Examples of the the word, sabbath , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sabbath ), is the 11046 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In its crop, but during the seventh year the land shall have a sabbath rest,a, sabbath ,to the Lord You are also to count off seven sabbath s of years for yourself
  2. Main holidays. In Tonga, the Seventh Day Adventists (who usually observe the, sabbath ,on a Saturday) observe the sabbath on a Sunday, officially due to an anomaly
  3. An ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the, sabbath ,day?. " (AJV). ** The French phrase is often attributed to the annual
  4. Rest ", or sabbath , on the seventh day of Passover. If we use this day as the, sabbath ,referred to in verse 11,instead of the day of rest defined in verse 7 as is
  5. Ascension of Jesus Christ. The Ten Commandments, including the seventh-day, sabbath , are recognized as still in effect. The eating of clean meats and abstinence
  6. Kosher kitchen, as well as an Orthodox prayer service (Minoan) on the Jewish, sabbath ,(Shabbat),both of which appeal to the more observant Jewish community. The
  7. Pride comes before a fall. " ** Used to justify not strictly observing the, sabbath ,.:" Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not
  8. Up his artillery and bombarded the castle for two days, ceasing fire for the, sabbath ,in the afternoon of Saturday, October 18th. On the Sunday Fairfax had 'several
  9. Of the book represent what was created on their respective day. Sunday," the, sabbath ," and" the peace of God ", sits upon a throne in front of them. The name of
  10. From the first 10 games. His observance of the Worldwide Church of God's, sabbath ,was honored by the organizers, but deprived Fischer of several rest days, which
  11. As Shabbat, on the basis of the Decalogue's injunction to" Remember the, sabbath ,day, and keep it holy" ( Exodus 20:8). Christians worship on Sunday, the Lord
  12. Not to set the first day of Tishri or the Day of the Willow on the, sabbath , This indicates that there was a group who" made computations" and were in a
  13. Those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the, sabbath ,day. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning
  14. A secret. The event started at 16:00 (a time chosen so as not to breach the, sabbath ,) and was broadcasted live as the first transmission of the new radio station
  15. According to folk tales, the mountain was the location of the witches ', sabbath , The first known ascent was made in 1782 by the court astronomer of King
  16. And accused of witchcraft; hence, the accusatory nomenclature," witches ', sabbath , " The Sabbath in history Although allusions to Sabbath were made by the
  17. And Europe" that had its own set" Rites of initiation, dates for festivals, sabbath ,rituals, discipline and hierarchy within covens. " Reception 1920-1962 As soon
  18. Sabbath, arguing instead that" the new law requires you to keep the, sabbath ,constantly. " Similarly, Irenaeus wrote that the Christian" will not be
  19. To himself. In other verses, such as those referring to the" lord of the, sabbath ," he is referring to human beings. Gaza Verses Gaza Verses, professor emeritus
  20. Days that would be out of the seven-day week cycle and thus disrupt having a, sabbath ,occur every seven days. Independently the World Council of Churches still tries
  21. Were not mentioned. Opera Project: The Witch (1860) The theme of a witch ', sabbath , the central theme in all subsequent Night on Bald Mountain projects, appears
  22. Day Adventists (who usually observe the sabbath on a Saturday) observe the, sabbath ,on a Sunday, officially due to an anomaly in the International Date Line which
  23. Al's shares were listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, the policy regarding, sabbath ,flights was expected to change. Company affairs and identity Headquarters El Al
  24. Wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you; on the morrow after the, sabbath ,the priest shall wave it. 12 And in the day when ye wave the sheaf, ye shall
  25. To eat pork if Jewish, red meat on Fridays if Catholic, and work through the, sabbath ,if in service of the war for all religions. He also mentions the Dalai Lama has
  26. Calendar to displace the Christian months and the seven-day week with its, sabbath , Catholic reaction, in anti-revolutionary risings such as the revolt in the
  27. Orthodox belief. For example, many congregants will drive to the temple on the, sabbath ,in violation of Malacca, while discreetly entering the synagogue so as not to
  28. Will not be commanded to leave idle one day of rest, who is constantly keeping, sabbath ,", and Tertullian argued" that we still more ought to observe a sabbath from
  29. Near Diana collection, but does not, as is often claimed, feature a witch ', sabbath , Although Mussorgsky may have composed thematic sketches for this project, his
  30. And gather in its crop, but during the seventh year the land shall have a, sabbath ,rest, a sabbath to the Lord You are also to count off seven sabbath s of years
  31. Were alleged to reject Jesus and the sacraments; observe" the witches ', sabbath ," (performing infernal rites which often parodied the Mass or other sacraments
  32. Broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the, sabbath ,day? " This passage has been seen as a comment on the Rabbinic belief that
  33. Exist, but they all involve" Earl Birdie" playing cards. However, it was the, sabbath , and either his hosts refused to play, or a servant advised him to stop. Lord
  34. The original title of the song was" Calpurnia ", dealing with a witch ', sabbath , The title, lyrics,and theme were subsequently changed during the recording of
  35. Transport, these taxis also operate on Fridays and Saturdays (the Jewish, sabbath ," Shabbat" ). Private taxis are white with a yellow sign on top. Fares are
  36. At the climax of the album. The lyrics tell about a Satanic coven holding a, sabbath , in which the protagonist emerges to perform a ritual to" put an evil curse on
  37. Aidan Kelly in the 1970s. The word" Sabbath" itself comes from the witches ', sabbath ,or Sabbath attested to in Early Modern witch trials. Eight festivals Some
  38. Sabbath ", and Tertullian argued" that we still more ought to observe a, sabbath ,from all servile work always, and not only every seventh-day, but through all
  39. On you in matters of food and drink or with regard to a festival or new moon or, sabbath , These are shadows of things to come; the reality belongs to Christ. " (Col.
  40. Possession of Jewish scriptures on pain of death. He forbids observance of the, sabbath ,and the offering of sacrifices at the Temple. He also requires Jewish leaders
  41. As referenced earlier, Hawthorne seems to have been describing a witch ', sabbath ,and the surrounding activity in his short story," Young Goodman Brown. "
  42. I am very sorry to say: That ninety lives have been taken away: On the last, sabbath ,day of 1879: Which shall be remembered for a very long time. " And it ends:: "
  43. A new meal-offering unto the LORD. Verse 8 defines a" day of rest ", or, sabbath , on the seventh day of Passover. If we use this day as the sabbath referred to
  44. Observance in the home and synagogue, through the course of the day, the weekly, sabbath ,and the festival cycle. ** Yore De'ah:" Teach Knowledge" assorted ritual
  45. Response to those who criticized him for healing on Sabbath:" If a man on the, sabbath ,day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye
  46. When you come into the land which I shall give you, then the land shall have a, sabbath ,to the Lord. Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune
  47. 1380–1444),whose widely circulating sermons contain various references to the, sabbath ,as it was then conceived and hence represent valuable early sources into the
  48. Inspired by Russian literary works and legend, Mussorgsky made a witch ', sabbath ,the theme of the original tone poem, completed on 23 June 1867 (St. John's
  49. Katrina, ( ກະຖິນ, กฐิน ). In addition to these days, the Buddhist, sabbath ,days (ວັນພຣະ, วันพระ,), during the phases of the moon, and temple fairs are
  50. Christian lore commonly held that he is the man caught gathering sticks on the, sabbath ,and sentenced by God to death by stoning in the book of Numbers

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