Examples of the the word, southwestern , in a Sentence Context

The word ( southwestern ), is the 11052 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Half of the province is boreal forest, while the Rocky Mountains along the, southwestern ,boundary are largely forested (see Alberta Mountain forests and
  2. Northwestern British Columbia, Canada *Conical Range, a small mountain range in, southwestern ,British Columbia, Canada,between Seymour Inlet and Belize Inlet *Cracker Creek
  3. Association (AQUA) was formed by a group of horsemen and ranchers from the, southwestern ,United States dedicated to preserving the pedigrees of their ranch horses. The
  4. With the Bates Method and the extreme and pure natural lighting of the, southwestern ,American desert. He reported that for the first time in over 25 years, he was
  5. The United States, where it is drained by the Missouri River. A small area of, southwestern ,Saskatchewan is drained by Battle Creek, which empties into the Milk River.
  6. Greek name, as is the Albanian Monastery. Geography Bipolar is located in the, southwestern ,part of Macedonia. The Dragon River flows through the city. Bipolar lies at an
  7. Scotia, southern New Brunswick, the St. Lawrence Valley, northeastern Ontario, southwestern ,Ontario, the Red River valley of Manitoba and the valleys of eastern British
  8. The Guerra Massif in central Chad, and the Mandala Mountains along Chad's, southwestern ,border with Cameroon. The smaller, southern part of the basin falls almost
  9. Forests for vegetation. Rainfall in the Guinea zone, located in Chad's, southwestern ,tip, ranges between. The country's topography is generally flat, with the
  10. Of Amsterdam are located on the Museumplein (Museum Square),located at the, southwestern ,side of the Rijksmuseum. It was created in the last quarter of the 19th century
  11. Richard and his men stood. As Henry's army advanced past the marsh at the, southwestern ,foot of the hill, Richard sent a message to Stanley, threatening to execute his
  12. Part of the country falls into the Limpopo drainage basin; * the southern and, southwestern ,regions, which are the driest of all, are drained by the Molotov river along the
  13. Leaving Warner's Ranch May 27. He participated in their trek across the, southwestern ,deserts to Texas, crossing the Colorado River into the Confederate Territory of
  14. Principality of the Valleys of Andorra, ( ), is a small landlocked country in, southwestern ,Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and
  15. Routes with other trading cities and civilizations up and down the coast of, southwestern ,and West Africa and even with the Great Zimbabwe Mutant Empire, but engaged in
  16. Entered West Berlin at Drained (Checkpoint Bravo for the Allied forces) in, southwestern ,Berlin. Access to West Berlin was also possible by railway (four routes) and
  17. Exotic Bird" ( 異雀, Yìquè). Ibadan () is a city in the Khuzestan province in, southwestern ,Iran. It lies on Ibadan Island (long,3–19 km or 2–12 miles wide, the island
  18. Of Eastern Europe; Lebanese); Haplogroup I1c =? % (? ); Haplogroup J = 13 % (, southwestern ,Arabian Peninsula,North Africa,Southern Europe); Haplogroup N3 = (
  19. Or Manager; known also by several alternative names) is a city in the, southwestern ,part of the Republic of Macedonia. The city is an administrative, cultural
  20. The Kremikovtzi AD Metallurgy Works and the Photo uranium mine (both in, southwestern ,Bulgaria),contaminated the region with lead, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide
  21. Platinum 1,000,000+ Discography Battery Park City is a planned community at the, southwestern ,tip of Lower Manhattan in New York City, United States. The land upon which it
  22. It occurs in large geodes within volcanic rocks. Many of the hollow agates of, southwestern ,Brazil and Uruguay contain a crop of amethyst crystals in the interior. Artists
  23. Island of Seaman. The Northern Baltic Sea lies between the Stockholm area, southwestern ,Finland and Estonia. The Western and Eastern Got land Basins form the major
  24. Minor ones. Bipolar today Bipolar is the economic and industrial center of, southwestern ,Macedonia. Many of the largest companies in the country are based in the city.
