Examples of the the word, voucher , in a Sentence Context

The word ( voucher ), is the 5790 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Threatening its funding and enrollment. History The oldest continuing school, voucher ,programs existing today in the United States are the Town Auditioning programs
  2. Schools outside the traditional Milwaukee Public School system. In fact, if the, voucher ,program alone were considered a school district, it would mark the
  3. Of voucher s that represents potential shares in any state-owned company. The, voucher ,holders could then invest their voucher s, increasing the capital base of the
  4. School on behalf of the parents, this is usually referred to as a voucher . A, voucher ,is given to the family for them to spend at any school of their choice. Tuition
  5. Referendum before it took effect. On April 27, 2011 Indiana passed a statewide, voucher ,program, the largest in the U. S. It offers up to $4,500 to students with
  6. Of Islamic schools is putting the issue back into the spotlight, though. Any, voucher ,proposals in the Netherlands, and countries with similar systems such as
  7. With special needs. Another argument against the implementation of a school, voucher ,system is its lack of accountability to the taxpayer. In many states, members
  8. Privately segregated schools, known as segregation academies. Today, all modern, voucher ,programs prohibit racial discrimination. Definitions There are important
  9. The award includes a cash prize of €5,000 and a Bluetooth Qualification Program, voucher ,(DID) valued at up to US$ 10,000. Saxon’s winning idea, The Fit Companion
  10. Conference of State Legislatures,76 % of the money handed out for Arizona’s, voucher ,program has gone to children already in private schools. Research has shown
  11. Himself, that player would have a Susan number of 1. And so on. A school, voucher , also called an education voucher , is a certificate issued by the government
  12. In deprived areas ". Implementations Chile In Chile, there is an extensive, voucher ,system in which the State pays private and municipal schools directly based on
  13. Schools nor elementary schools, students in these towns" are eligible for a, voucher ,to attend either public schools in other towns or non-religious private schools
  14. Clause of the First Amendment. As a result, states are basically free to enact, voucher ,programs that provide funding for any school of the parent's choosing. The
  15. To become concentrated within the public school system. Of the ten existing, voucher ,programs, however,four are targeted to low-income students, two are targeted
  16. To a private school on behalf of the parents, this is usually referred to as a, voucher , A voucher is given to the family for them to spend at any school of their
  17. Then public schools. Given the limited budget for schools, it is claimed that a, voucher ,system would weaken public schools while at the same time not necessarily
  18. State school to which their child is assigned. An alternative to the education, voucher ,is the education tax credit, which allows individuals to use their own money to
  19. Placed on the California ballot as Proposition 38. It was unusual among school, voucher ,proposals in that it required neither accreditation on the part of schools
  20. Opinion or don't understand the system of school voucher s. In November 2000,a, voucher ,system proposed by Tim Draper was placed on the California ballot as
  21. Vouchers, including the Sutherland Institute and many supporters of the Utah, voucher ,effort, see it as a remedy for the negative cultural impact caused by
  22. Precedents for voucher s may have been set by the G. I. bill, which includes a, voucher ,program for university-level education of veterans. The G. I. bill permits
  23. Region affected by Hurricane Katrina. The Federal government also provides a, voucher ,program for 7,500 residents of Washington’D. C. - the D. C. Opportunity
  24. And that the so-called effect of cream skimming did not exist in any of the, voucher ,districts examined. Hoxby's research has found that both private and public
  25. Have enacted voucher laws. In New Mexico, Republican Gary Johnson made school, voucher ,provision the major issue of his second term as Governor. As of 2006,the
  26. Tsang's proposal is properly structured. " He said that the whole point of a, voucher ,system is to provide a competitive marketplace so shouldn't be limited to
  27. Of race, gender,religion, disability,etc. Thus, it has been argued that a, voucher ,system would lead students who do not belong to a preferred religious or ethnic
  28. School voucher s, however,Milwaukee residents pay more in property taxes for, voucher ,students than for students attending public schools. This imbalance has
  29. A Susan number of 1. And so on. A school voucher , also called an education, voucher , is a certificate issued by the government, which parents can apply toward
  30. Proposals designed to alter the formula. Legal challenges The school, voucher ,question in the United States has also received a considerable amount of
  31. 2003) which concluded that schools facing a greater degree of threat from, voucher ,competition made significantly better improvements than similar schools facing
  32. Sector and has privatized most state-owned heavy industries through the, voucher ,privatization system. Under the system, every citizen was given the opportunity
  33. According to Susanne Cyborg, an expert on comparative education,Sweden's, voucher ,system introduced in 1992 has" augmented social and ethnic segregation
  34. Students who they feel would disrupt the learning environment, and opponents of, voucher ,programs argue that this would leave such students under a system of de facto
  35. Themselves a separate type of school). There is no such thing as a separate ", voucher ,school ". * Charter schools are publicly funded schools which operate in the
  36. Are more likely to support voucher s. Some state legislatures have enacted, voucher ,laws. In New Mexico, Republican Gary Johnson made school voucher provision the
  37. Comprehensive tax credit program. Controversy Proponents assert that, voucher ,and tax credit systems promote free market competition among schools of all
  38. And obtain a certificate in Education. Also, there are some restrictions on the, voucher ,system. Parents can only choose those non-profit-making with yearly fee less
  39. For a more detailed discussion, see Hooker in 'Bibliography '. Hong Kong A, voucher ,system for children three to six years-old who attend a non-profit kindergarten
  40. Secure enrollment or unable to cover costs in addition to the voucher s. Under, voucher ,programs, private schools may be able to reject students who are expensive to
  41. The United States change its public education system by implementing a school, voucher ,system which would allow parents to send their children to either public or
  42. Voucher plan constitutional and removed any constitutional barriers to similar, voucher ,plans in the future, with moderate justices Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day
  43. Term as Governor. As of 2006,the federal government operates the largest, voucher ,program, for evacuees from the region affected by Hurricane Katrina. The
  44. In performance between public and private subsectors is not significant. The, voucher ,system in Chile has been controversial and has led to periodic mass protests
  45. By a final percentage tally of 70.6 to 29.4. A state-wide universal school, voucher ,system providing a maximum tuition subsidy of $3000 was passed in Utah in 2007
  46. Choice among public and charter schools (tricolor) in the community. The, voucher ,is 'virtual' and worth the average cost for a place at a public school.
  47. St. Anthony Catholic School, located on Milwaukee's south side, boasts 966, voucher , students,meaning that it very likely receives more public money for general
  48. Skills from handling money to farming, or other desirable loci. Supporters of, voucher ,models school choice argue that choice creates competition between schools for
  49. In Sweden, the 1991-1994 center-right government under Carl MILDT introduced a, voucher ,system at primary and secondary school level, enabling free choice among public
  50. In which the divided court, in a 5-4 decision, ruled the Ohio school, voucher ,plan constitutional and removed any constitutional barriers to similar voucher

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