Examples of the the word, c , in a Sentence Context

The word ( c ), is the 925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Must respe c t the asso c iative rule:: (a \dot b) \dot c = a \dot (b \dot, c ,) Now, let us assume that a and b have variable transparen c ies, whereas c is
  2. It is ‹ -the ›, hen c e a" bit" is in Afrikaans and in Dut c h. The letters ‹, c ,›, ‹ q ›, ‹ x ›, and ‹ z › o c c ur almost ex c lusively in borrowings from Fren c h
  3. Alphabet ". It is also used to enumerate a list in the same manner that a, b, c , d et c . are used in the English language. Etymology The name" Ahead" ()
  4. Odot c ) Now, let us assume that a and b have variable transparen c ies, whereas, c , is opaque. We're interested in finding: o = a \dot b. We know from the
  5. Order is defined in c lude the following.: :\DEC a \times (\DEC b \times \DEC, c ,) \new (\DEC a \times \DEC b) \times \DEC c \squad \box \DEC a, \DEC b, \DEC
  6. In Analyti c al Geometry a se c tion of a line c an be given by the formula where (, c , d)& (e, f ) are the endpoints of the line & m: n is the ratio of division S (
  7. Double-sideband AM A c arrier wave is modeled as a simple sine wave, su c h as::, c ,(t) = C\dot \sin (\omega_ c t + \phi_ c ),\, where the radio frequen c y (in
  8. Of bit strings of length n, the probability that a string is in c ompressible by, c ,is at least 1-2^+2^. To prove the theorem, note that the number of des c riptions
  9. And the alien's male heirs, or to an alien for the term of their life; * (, c ,) It may be granted upon c ondition, c ujus est dare, ejus est disposal, and
  10. The following must be true:: o \dot c = a \dot (b \dot c ) We know that, c ,is opaque and thus follows that b \dot c is opaque, so in the above equation
  11. Is that the operator must respe c t the asso c iative rule:: (a \dot b) \dot, c ,= a \dot (b \dot c ) Now, let us assume that a and b have variable
  12. Rgn1 APIs_in; op2 And; rgn2 IC_all; op3 And; rgn3 IC_all;, c ,APIs; q1 2754; ba c k ba c k1152510816; size 50; subview detail; res c ue 1; view
  13. Being c alled a denizen, or rather denizen, be c ause they are submits dates; (, c ,) Giganti c lo c als, by operation of law, when a friendly alien enters the
  14. Of a quadrati c polynomial ax^2 + bx + c with integer c oeffi c ients a, b,and, c ,) are algebrai c numbers. If the quadrati c polynomial is Moni c a (a = 1) then
  15. On a c ommon base,i.e. S\subset Q\subset T. If there is a unique number, c ,su c h that a (S)\LE c \LE a (T) for all su c h step regions S and T, then a (Q
  16. Aggravated c ommon assault: This offense is c reated by se c tion 29 (1) (, c ,) of the Crime and Disorder A c t 1998.; Ra c ially or religiously aggravated
  17. Step print (all); b: = sin (a); c : = c os (a); print (( AZD.6d$,a, b, c , ) ) OD) print - sends output to the file stand out. Printf (up); - sele c ts
  18. Dire c tly available to the programmer. Floating point algol68 test: (real a, b, c , d; print (( RPG," Enter d:" )); read (d); for step from 0 while a:
  19. Read (d); for step from 0 while a: step print (all); b: = sin (a);, c ,: = c os (a); print (( AZD.6d$,a, b, c ) ) OD) print - sends output to
  20. Rule that the following must be true:: o \dot c = a \dot (b \dot, c ,) We know that c is opaque and thus follows that b \dot c is opaque, so in the
  21. b. We know from the asso c iative rule that the following must be true:: o \dot, c ,= a \dot (b \dot c ) We know that c is opaque and thus follows that b \dot
  22. Measure the resulting string's length. A string s is c ompressible by a number, c ,if it has a des c ription whose length does not ex c eed | s|- c . This is equivalent
  23. And the Ni c ene Creed, as the suffi c ient statement of the Christian faith.: (, c ,) The two Sa c raments ordained by Christ Himself - Baptism and the Supper of the
  24. Π is typi c ally not used for this purpose. ) Lower c ase roman letters (a, b, c , ...) are also used. See the figures in this arti c le for examples. In
  25. Fun c tions relative to des c ription languages L1 and L2,then there is a c onstant, c ,(whi c h depends only on the languages L1 and L2) su c h that: \for all s\ | K_1 (
  26. A new page. Printf (all); - sele c ts a new line. Printf (( AZD.6d$,a, b, c , ) ) - formats output with 1 digit before and 6 after the de c imal point.
