Examples of the the word, u , in a Sentence Context

The word ( u ), is the 2491 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shows that long before Satavahanas, a legendary king named Andhra Vi? H?, u ,r u led in and aro u nd the Diviseema region of Andhra Pradesh. After his reign
  2. Systematizing nomenclat u re by u sing the whole seq u ence of vowels a, e,i, o and, u ,to create s u ffixes -ANE,-ENE,-INE (or -one),-one,-one, for the
  3. At zero is conventional. So for all nonzero points on the real n u mber line, :, u , ( x) = \franc. \, The absol u te val u e f u nction has no concavity at any point
  4. By a parametric c u rve \DEC u (t) (x (t),y (t) ) with endpoints \DEC, u ,(t_0) \DEC u (t_1) is given by the line integrals:: \point_^ x \dot y \, dt
  5. Is prono u nced in, the name of God, q. e. Allah, when the word follows a, ā, u , or ū (after i or ī it is velarized: bismi l–LAH). Some speakers velarize
  6. Hellman proposed the q u ark model in 1964 (containing originally only the, u , d, and s q u arks). The s u ccess of the isospin model is now u nderstood to be
  7. Shikok u ? Am, Krishna District. The lord of the temple is known as Andhra Vi? H?, u ,or Shikok u ? Andhra Vi? H? u . The Ma u ryan extended their r u le over Andhra in
  8. However, when he relates it to a particle of mass m moving at a velocity, u ,which is the res u lt of a frictional force governed by Stokes's law, he finds:
  9. Of the alpha (4 u ) divided by the weight of the parent (typically abo u t 200, u , ) times the total energy of the alpha. By some estimates, this might acco u nt
  10. We Gain Los" ( we're going crazy) with Kepi, and " Was Will JE Does" ( What, u ,going to do? ). The D u tch hip hop scene is ro u ghly divided by 17 of the
  11. I sir host blot an mi f u ll. Ellar had i her RI inner. Sir. En Sheri ING had, u ,minor blot an me file i. mate. OC m u lti. S u m Haiti SU NASTAR. I et air SU u
  12. Title, as in the S u merian LEGAL I. EN. GI RKI URUK or Akkadian SAR mat H u meri, u ,Akkad, translating to" king of S u mmer and Akkad ". This title was ass u med by
  13. Isospin model is now u nderstood to be the res u lt of the similar masses of the, u ,and d q u arks. Since the u and d q u arks have similar masses, particles made of
  14. Phonetic characters. The vowels are a, e,(formerly è),i, o,(formerly ò), u , ; accents can be u sed to indicate tonality. The former digraph NY is now written
  15. Is \int_0^ r^2 \, d\theta. *the area enclosed by a parametric c u rve \DEC, u ,(t) (x (t),y (t) ) with endpoints \DEC u (t_0) \DEC u (t_1) is
  16. Island of Got land in the Baltic Sea:: Fire a time OC long entire is an. To, u ,men a c u lt. Oc a Ha u sa. Wi. OC. staffer a. OC a HAI in GU. blot u air synonym
  17. Let B: V × W → X be a bilinear map, and L: U → W be a linear map, then (v, u ,) → B (v, L u ) is a bilinear map on V × U * The n u ll map, defined by B (v, w
  18. U minor blot an me file i. mate. OC m u lti. S u m Haiti SU NASTAR. I et air SU, u ,Allie Satan. This is ro u ghly translated:: Before this time, and a long time
  19. A u stralian English both today and at the time to spell the word labor with a ", u ,", the party was infl u enced by the United States labor movement and a
  20. Stop. Since the maxim u m apert u re of the pencils iss u ing from O is the angle, u ,s u btended by the entrance p u pil at this point, the magnit u de of the aberration
  21. Made of the same n u mber then also have similar masses. The exact specific, u ,and d q u ark composition determines the charge, as u q u arks carry charge + while
  22. Arg u ed that" there is no valid etymological reason for the preservation of the, u ,in s u ch words as honor, labor,etc." The pamphlet also claimed that" the
  23. Masses (~1,232 MeV/c2) as they are each made of a combination of three, u ,and d q u arks. Under the isospin model, they were considered to be a single
  24. Became Welsh Lynn, Cornish even and Breton Leon" smooth" *w (written, u ,in Latin texts and of in Greek) became GW in initial position, w internally
  25. And generalization In the E u clidean plane, the angle θ between two vectors, u ,and v is related to their dot prod u ct and their lengths by the form u la: \math bf
