Examples of the the word, antique , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antique ), is the 5797 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Walk is held in old town Eureka. Visitors use this night to tour the numerous, antique ,shops within walking distance of one another. Also, within walking distance
  2. Antique Rolex. In fact, it is a fake one and worth £50. If it had been a genuine, antique ,Rolex, it would be worth £500. Neal is in breach of contract and could be sued.
  3. The Virgin Mary was derived from the image of Isis and her child Horus:" The, antique ,model for the Madonna, actually,is Isis with Horus at her breast ". Love
  4. Bear more connections to the icons of Christ in majesty than to modern (or, antique ,) conceptions of portraiture. Charlemagne in later imagery (as in the Durer
  5. Of a Judge Wilhelm (called B),both found accidentally by Eremite in an, antique ,writing desk. An additional layer to the book includes the famous Seducer's
  6. Coin-operated. Formerly, tables were common, but such tables are now considered, antique ,collectors items; a few, usually from the late 19th century, can be found in
  7. Flint glassware with heavy lead content, produced by that company, is prized by, antique ,glass collectors. There is none on public display in Cambridge, but there is a
  8. Further in popularity. The market for coins expanded to include, not only, antique ,coins, but foreign or otherwise exotic currency. Coins shows, trade
  9. The fin (s) and the shape of the fin are also clues to its type. If it is an, antique ,or light aircraft it might have a tail wheel. Some aircraft types have a fixed
  10. Breughel's landscape paintings and Lambert Lombard's representation of the, antique , Though the Baroque style of Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony van Deck flourished
  11. Forest, hidden passages and abbey dungeons,“ without exclaiming, ‘ How these, antique ,towers and vacant courts/ chill the suspended soul, till expectation wears the
  12. Brick buildings and main street currently offer several tourist, boutique,and, antique ,shops. Latter 20th century military boom Colorado Springs saw its first
  13. Novels, which Emperor called" the encyclopedia of the new cult of the, antique ," in the late 18th century. It had an impact on the growth of philhellenism in
  14. Weaving. Place or period of origin African trade beads or slave beads may be, antique ,beads that were manufactured in Europe and used for trade during the colonial
  15. Of the Uyghur Empire. Neoplatonism and Gnosticism Historical relations between, antique ,Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism The earliest origins of Gnosticism are still
  16. Attempted" an effort towards conciliation, even affiliation" with late, antique ,philosophy, and were rebuffed by some Neoplatonists, including Platinum.
  17. And also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain, antique ,gemstones, called on that account Abraham stones, which were used as amulets or
  18. B > p, t > SS). The Batavian myth In the 16th-century invention of a suitably, antique ,origin myth for the Dutch people that would be expressive of their
  19. Success many pirated editions were also produced in Lyons and elsewhere. Today, antique ,books printed by the Aldine Press in Venice are referred to as Alpines. Initial
  20. Protanopia (The first thought in three forms). Criticism of Gnosticism by, antique ,Greek Philosophy As a pagan mystic Platinum considered his opponents heretics
  21. A previously proposed redevelopment plan. Local Economy Eureka is known for its, antique ,shopping. Once a year the candlelight walk is held in old town Eureka. Visitors
  22. Entire families or horses and riders, all with fully beaded regalia. The, antique ,Venetian beads she uses can as small as size 22°,about the size of a grain of
  23. As an example, Neal sells Mary a watch for £100. Neal tells Mary it is an, antique ,Rolex. In fact, it is a fake one and worth £50. If it had been a genuine antique
  24. This article, but instead use smokeless powder. Antique firearms or replicas of, antique ,firearms are often used with black powder substitute. Such substitutes are
  25. Also implemented to prevent the door from skewing. On some doors, especially, antique , ones,the battens are replaced with iron bars that are often built into the
  26. She bought or managed, making sure that each farm house had in it a piece of, antique ,Lakeland furniture. Beatrix was interested in preserving not only the Herd wick
  27. At school, had become passionate enthusiasts for liberty ". Likewise, no other, antique ,personality has inspired venomous dislike as Cicero especially in more modern
  28. Have also included Camilla. *The story of Camilla is illustrated using old, antique ,etchings by Tiffing Electra X in the book In This House: A Collection of
  29. Cardinal Scipione Borges, the papal nephew. His first works were inspired by, antique ,Hellenistic sculpture. Rise to master sculptor Under the patronage of the
  30. Intended meaning. For example, in German: Old timer refers to an old car (or, antique ,aircraft) rather than an old person, while Handy refers to a mobile phone.
  31. To men fully dressed in the clothing of the time, rather than in robes of the, antique ,world. John Singer Sargent's Madame Pierre Gateau (Madam X) (1884)
  32. Of Copenhagen, where he began his education by making copies of casts from, antique ,sculptures before proceeding to drawing from life. Living in Copenhagen
  33. Labor Day celebrations and Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix, which is a race for, antique ,cars. A historical green space in the northeastern part of the city is
  34. Retail market (also in the town hall car park); 3rd Sunday of the month –, antique ,fair; 2nd Saturday – craft fair. Culture * Abergavenny hosted the National
  35. Extends the state's gun ban to include all handguns—except, antique ,and show weapons. *2002 – Second Congo War: The Congolese parties of to Inter
  36. Popular products exported from the country. Other products include handcrafted, antique ,replicas as well as leather and furs. Afghanistan is endowed with a wealth of
  37. Allowing more thorough research to be conducted into the culture of the, antique ,world. In addition, the arts benefited from the patronage of such influential
  38. Arm attached to a chess board, as well as a vintage-looking computer with, antique ,wood, and a converted typewriter as a keyboard. In addition, DEKA has recently
  39. Yielding a redder color. Eighteen-carat gold containing 25 % copper is found in, antique ,and Russian jewelry and has a distinct, though not dominant, copper cast
  40. Stocks, are rare. A list of firearms not covered by the NFA due to their, antique ,status may be found here http://www.atf.gov/firearms/curios/sec3a.htm or due to
  41. Works there survives a Mass in C major written without a" Gloria" and in the, antique ,a cappella style (presumably for one of the church’s penitential seasons) and
  42. Been well documented in interviews with Thornton; among This is a phobia of, antique ,furniture—a disorder shared by Dwight Yoakam's character Doyle Hargreaves in
  43. Young and Nadia Kali. Bibliography * Camera Benedick, Chronique d’one cite, antique , days Alger. Lumiere SUR la Villa, Actes Du colloquy de l’ESAU 4-6 Mai 200l
  44. Old, heavy-ass forks and knives, I can't do that. It's the same thing as the, antique ,furniture. I just don't like old stuff. I'm creeped out by it, and I have no
  45. In a 1994 interview, Pamela DES Barres likened Love to" Iggy Pop in a shredded, antique ,wedding dress," or" a female Lou Reed who screams like Even. " Writer
  46. Sources The classic view of Domitian is usually negative, since most of the, antique ,sources were related to the Senatorial or aristocratic class, with which
  47. Abraham for Basilicas is not clear. The word Abraham was engraved on certain, antique ,gemstones, called on that account Abraham stones, which may have been used as
  48. Work, written in only two months, it is remarkable in sustaining a late, antique ,modal atmosphere that otherwise was touched only in relatively short piano
  49. Solids exhibit rigidity on most experimental time scales. Behavior of, antique ,glass The observation that old windows are sometimes found to be thicker at the
  50. And quality has an excellent reputation. Vintage beads, in the collectibles and, antique ,market, refers to an item that are at 25 or more years old. Vintage beads are

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