rebellion, May

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