  26. Also claimed that" the tendency of people in A u stralasia is to excise the, u , and one of the Sydney morning papers habit u ally does this, while the other
  27. Charge Image: Baryon-dec u plet-small. SVG|th u mb|200px | Combinations of three, u , d or s q u arks forming baryons with a spin-form the UDS baryon deco u pled The
  28. To have similar description of UDC and UDB octets and deco u ples. Since only the, u ,and d mass are similar, this description of particle mass and charge in terms
  29. W in Esperanto dot 3 is filled (⠾). The ŭ, u sed in Esperanto also, is as the, u ,(⠥),b u t the first dot is moved to the fo u rth place (⠬). Greater
  30. Is:: \ + \tabla \dot (\rho \math bf) = 0 Above, \rho is the fl u id density, u ,is a velocity vector, and t is time. Physically, the eq u ation also shows that
  31. To be the res u lt of the similar masses of the u and d q u arks. Since the, u ,and d q u arks have similar masses, particles made of the same n u mber then also
  32. In y). *Reformation of geminate verbs,e.g. halal" I u ntied" → halt (, u ,). *Conversion of separate words LI" to me ", laka" to yo u ", etc. into
  33. Masses. The exact specific u and d q u ark composition determines the charge, as, u , q u arks carry charge + while d q u arks carry charge −. For example the fo u r
  34. Area of the graph of a parametric s u rface in the vector form \math bf=\math bf (, u , v),where \math bf is a contin u o u sly differentiable vector f u nction of ( u
  35. Incidence,i.e. their distance from the axis. This distance replaces the angle, u ,in the preceding considerations; and the apert u re,i.e. the radi u s of the
  36. Y \dot x) \, dt (see Green's theorem): or the z-component of:: \point_^ \DEC, u ,\times \dot \, dt. S u rface area of 3-dimensional fig u res *rectang u lar box: 2 (
  37. Of the pencils, which take part in the reprod u ction of O,i.e. the angle, u , is generally determined by the margin of one of the lenses or by a hole in a
  38. G u . Blota u air synonym OC dr u m sin u s OC file i. mi mate OC mandate. Et gear, u ,air entire want since. Land alt. Haf i sir host blot an mi f u ll. Ellar had i
  39. N u cle u s is readily calc u lable, and is ro u ghly the weight of the alpha (4, u , ) divided by the weight of the parent (typically abo u t 200 u ) times the total
  40. A form of the Heaviside step f u nction u sed in signal processing, defined as::, u ,(x) = \begin 0,& x < 0 \\ \franc, & x = 0 \\ 1,& x > 0,\end where the val u e
  41. Was and S u ch, p u t following the consonants that were followed by the vowels, u ,and i (and often also o and e),are u sed to indicate the long vowels û and î
  42. Given by (ass u ming that scalar prod u ct is linear in first arg u ment):: \angle, u , v\range = \franc \left (\| u +v\|^2 - \| u -v\|^2 + i (\| u +iv\|^2 -
  43. C u rve \DEC u (t) (x (t),y (t) ) with endpoints \DEC u (t_0) \DEC, u ,(t_1) is given by the line integrals:: \point_^ x \dot y \, dt - \point_^ y
  44. Si an. To u men a c u lt. Oc a Ha u sa. Wi. OC. staffer a. OC a HAI in GU. blot, u ,air synonym OC dr u m sin u s OC file i. mi mate OC mandate. Et gear u air entire
  45. For any open set Ω ⊆ C, the set A (Ω) of all bo u nded, analytic f u nctions, u ,: Ω → C is a complex Banach space with respect to the s u preme norm. The fact
  46. If V is a real Banach space, then the polarization identity is: \angle, u , v\range = \franc (\| u +v\|^2 - \| u -v\|^2) whereas if V is a complex Banach
  47. Identity:: \| u +v\|^2 + \| u -v\|^2 = 2 (\| u \|^2 + \|v\|^2) for all, u ,and v in V, and where | | * | | is the norm on V. So, for example, while Rn is
  48. Us u ally a norm) if it satisfies the following axioms: For all an in F, and v, u ,in V, : The norm of a vector is also called its length or magnit u de. In the case
  49. Consonant y as a mater elections. The cardinal close back vowel is the 'long ', u ,(like the vowel in 'school ', ). It has a more open co u nterpart, the 'long' o
  50. U, v ), where \math bf is a contin u o u sly differentiable vector f u nction of (, u , v)\in D\s u bset\mathbb^2:: A \mint_D \left|\franc\times\franc\right|\, d u \, dv.

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