Examples of the the word, bike , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bike ), is the 3186 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Groups because of their convenience,Amsterdam's small size, the 400 km of, bike ,paths, the flat terrain, and the arguable inconvenience of driving an
  2. 23 in the east, and the city's southern areas. The city also has a system of, bike ,routes and paths and includes the nearly complete Washtenaw County
  3. Persons addressed" as in," It's four kilometers away, eh,so I have to go by, bike , " In that case, eh? Is used to confirm the attention of the listener and to
  4. Estimated that Berlin has 710 bicycles per 1000 residents. Around 500,000 daily, bike ,riders accounted for 13 % of total traffic in 2009. Riders have access to of
  5. Separate grid of arterial streets for bicycles, called Bicycle Boulevards, with, bike , lanes and lower amounts of car traffic than the major streets they often
  6. Slot, just like caddies in a supermarket. The coin can be retrieved when the, bike ,is returned. Notable people Politics * Send Aiken, minister of labor
  7. Is preparing to embark on construction of several new bike paths and street, bike ,lanes thanks to a $25 million grant from the federal government. The city is
  8. And is now hosted on an MVS mainframe running ALCS. A bicycle, also known as a, bike , push bike or cycle, is a human-powered, pedal-driven,single-track vehicle
  9. Near the University Hospital complex, contains sports fields, pedestrian and, bike ,paths, and swimming pools. Nichols Arboretum, operated by the University of
  10. Route around Cape Town. The BSA Cape Epic is the largest full-service mountain, bike ,stage race in the world. Some notable events hosted by Cape Town have included
  11. And biking. Columbia also is preparing to embark on construction of several new, bike ,paths and street bike lanes thanks to a $25 million grant from the federal
  12. Known for its M. K. T. Spur of the Katy Trail State Park, which allows foot and, bike ,traffic across the city, and,conceivably, the state. It consists of a soft
  13. Became available many years ago. Since the advent of the more robust mountain, bike , trails in more rugged and wild places have been developed for them. Some of
  14. For bicycling (In their words, for " lousy roads, scarce and unconnected, bike ,lanes and bike -friendly gestures from City Hall that go nowhere—such as hiring
  15. And neighboring areas, providing exercise and wilderness access on foot and, bike , Beyond Athens and across the county a great variety of outdoor activities are
  16. Of June, the Days of Honor (DNI Chojnowa) are celebrated. The Whole-Poland, bike ,race Masters has been organized yearly in Honor for the past few years.
  17. Are also open to bicyclists, of combined pedestrian/ bike paths and of marked, bike ,lanes on the sidewalks. Energy Berlin's energy is mainly supplied by the
  18. Terrain, intact urban neighborhoods, large student population, and off-road, bike ,paths. The city has recently put forth the 2012 Bicentennial Bike ways Plan as
  19. Are changed for time trial races, using aero bars. In the past decade, mountain, bike , racing has also reached international popularity and is even an Olympic sport.
  20. Frequently inclement weather. The new Main Street Bridge features a dedicated, bike ,and pedestrian lane separated from traffic, as will the Rich Street Bridge when
  21. Riders accounted for 13 % of total traffic in 2009. Riders have access to of, bike ,paths including approx. mandatory bicycle paths, off-road bicycle routes, of
  22. With the Somerville Community Path. Bike parking is common and there are, bike ,lanes on many streets, although concerns have been expressed regarding the
  23. With a gateway to Asia.; Cycling Berlin is well known for its highly developed, bike ,(cycle) lane system. It is estimated that Berlin has 710 bicycles per 1000
  24. Opportunities for joggers and bicyclists have been developed. Cross-country, bike ,touring has been popular since the ten-speed bike became available many years
  25. Such as the Netherlands, where cycling is popular, cyclists sometimes ride in, bike ,lanes at the side of, or separate from, main highways and roads. Many primary
  26. Commuters often use bicycles as elements of a mixed-mode commute, where the, bike ,is used to travel to and from train stations or other forms of rapid transit.
  27. Seat tube was added, creating the double-triangle diamond frame of the modern, bike , Further innovations increased comfort and ushered in a second bicycle craze
  28. Which make up cycling's Grand Tours. Recumbent bicycles were banned from, bike ,races in 1934 after Marcel Berthed set a new hour record in his Melody
  29. Cycling movement oppose segregated public facilities, such as on-street, bike ,lanes, on principle. Some groups offer training courses to help cyclists
  30. For his formidable fighting abilities, his weapon of choice being a length of, bike ,chain. He later becomes a police officer, exacting his revenge on Alex for the
  31. And crank set teeth. Kick stands keep a bicycle upright when parked, while a, bike ,lock will help prevent it from being stolen. Front-mounted baskets for carrying
  32. From 2004. Colorado Governor Bill Ritter commented:“ As an avid fisherman and, bike ,rider, I know first-hand that Colorado provides a great environment for active
  33. Line was extended to Alewife in the early 1980s. Cycling Cambridge has several, bike ,paths, including one along the Charles River, and the Linear Park connecting
  34. A new bicycle can range from US$50 to more than US$20,000 (the highest priced, bike ,in the world is the custom Malone by Damien First, sold at $500,000 USD)
  35. Is the fastest link between the two Danish capitals. Aarhus also has a free, bike ,sharing system, Århus Buckler. The bicycles are available from 1 April to 30
  36. Of bicycle culture with good facilities for cyclists such as bike paths and, bike ,racks, and several guarded bike storage garages (Fietsenstalling) which can
  37. Paths including approx. mandatory bicycle paths, off-road bicycle routes, of, bike , lanes on the roads, of shared bus lanes which are also open to bicyclists, of
  38. Been developed. Cross-country bike touring has been popular since the ten-speed, bike ,became available many years ago. Since the advent of the more robust mountain
  39. Colorado Springs has many features of a modern urban area, such as parks, bike ,trails, and urban open-area spaces. However, it is not exempt from problems
  40. Race bike cannot weigh less than 6.8 kg (14.99 lbs). Being measured for a, bike ,and taking it for a test ride are recommended before buying. The drivetrain
  41. Menu ID MTYxNw&LangId 1 UCI regulations stipulates a legal race, bike ,cannot weigh less than 6.8 kg (14.99 lbs). Being measured for a bike and
  42. Have a frame with upright seating which looks much like the first chain-driven, bike , Such upright bicycles almost always feature the diamond frame, a truss
  43. Bow. There have also been summer competitions in roller-ski biathlon, mountain, bike , biathlon and orienteering biathlon. Primitive Biathlon uses snowshoes and
  44. Affords an opportunity to experience the use of smear holds while only a short, bike ,ride away, Boulder Canyon provides Schawangunk-like edging on gray rock with
  45. And bike -friendly gestures from City Hall that go nowhere—such as hiring a, bike ,coordinator in 2001,only to cut the position two years later" ), it has
  46. Facilities for cyclists such as bike paths and bike racks, and several guarded, bike ,storage garages (Fietsenstalling) which can be used for a nominal fee. In
  47. Regarding the suitability of many of the lanes. On several central MIT streets, bike ,lanes transfer onto the sidewalk. Cambridge bans cycling on certain sections of
  48. For a test ride are recommended before buying. The drivetrain components of the, bike ,should also be considered. A middle grade derailleur is sufficient for a
  49. And is a center of bicycle culture with good facilities for cyclists such as, bike ,paths and bike racks, and several guarded bike storage garages (
  50. Bikes tend to have a more upright shape and a shorter wheelbase, which make the, bike ,more mobile but harder to ride slowly. The design, coupled with low or dropped

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