Examples of the the word, flesh , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Movements. His sculpture emphasized the individual and the concreteness of, flesh , and suggested emotion through detailed, textured surfaces, and the interplay
  2. Noting that" For this kind of commodity will not bear exportation, and, flesh , being of too tender a consistence, to admit a long continuance in salt
  3. Possibility for handling large prey is that theropods like Allosaurus were ", flesh ,grazers" which could take bites of flesh out of living sauropods that were
  4. Who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude, flesh , The epitome of the neoclassical style, his work marked a return to classical
  5. Since it was a scavenger which threatened to uncover human bodies and eat their, flesh , The distinctive black color of Anubis" did not have to do with the jackal per
  6. Son ‘ fully knows’ the Father, and also that the Son, as 'the Word who became, flesh ,', is “ the one that has explained him. ” (Mt 11:27; John 1:14,18) They
  7. That theropods like Allosaurus were" flesh grazers" which could take bites of, flesh ,out of living sauropods that were sufficient to sustain the predator so it
  8. Muted because the sounding portion of the string is in direct contact with the, flesh ,of the player's finger. The fretless bass allows players to use the expressive
  9. Just like the two nations in Obadiah’s prophecy. Either the spirit or the, flesh ,will ultimately overcome, and the other will fail (just as Israel overcame and
  10. Unto healing, and unto relief from every passion, every malady of the, flesh ,and of the spirit, and every ill ..." Then follow seven series of Epistles
  11. That of him, declaring that" my rage, my fury would drive me now to hack your, flesh ,away and eat you raw – such agonies you have caused me ". Achilles then got his
  12. Must keep: You must circumcise every male. You shall be circumcised through the, flesh ,of your foreskin. This shall be the mark of the covenant between Me and you.
  13. No hope of an afterlife. After Armageddon there will be a resurrection in the, flesh ,of" both righteous and unrighteous" dead (but not the" wicked" ), based on
  14. The gods; it was with ambrosia Hera" cleansed all defilement from her lovely, flesh ,", and with ambrosia Athena prepared Penelope in her sleep, so that when she
  15. It is clear that the reason of Augustine's distance towards the affairs of the, flesh ,was different from that of Platinum, a Neoplatonist who taught that only
  16. Piercings, nose piercings, necklaces,ear piercings, and piercings through the, flesh ,under the bottom lip. Sewing needles were special to the sewer and were custom
  17. Who were once enemies of Israel and not meant to literally mean Edomites in the, flesh , This is certainly the perspective of Luke as he recites the passage from Amos
  18. Grow eyes during development, but then something actively stops this process and, flesh ,grows over the partially grown eyes. Another theory is that some Mexican tetra
  19. Which the women prized highly. Their traditional cuisine consists of the, flesh ,of bear, fox,wolf, badger,ox or horse, as well as fish, fowl,millet
  20. Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing the true manna, that is,the, flesh ,in which Divinity resides" ( Homily of the Papyrus of Turin). Quran In
  21. Humans as decorative objects, and as a source of colorful mother-of-pearl. The, flesh ,of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed raw or
  22. Morris cultivar of Bananas composes),corn, sweet potatoes (white with firmer, flesh ,than the bright orange" sweet potato" used in the United States),Chile
  23. It shares its name: a combination of the Ancient Greek words σαρξ/Marx (", flesh ,") and Φαγειν/phage in (" to eat" ). Despite the fact that the name Leaps
  24. Al-Ma'Ida (5:3):" Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood,the, flesh ,of swine, and that on which has been invoked the name of other than Allah. "
  25. Who attains Bodhidharma's skin; the nun Guarani, who attains Bodhidharma's, flesh ,; Day 道育, who attains Bodhidharma's bone; and Hike 慧可, who attains
  26. Perit. ": 'Better to take (good/more) care of the soul rather than the body (, flesh ,), for the former remains, the latter perishes. ' *;" NEC audience quit silent
  27. Sparingly, worked tirelessly, despised gossip, shunned the temptations of the, flesh , and exercised prudence in the financial stewardship of his see. Death Shortly
  28. Some Anabaptists followed Men no Simon's in teaching that Jesus did not take the, flesh ,from his mother, but either brought his body from heaven or had one made for
  29. Be found in Britain. There were also cut marks on the skull indicating the, flesh ,had been scraped off with a knife, and the skull had begun to decompose only
  30. Water with its talons. They eat by holding the fish in one claw and tearing the, flesh ,with the other. Eagles have structures on their toes called spicules that allow
  31. Could see fragments of clothing, epaulets,sabers, and bloody chunks of human, flesh , " Later it was learned there was a third bomber in the crowd. Ivan Emiliano
  32. Form. There were the seeds (spermatic) or miniatures of wheat and, flesh ,and gold in the primitive mixture; but these parts, of like nature with their
  33. Print (1825) relates a story about stolen horse meat being passed off as bison, flesh , with the site of the illicit picnic henceforth remembered as" Buffalo," but
  34. Baptism in the name of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on all, flesh , Similarly, in what may well be a baptismal pattern,1 Peter testifies that
  35. Did not have to do with the jackal per se but with the color of rotting, flesh ,and with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth. " Deciding the
  36. Also" is said to have absconded himself without restraint to the sins of the, flesh ,and to have seduced married women … " Despite his piety he taxed the clergy
  37. Downward like potatoes. As Alcott had published earlier," Our wine is water, —, flesh , bread; — drugs, fruits. " For clothing, they prohibited leather because
  38. With your money must be circumcised. This shall be My covenant in your, flesh , an eternal covenant. The uncircumcised male whose foreskin has not been
  39. Severely autistic. Luther reportedly thought the boy was a soulless mass of, flesh ,possessed by the devil, and suggested that he be suffocated, although a later
  40. Nations. " The book describes Jesus, prior to his birth, as a spirit" without, flesh ,and blood ", although with a spirit" body" that looked similar to how Jesus
  41. Of Quebec, the Roman Catholic Church ruled that the beaver was a fish (beaver, flesh ,was a part of the indigenous peoples' diet, prior to the Europeans' arrival)
  42. Opposition to that, Augustine pointed out to the apparent disobedience of the, flesh ,to the spirit, and explained it as one of the results of original sin
  43. Galatians in the New Testament presents the idea that the spirit of God and the, flesh ,are in a continual struggle within a person (cf., ),just like the two nations
  44. Ones as representatives of elemental forces, creating new fictional entities to, flesh ,out this framework. When Lovecraft died in 1937,Delete and Donald Sandra
  45. Were carried over the sea a long time, and white foam arose from the immortal, flesh ,; with it a girl grew. " This girl became Aphrodite. She floated ashore on a
  46. Other abstraction; the allegory has been selected first, and the details merely, flesh ,it out. Many ancient religions are based on an astrology allegories, that is
  47. Because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the, flesh ,; thus becoming the Father and Son — and they are one God, yea,the very Eternal
  48. As fish, fowl,millet, vegetables,herbs, and roots. They never ate raw fish or, flesh ,; it was always boiled or roasted. Their traditional habitations were
  49. Clarifies that baptism is" not the putting away of the filth of the, flesh ,but the response of a good conscience toward God" ( 1 Peter 3:21). One author
  50. King of the gods, Lycaon killed his grandson and prepared a meal made from his, flesh , Zeus noticed and became very angry, transforming Lyon into a wolf and gave

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