Examples of the the word, unfair , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unfair ), is the 4341 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Croatia),Sharia (Croatia/Bosnia) and Arena (Russia). Also, it would be, unfair ,not to mention some talented composers such as More Novković, Esad
  2. Of personal fulfillment in an intellectual field where his abilities give no, unfair ,competition to his colleagues beyond typing extraordinarily fast. Following One
  3. Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits, unfair ,or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the
  4. The U. S." The Federal Trade Commission, to prevent deception of customers and, unfair ,competition, considers an unqualified claim of" American Made" to expressly
  5. Has placed tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber because of what it argues is an, unfair ,Canadian government subsidy, a claim which Canada disputes. The dispute has
  6. Moses, Jim,out of friendship, bets heavily on Joe. The match is manifestly, unfair ,; Moses not only wins but kills Joe in knocking him out. Scene 16: Drinking. In
  7. Vocabulary is difficult for many Asians, among others, and give an, unfair ,advantage to speakers of European languages. Attempts to address the" not
  8. May use discretion in calling fouls (for example, by considering whether an, unfair ,advantage was gained),sometimes making fouls controversial calls or no-calls.
  9. The time and we can't put the clock back, his treatment was of course utterly, unfair ,and I am pleased to have the chance to say how deeply sorry I, and we all are
  10. Commission used routinely by the Bureau of Competition to investigate alleged, unfair ,methods of competition and other antitrust violations. Media * C. I. D. (1955
  11. That gives great presidential weight to common law, on the principle that it is, unfair ,to treat similar facts differently on different occasions. The body of
  12. To deceive, mislead,or defraud others of their legal rights, or to gain an, unfair ,advantage * Conspiracy (crime),an agreement between persons to break the law
  13. Code, which simply states:" No member of the Caltech community shall take, unfair ,advantage of any other member of the Caltech community. " This is enforced by a
  14. Yet again, and ENI is named as the culprit. ENI explains that ENIL is, unfair ,to punish the guiltless, and the gods institute measures to ensure that
  15. Ruled against a complaint made by Sky News that the publicly funded channel was, unfair ,and illegal under EU law. The Commission ruled that the license fee should be
  16. Assembly in national elections, but rivals contend that these have been, unfair , Freedom House ranks Cameroon as" not free" in terms of political rights and
  17. Vote open and fair while the OSCE and other organizations called the election, unfair , In December 2010,Lukashenko was elected to a fourth straight term with nearly
  18. Over the state aid they receive with opponents claiming this gives them an, unfair ,advantage. ) There is a recent trend towards multi-denominational schools
  19. Argued that the Chinese yuan was significantly undervalued, giving China an, unfair ,trade advantage. Xenophobic attitudes often target Chinese minorities and
  20. To operate and extends the time taken to hear cases #Jury service imposes an, unfair ,economic and mental burden on those chosen to serve #Competence of
  21. Had breached their salary cap restrictions for the year, thus gaining an, unfair ,advantage over other teams. Other notable meetings between the two clubs
  22. Over the game also led to problems for fans of D&D who faced social ostracism, unfair ,treatment, and false association with the occult and Satanism, regardless of an
  23. Claimed, that as they were Englishmen, that taxation without representation was, unfair , The American colonists formed a unifying Continental Congress and a shadow
  24. Breeds than hounds. Unfortunately the publicity given to this report has led to, unfair ,denigration of breeds which are under-represented in obedience clubs and poorly
  25. Bias or abuse) # age discrimination (authority based upon age) # nepotism (, unfair ,control by family members; also known as" empire building" ) # political
  26. Worsened after Cicero made it clear that he felt Antony to be taking, unfair ,liberties in interpreting Caesar's wishes and intentions. When Octavian
  27. This movement, but it is increasingly difficult to meet the argument that it is, unfair ,to ask the British taxpayer, already overwhelmed with taxation, to bear the
  28. International law and 50 % international politics "," blatantly biased and, unfair ,"," a total disaster ", and a" complete fraud ". The Nigerian newspaper The
  29. Neo-evangelicalism (in the 1950s) was post-fundamentalist. It would not be, unfair ,to call it postmodern evangelicalism. " While the North American perception is
  30. Under pressure from US embassy officials, and so it was denounced as being, unfair ,by the Reagan administration. Reagan thus maintained that he was justified to
  31. Forcibly recircumcised by his father and community leaders. He laid a charge of, unfair ,discrimination on the grounds of his religious beliefs, seeking an apology from
  32. And so lost their heads in the excitement as to give the Western men a very, unfair ,reception. " In 1869,the Red Stockings posted a perfect 57-0 record, so far
  33. What cannot be called" synthetic" stone. The FTC says:" § 23.23 (c) It is, unfair ,or deceptive to use the word" laboratory-grown,"" laboratory-created," "
  34. Categories outright, as they found this arbitrary classification unreasonable, unfair ,and unacceptable. This newly frozen materialization of caste created a growing
  35. Celebrations. As the years went on and American life continued to be deeply, unfair ,towards blacks, cynicism towards Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation
  36. Damaging witness in the eyes of the jury without appearing to be doing so in an, unfair ,way. Typically, the cross-examiner must appear friendly, talk softly and
  37. Ann Curry questioned whether Letterman's affairs with subordinates created an, unfair ,working environment. A spokesman for Worldwide Pants said that the company's
  38. And athlete, though he gives up the latter, believing his powers give him an, unfair ,advantage. Due to his powers, by the time he graduates from high school
  39. During a House hearing on transatlantic relations, Rohrabacher stated that the, unfair ,treatment of one innocent suspect is an acceptable" unfortunate consequence "
  40. A public conduit for anger against perceived nepotism in the government,the, unfair ,dismissal and early death of HU, and the behind-the-scenes role of the" old
  41. Father of Monetarism, contended that some concerns of trade deficits are, unfair ,criticisms in an attempt to push macroeconomic policies favorable to exporting
  42. The crews of both HMS Lyme and HMS Pearl. Maynard thought this extremely, unfair ,as Captain Brand and his troops had not been the ones fighting for their lives.
  43. Strongly criticized the World Trade Organization, saying that its policies were, unfair ,to small countries like Fiji. " WTO is trying to impose equality of trade in an
  44. Elizabeth on similar grounds,Raleigh's verdict has more often been judged, unfair , Elizabeth had good reason not to place too much trust in her commanders, who
  45. Coordinated. Criticisms of capitalism Critics of capitalism associate it with:, unfair ,distribution of wealth and power; a tendency toward market monopoly or
  46. Continued. According to some organizations and countries, elections have been, unfair , and political opponents have been violently suppressed. In 2000,Belarus and
  47. Terrorism and other criminal elements. These stereotypes are considered, unfair ,by many Colombians. The Colombian government funded the" Colombia BS Passion "
  48. And even enjoyment therefrom, while dictator tends to imply more harshness or, unfair ,implementation of law. History In its classical form, despotism is a state
  49. And point out that such a hostile attitude towards Athanasius is based on an, unfair ,judgment of historical sources. Many Christian denominations revere Athanasius
  50. One-party control of public TV and radio, repression of independent media, unfair ,electoral regulations, a judiciary that is not fully independent, and lack of

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