Examples of the the word, overwhelm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overwhelm ), is the 5800 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of increasing ICBM numbers meant the numbers of interceptors needed grew to, overwhelm ,any possible launch capability. However, the introduction of the laser in the
  2. The Soviet Union's missiles (since the USSR had more than enough missiles to, overwhelm ,any American defense),but rather against the potential nuclear threat of the
  3. 10-14) of new hardened high-re-entry-speed reentry vehicles that could, overwhelm ,Soviet defenses by sheer weight of numbers, and its high speed after re-entry.
  4. By high-level ability to control and in its absence by a low-level ability to, overwhelm , Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. " The U. S. Government was
  5. If properly used, however,their numbers could help the Continental armies, overwhelm ,smaller British forces, as at the battles of Concord, Bennington and Saratoga
  6. World War I idea of grouping several submarines together into a" Wolfpack" to, overwhelm ,a merchant convoy's defensive escorts. Implementation of wolf packs had been
  7. Using them to repel the attackers. Rarely, large killer whale pods can, overwhelm ,even adult female sperm whales. Adult bull sperm whales, which are large
  8. Of high glycemic index and processed foods into the human diet may potentially, overwhelm ,the body's ability to maintain homeostasis and health (as evidenced by the
  9. From the computer game StarCraft--used when a raid's main strategy is to, overwhelm ,an enemy by sheer force of numbers. Monsters are sometimes called mobs, a
  10. Turns a deep red when fully ripe. It is edible, with an acidic taste that can, overwhelm ,its sweetness. Cranberries are a major commercial crop in certain American
  11. Malthus didn't provide any evidence of a natural tendency for a population to, overwhelm ,its ability to provide for itself. George wrote that even the main body of
  12. Declares himself King of Jerusalem during the Sixth Crusade. *1241 – Mongols, overwhelm ,Polish armies in Kraków in the Battle of Chmielnik and plunder the city. *1314
  13. And aircraft, to create an overwhelm ing local superiority in combat power, to, overwhelm , an enemy and break through its lines. Blitzkrieg as used by Germany had
  14. I of England. The killer acting according to" Edward's secret desire to, overwhelm ,and control Scotland ". Doherty suggests that the personal relations of the two
  15. A story will link to a server causing a large surge of traffic, which can, overwhelm ,some smaller or independent sites. This phenomenon is known as the" Slashdot
  16. And an improved query engine. By 1993 the great number of users began to, overwhelm ,the project with requests for support and features. After releasing version 4 —
  17. Merlot tends not to go well with strong and blue veined cheeses that can, overwhelm ,the fruit flavors of the wine. The capsaicins of spicy foods can accentuate the
  18. Of siege warfare where large numbers of usually reluctant draftees were sent to, overwhelm ,opponents. The Spaniards had developed one of the finest military machines in
  19. Destroy, and claimed that the Soviets could easily use thousands of decoys to, overwhelm ,it during a nuclear attack. He believed that the only way to stop the threat of
  20. Most, Muslims to the Wahhabist interpretation of Islam, it has done much to, overwhelm ,more moderate local interpretations, and has set the Saudi-interpretation of
  21. In any case, analogous to the way modern man-made pollution may potentially, overwhelm ,the environment's ability to maintain homeostasis, the recent explosive
  22. Strains of people (who would normally be filtered out of the gene pool) to, overwhelm ,the" superior" strains, and voluntary corrective measures would be desirable
  23. And long fast forced marches, including the ability to sprint to close and, overwhelm ,opposing positions and archers. In essence, the range of their counter-weighted
  24. Century, growing democratization of political and social life threatened to, overwhelm ,the monarchy. The call for universal suffrage became the main rallying cry. In
  25. In relation to networking systems, and the disadvantages in performance came to, overwhelm ,the advantages in development terms. Many attempts were made to adapt the
  26. Canada. The CRTC argues that allowing free trade in television stations would, overwhelm ,the smaller Canadian market, preventing it from upholding its responsibility to
  27. Threatened, and fully-grown adult blue whales, who are possibly too large to, overwhelm , are not believed to be predated by killer whales. Other marine mammal prey
  28. A firearm. This increase in mortality, he postulated, was large enough to, overwhelm ,any protective effect the presence of a gun might have by deterring or
  29. Is used with literal and figurative meanings such as" sink "," disable ",", overwhelm ,"," go under "," overborne "," draw from a bowl" ), lexical sources
  30. Clavulanic acid, a beta-lactamase inhibitor. The clavulanic acid is designed to, overwhelm ,all beta-lactamase enzymes, bind irreversibly to them, and effectively serve as
  31. Of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec. In Europe, repeated French attempts to, overwhelm ,Hanover failed. In 1762 Russia, France and Austria were on the verge of
  32. Of the unwanted signals are much stronger than the desired signal, they will, overwhelm ,it. This leads to a general requirement in any asynchronous CDMA system to
  33. Or compiled. If the command is called often, the resulting workload can quickly, overwhelm ,the web server. The overhead involved in interpretation may be reduced by using
  34. For terrorism and it was decided not to include drug trafficking as this might, overwhelm ,the Court's limited resources. India lobbied to have the use of nuclear
  35. Is made glorious with the name of Christ! With what reproaches will the Lord, overwhelm ,us if you do not aid those who, with us, profess the Christian religion! Let
  36. May have little impact on flooding in the case of large rainfall events, which, overwhelm , the storage capacity of forest soil if the soils are at or close to saturation.
  37. Of the power of the immediate social situation, and its capacity to, overwhelm ,normal personality traits. Academic journals Suleiman I (;, Sultān Suleiman
  38. Again, but floodwaters controlled by Elton, master of Riven dell, rise up and, overwhelm ,them, saving the company. Frodo recovers in Riven dell under the care of Elton.
  39. To resources, but are accordingly weaker, relying on sheer numbers and speed to, overwhelm ,enemies. The Terran's provide a middle ground between the other two races
  40. And macroeconomics. Under Keynesian economics macroeconomic trends can, overwhelm ,economic choices made by individuals. Governments should promote aggregate
  41. Predictions in the late 1960s suggested that growth in electricity demand would, overwhelm ,these downward pricing pressures, leading most designers to introduce plants in
  42. This time the Prussians were able to storm the great Bavarian battery, and, overwhelm , the guns' crews. Beyond the village,Scholten's Danes defeated the French
  43. i.e. when they are born). Once in the body, our passions have a tendency to, overwhelm ,our reason. According to Process, philosophy is the activity which can liberate
  44. Fidel Castro's 26 July movement, heavily reinforced by Frank Pies Militia, overwhelm ,an army post in El Very. *1961 – Peter Benenson's article The Forgotten
  45. On one's amount of experience playing the game, and the role of experience may, overwhelm ,the role of intelligence. Chess experts are estimated to have in excess of
  46. Collins and his commanders were able to build up an army which was able to, overwhelm ,their opponents in the field. British supplies of artillery, aircraft,armored
  47. Of by 1944. After the Allied landings at Normandy, Germany made attempts to, overwhelm ,the landing force with armored attacks, but these failed for lack of
  48. Involves the urea cycle, which is located in the liver and can easily, overwhelm ,the capacity of an already damaged organ. The resulting liver failure can be
  49. In the Lords in 1832. The Prime Minister, Earl Grey, then advised the King to, overwhelm ,the opposition to the bill in the House of Lords by creating about 80 new
  50. While doing so other teams would attempt to fire at the target in order to, overwhelm ,the Russians' ability to effectively counter the attack. To further increase

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