Examples of the the word, hum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hum ), is the 11047 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Birds able to fly backwards. Their English name derives from the characteristic, hum ,made by their rapid wing beats. They can fly at speeds exceeding 15 m/s (54
  2. Broken up into ragged and changing fragments. **Species Cumulus hum ility (Cu, hum ,): Small cumulus clouds usually with just a lightered shading underneath.
  3. Up to 100 kHz may sometimes be classified as Audio. Sources include: ** Mains, hum ,from power supply units, nearby power supply wiring, transmission lines and
  4. Pickups were invented as a way to reduce or counter the unwanted ambient, hum ,sounds (known as 60 cycle hum ). T hum bsuckers have two coils of opposite
  5. Is used. Nothing of relevance is being 'hidden ', and even when, for example, hum ,is present at 50 or 100 Hz at a level above the quoted (weighted) noise floor
  6. And a natural empathy with all who labor, as expressed by lines he used to, hum ,from the egalitarian Rabbi Burns song:" When man to man, the world o'er /
  7. Act in similar function to a prayer wheel by saving an image of Om Mani padre, hum ,or other mantra on its local machine. Internet-operated prayer wheel This type
  8. Measurement of residual noise in audio equipment, usually present as hiss or, hum ,in quiet moments of program material. The purpose of weighting here is to
  9. In theory little chance of completely eliminating the introduction of unwanted, hum , Double-coil or" t hum bsucker" pickups were invented as a way to reduce or
  10. Systems audio noise refers to the residual low level sound (usually hiss and, hum ,) that is heard in quiet periods of program. In audio engineering it can also
  11. Use a noise gate pedal at the end of a chain to reduce unwanted noise and, hum ,introduced by overdrive units or vintage gear. Rack mounts Rack mounted effects
  12. Allows them to reproduce low-frequency tones at high volumes without the ", hum ," or excessive resonance associated with conventional magnetic pickups. Since
  13. You think are conservatives might really be radical," whereupon he began to, hum ,Sibelius' Fifth Symphony. Sibelius has fallen in
  14. outside the mouth more than half an inch (). Rather, they will nuzzle and, hum ,to their newborns. Cries A CIA (from Spanish, pronounced cheetah, meaning "
  15. Each with four or five prayer wheels engraved with the mantra, om Mani padre, hum , According to the Swayambhu was founded by the great-grandfather of King
  16. Effects: Kelley Compressor, MXR Dana Comp. Noise gate: Noise gates eliminate “, hum ,”,“ hiss” and“ static” by greatly diminishing the volume of sounds that
  17. A warning bray is sent out and all others come to alert. They will often, hum ,to each other as a form of communication. The sound of the llama making
  18. To cable capacitance issues. *Being non-magnetic, the cartridge is immune to ", hum ," induced by stray magnetic fields (same advantage shared with ceramic
  19. Delay/echo, reverb ) at the end. When using many effects, unwanted noise and, hum ,can be introduced into the sound. Some performers use a noise gate pedal at the
  20. A result they have hum canceling properties when used at the same volume, with, hum , cancellation decreasing when the pickups are used at unequal volume and
  21. Poor common-mode rejection ratios and so will often introduce cable-borne mains, hum ,and other common-mode interference, such as switch 'clicks ', into sensitive
  22. By Dodger Stadium) filled with people munching Baby Ruth's, and thus having to, hum ,rather than singing along with" Take Me Out to the Ball Game" during the
  23. Club gigs to almost empty venues; when they finished a song, apart from the low, hum ,of conversation, the band would hear Jesperson's loud whistle and fast
  24. For funky band Deep Banana Blackout, was frequently known to, hum ,and play flute and to sing while playing multiple saxophones at the same time
  25. Nail-biting or tapping one's foot. An adult illiquid has even been known to, hum ,a tune that its host knew in life. Usually, when a mind player inherits a trait
  26. Directly from a power transformer introduced mains-frequency (50 or 60 Hz), hum , into audio stages. The invention of the" equipotential cathode" reduced this
  27. Pythagoras proposed that the Sun, Moon and planets all emit their own unique, hum ,based on their orbital revolution, and that the quality of life on Earth
  28. Effective against low-frequency magnetic fields, however - such as magnetic ", hum ," from a nearby power transformer. A grounded shield on cables operating at 2
  29. I was now being influenced by these musicians, particularly horn men. I could, hum ,and sing all the jazz choruses from the recordings made by BIX, Phil
  30. FOO: The first syllable of the misquoted sacred chant phrase 'foo mane padre, hum , ' Our first obligation is to keep the foo counters turning. " One book
  31. Impedance. The other is that long high-impedance cables tend to pick up more, hum ,(and possibly radio-frequency interference (RFI) as well). Nothing is
  32. Or electrons emitted directly from the ends of the heater may also inject, hum ,into the signal. Leakage current due to internal contamination may also inject
  33. Usually unwanted electromagnetic noises. The resulting noise, the so-called ", hum ,", is particularly strong with single-coil pickups, and aggravated by the fact
  34. Electric guitar distortion. The addition of noise or other extraneous signals (, hum , interference) is not considered to be distortion, though the effects of
  35. Noise induced from electric fields, usually mains-frequency (60 or 50 hertz), hum , The introduction of the double-coil t hum bsucker in the mid-1950s did away with
  36. Flown without tails. Instead, small flutes are attached allowing the wind to ", hum ," a musical tune. There are other forms of sound-making kites. In Bali, large
  37. Nervousness or pain include woofs, grunts and bawls. Sows will bleat or, hum ,when communicating with their cubs. Females mature sexually between the age of
  38. Indian movies. * Mani, short for the mantra of Avalokiteśvara, Om Mani padre, hum , and another name for a prayer wheel used for prayers in Tibetan Buddhism *
  39. A way to reduce or counter the unwanted ambient hum sounds (known as 60 cycle, hum ,). T hum bsuckers have two coils of opposite magnetic and electric polarity. This
  40. Are reverse-wound with reverse magnetic polarity. As a result they have, hum ,canceling properties when used at the same volume, with hum cancellation
  41. Continuous sounds are those from tires rolling on the roadway, and the constant, hum ,of their diesel engines at highway speeds. Less frequent noises, but perhaps
  42. Analogue-generated sounds, which included five unique percussion sounds:“ the, hum ,kick, the Ricky snare, the fishy hi-hats (open and closed) and the spacey
  43. In conjunction with filter capacitors remove residual hum s known as the mains, hum ,or other fluctuations from the direct current output, to the small inductance
  44. With such force that they shred their outer coating, in doing so they whiz and, hum , Whistle High often pitched very loud screaming and screeching created
  45. The pickups are reverse-wound with reversed magnetic polarity to reduce, hum , This makes the 'P' pickup a hum bucking single coil pickup, something almost
  46. And more popular. Disadvantages of single wire operation such as crosstalk and, hum ,from nearby AC power wires had already led to the use of twisted pairs and, for
  47. Modulate the audio signal being sent to the voice coil and added to the audible, hum ,of a powered-up sound reproduction device. In the 1930s,loudspeaker
  48. Network and the electrical grounding system of a house can cause a visible ", hum ,bar" in the picture. This appears as a wide horizontal distortion bar in the
  49. Removal of unwanted frequencies from an audio recording (used to eliminate, hum ,from leakage of AC power into the signal, to eliminate the stereo subcarrier
  50. As a" heater ", and could as well be powered by AC without any introduction of, hum , In the 1930s indirectly heated cathode tubes became widespread in equipment

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