  27. Foundation and politi c al affiliate is registered as a 501 ( c ) (3) and 501 (, c ,) (4) entity, respe c tively. Positions While the bulk of the ACLU's c ases
  28. Software Foundation (ASF) is a non-profit c orporation ( c lassified as 501 (, c ,) (3) in the United States) to support Apa c he software proje c ts, in c luding
  29. A \dot (b \dot c ) We know that c is opaque and thus follows that b \dot, c ,is opaque, so in the above equation, ea c h \dot operator c an be written as a
  30. Cases. Ea c h legal foundation and politi c al affiliate is registered as a 501 (, c ,) (3) and 501 ( c ) (4) entity, respe c tively. Positions While the bulk of
  31. Leq c . Proof. By symmetry, it suffi c es to prove that there is some c onstant, c ,su c h that for all bit strings s, : K_1 (s) \LEQ K_2 (s) + c . Now, suppose
  32. A lands c ape pen-and-ink drawing by Giovanni Fran c es c o Grimaldi, c ,1650,to whi c h Asgard has added figures of the Holy Family (Getty Museum)
  33. Heat at c onstant pressure, c _v is the spe c ifi c heat at c onstant volume, and, c , is the wave speed. The value of \gamma is 1.4 if the a c ousti c medium is air.
  34. Testimonies c onfli c t one another, b ) there are a few witnesses, c ,) the speaker has no integrity’d ) the speaker is overly hesitant or bold, or
  35. C, where Z is the atomi c number, \alpha is the fine-stru c ture c onstant, and, c , is the speed of light. In non-relativisti c quantum me c hani c s, therefore,any
  36. See. In the Bohr Model, an n 1 ele c tron has a velo c ity given by v Z \alpha, c , where Z is the atomi c number, \alpha is the fine-stru c ture c onstant, and c is
  37. Over GF (28) and is then multiplied modulo x4+1 with a fixed polynomial, c ,(x) = 0x03 · x3 + x2 + x + 0x02. The c oeffi c ients are displayed in their
  38. Birds of prey and the other kinds of birds; b) the different kinds of fal c ons;, c ,) the way of preparing them for the hunt; and d) the c ures for si c k and
  39. Hildebrand (1903). ** http://dlxs2.library. c ornell.edu/ c gi/t/text/text-idx?, c , c dl; IDN c dl322 Cornell University Library Histori c al Monographs Colle c tion.
  40. That outputs s is a fixed amount larger than s. Theorem. There is a c onstant, c ,su c h that: \for all s \ K (s) \LEQ | s | + c . \quad In c ompatibility of
  41. Linearly in time (that is, in a word like c at the sound c omes after the, c ,sound, and the t sound c omes after that),they c an generally be easily written
  42. Constants are: * Orthorhombi c AmCl2: a 896.3 ± 0.8 pm, b 757.3 ± 0.8 pm and, c ,= 453.2 ± 0.6 pm * Tetragonal AmBr2: a 1159.2 ± 0.4 and c 712.1 ± 0.3 pm. They
  43. For the most part, established their reputations in the early to mid-1970s; and, c ,) other Asian dire c tors. Ingram Bergman c alled his own film The Virgin Spring "
  44. B 757.3 ± 0.8 pm and c = 453.2 ± 0.6 pm * Tetragonal AmBr2: a 1159.2 ± 0.4 and, c ,712.1 ± 0.3 pm. They c an also be prepared by rea c ting metalli c ameri c ium with
  45. Neq (\DEC a \times \DEC b) \times \DEC c \squad \box \DEC a, \DEC b, \DEC, c ,\in \mathbb^3: :\NE \squad \box, y,z\in\math \box\NE z.:: (A\ba c kslash
  46. Root of 2). *The quadrati c c urds (roots of a quadrati c polynomial ax^2 + bx +, c ,with integer c oeffi c ients a, b,and c ) are algebrai c numbers. If the quadrati c
  47. From Fren c h, English,Greek and Latin. This is usually be c ause words that had ‹, c ,› and ‹ c h › in the original Dut c h are spelled with ‹ k › and ‹ g ›
  48. A \times (\DEC b \times \DEC c ) \new (\DEC a \times \DEC b) \times \DEC, c ,\squad \box \DEC a, \DEC b, \DEC c \in \mathbb^3: :\NE \squad \box, y
  49. To (7.5 ± 0.2)/°C along the shorter an axis and (6.2 ± 0.4)/°C for the longer, c ,hexagonal axis. Chemi c al properties Ameri c ium readily rea c ts with oxygen and
  50. Find the farm buildings, the large granary and threshing-floor (a),mills (, c ,), malthouse (d). Fa c ing the west are the stables (e),ox-sheds (f)

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