  25. Museum, House of Boys Cocktail & Gen ever Experience and Foster Diamonds. The, southwestern ,border of the Museum Square is the Van Baerlestraat, which is a major
  26. And in the southwest by the Mandala Mountains. Lake Chad, located in the, southwestern ,part of the basin at an altitude of 282 meters, surprisingly does not mark the
  27. Manitoba, northern Ontario and Quebec, most of Saskatchewan, southern Alberta, southwestern ,Nunavut and the southern half of Baffin Island. This basin is most important in
  28. BC, the Hittite Kingdom was at its height, encompassing central Anatolia, southwestern ,Syria as far as Gait, and upper Mesopotamia. After 1180 BC, amid general
  29. The Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in, southwestern ,Russia. The battle took place between 23 August 1942 and 2 February 1943. It
  30. Numbered street in the Bronx. This dates from the mid-19th century when the, southwestern ,area of Westchester County west of the Bronx River, was incorporated into New
  31. Cover seven small hills, and extend from an eastern to a western harbor; on the, southwestern ,hills are the remains of the medieval settlement of Polystyrene. Andrea is a
  32. South Dakota from the Minnesota border before curving northwest into the, southwestern ,corner of North Dakota. US Highway 12 is the major thoroughfare in Aberdeen. US
  33. Scholarly understanding places the ancestral proto-Bantu homeland near the, southwestern ,modern boundary of Nigeria and Cameroon ca. 4,000 years ago (2000 B. C.),and
  34. Brazil, the Andes, the Mediterranean,Southern Africa,Central Asia, and, southwestern , China ). Traditionally two subfamilies were recognized: Asteroid (or
  35. A vast sedimentary plain covering much of Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, and, southwestern , Manitoba,as well as much of the region between the Rocky Mountains and the
  36. 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979. Omar came from Air Province, a poor region in, southwestern ,Saudi Arabia that borders Yemen, and graduated with honors from high school
  37. Nathaniel Lyon, who chased the governor and the rest of the State Guard to the, southwestern ,corner of the state. (See also: Missouri secession). In the resulting vacuum
  38. Arabic, spoken by about 29 million people in Iraq, eastern Syria and extreme, southwestern ,Iran (Khuzestan). * North Mesopotamian Arabic, spoken by around 7 million
  39. Earth are common in the West Asia, North Africa, West Africa, South America, southwestern ,North America, Spain (usually in the Mudéjar style),Eastern Europe and East
  40. Of Sofia, the Riley Mountains further south, and the Paris Mountains in the, southwestern ,corner of the country. They are the most outstanding topographic feature of
  41. With Warrior. Nearby, numerous British light cruisers and destroyers on the, southwestern ,flank of the deploying battleships were also crossing each others' courses in
  42. Missouri when a band of raw Confederate troops defeat Union forces in the, southwestern ,part of the state. *1901 – The U. S. Steel Recognition Strike by the
  43. Hurricanes) occur. Storms in the summer are rare. Summer is a mixture of, southwestern ,mild, windy and rainy low-pressure systems, and periods of stable high
  44. In Poland, most of Belgium and Serbia, and parts of northern Switzerland and, southwestern ,Germany. Like the German Empire, that of Austria-Hungary frequently employed
  45. Succeeded in occupying almost all former NAO, Lachin and large areas in, southwestern ,Azerbaijan. In 1993,the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions calling
  46. Including Crete and Rhodes. The Aegean Region consists of nine provinces in, southwestern ,Turkey, in part bordering on the Aegean Sea. The sea was traditionally known as
  47. all the Philippines apart from the northern end of Luzon, antipodal to, southwestern ,Pará and northwestern Mato Grosso; most of Borneo, antipodal to northwestern
  48. Inhabit the Basque Country, a region spanning an area in northeastern Spain and, southwestern ,France. It is spoken by 25.7 % of Basques in all territories (665,800 out of
  49. Succeeded in occupying almost all former NAO, Lachin and large areas in, southwestern ,Azerbaijan. In 1993,the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions calling
  50. The Guru wooden big boat made in Bey pore a village in south Cali cut, Kerala,in, southwestern ,India. These have been used by the Arabs and Greeks since ancient times as

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