Examples of the the word, bounty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bounty ), is the 11065 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1975 – Made Strickland, American actress * 1976 – Leland Chapman, American, bounty , hunter * 1976 – Sebastien Cause, French-born German rugby player * 1976 –
  2. Barbara Donetsk - better known as" Barbed wire" - is a bar owner and part-time, bounty ,hunter (in order to pay for her bar, The Hammerhead). She is skilled in many
  3. Spain was built profusely in Art Deco style during the period of economic, bounty ,between wars in which Spain remained neutral. Particularly remarkable are the
  4. Codified by being written. Kariņš writes" Adam and Eve were heirs to natural, bounty , They had everything they needed. But they sinned and were expelled. How did
  5. British, who were engaged in deporting the Acadians from the region and had a, bounty ,on the heads of male Mi'KMA. This judgment proved to be correct, and
  6. In the House of Commons—Edward Blake, the Premier of Ontario, had announced a, bounty ,of $5,000 for his arrest. Famously, Riel was the only Member of Parliament who
  7. Characterized as ideally consisting of" rustlers, cutthroats,murderers, bounty ,hunters, desperadoes,mugs, pugs,thugs, nitwits,half-wits, dimwits,vipers
  8. The series follows the adventures, misadventures and tragedies of a group of, bounty ,hunters, or " cowboys ", travelling on their spaceship, the Bebop. The series
  9. In Star Wars Expanded Universe sources. Also, from The Empire Strikes Back,the, bounty ,hunter Ruckus is a member of the And race, an ammonia-based life-form.
  10. Then returned to their units. Name "/IN"> desertion"/> In the North,", bounty ,jumpers" enlisted to get the generous bonus, deserted,then went back to a
  11. Are slaves used on space colonies and are legal prey on Earth to various, bounty ,hunters who" retire" ( kill) them. Although Blade Runner was largely
  12. Battle of Britain veteran (b. 1914) * 2005 – Domino Harvey, English-born, bounty , hunter (b. 1969) *2006 – Ángel Maturing Reséndiz, Mexican serial killer
  13. Are frequently termed" cowboys. " Story Cowboy Bebop revolves around a crew of, bounty ,hunters living in the spaceship named Bebop. They are a team of bounty hunters
  14. Life. * In Ben 10,both the Matrix alien Diamond head and the alien, bounty ,hunter Tetra Shard are members of the Petrosapien species, which are a form of
  15. ISP),limiting their effectiveness in dealing with crime. As a result,a, bounty ,system similar to that in the Old West is established to deal with fugitives
  16. Land in his own name and was granted land in what is now West Virginia as a, bounty ,for his service in the French and Indian War. By 1775,Washington had doubled
  17. Learned that his name was on a list of assassination targets, with a" $5,000, bounty , on his head. " One German magazine included him in a list of enemies of the
  18. Restricted. In addition, colonists ’ proximity to the ocean gave them a, bounty ,of fresh fish to add to their diet, especially in the northern colonies. Wheat
  19. From 12,400 in 1751 to 30,500 in 1821. The phasing out of the linen export, bounty ,between 1825 and 1832 stimulated demand for cheaper textiles, particularly for
  20. Cowboy Bebop episode" Waltz for Venus," Spike and Faye capture three minor, bounty ,heads named Lola, Huey,and Dewey. Video game appearances Huey, Dewey,and
  21. His country of birth. A month later, with the FBI in pursuit and a $25,000, bounty , on his head, he surrendered to the U. S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa. * Rob Colin
  22. Girlfriend who left him without giving a reason. Faye Valentine is a novice, bounty ,hunter with a persistent gambling addiction. She joins the crew of the Bebop
  23. Crew of bounty hunters living in the spaceship named Bebop. They are a team of, bounty ,hunters who travel the Solar System trying to apprehend bounties. Jet Black
  24. Delhi on elephants, horses and camels. The Kohinoor diamond was part of the, bounty , From then onwards, the stone passed through the hands of successive rulers of
  25. Among these were the 1989" Bounty Bowls," in which Ryan allegedly placed a, bounty ,on Dallas kicker Luis Genders and Veterans Stadium fans pelted the Cowboys
  26. That had developed over the years. The book embraced America's natural, bounty , specifically that of California, while containing recipes that reflected
  27. Fed up with the corruption and red tape of the organization, and turned to, bounty ,hunting as a way to pursue justice. Despite the ability to have it replaced, he
  28. At Vicksburg. The invasion would allow the Confederates to live off the, bounty ,of the rich Northern farms while giving war-ravaged Virginia a much-needed rest
  29. Reachings and grasping of a vivacious mind, to extend the dominion of their, bounty ,beyond the limits of nature, and to perpetuate themselves through generations
  30. There might. From this time onwards he seems to have depended chiefly on the, bounty ,of his pupil Willougbhy, who made Ray his constant companion while he lived, and
  31. Prime number with at least 100 million decimal digits and wins the $150,000 USD, bounty ,offered by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Primes found All Presence primes
  32. 5,000 Denali) per capita, with more to officers. In return for this, bounty , equivalent to several years' pay, the troops swore an oath to protect the
  33. Pleasing to you, O Lord, just as it pleased you that we should steal from your, bounty , " — Efren the Syrian," Hymns on Faith" 16:5. *" You (Jesus) alone and
  34. Predatory pike minnow, and in 1990,in the interest of protecting salmon, a ", bounty ," program was established to reward anglers for catching pike minnow. In 1994
  35. Represents 'cultural memory' of" simpler times ", when man lived off God's, bounty ,(as" primitive" hunters and gatherers still do) as opposed to toiling at
  36. Own hands, relying upon their knowledge and their own skills rather than on His, bounty , " The 5.9 kilo year event saw this area revert to the desert it is today. His
  37. And slay every man, woman,and child of his cities and take the spoil for their, bounty , Balk meets with Balsam at Kirjath-huzoth, and they go to the high places of
  38. Is one hexadecimal dollar ", and $0.32 for" valuable suggestions ". (His, bounty ,for errata in 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated, is,however,$3.16). According to
  39. Faith The Bahá'í Faith has the concept of the Most Great Spirit, seen as the, bounty ,of God. It is usually used to describe the descent of the Spirit of God upon
  40. Boat and Carlton Use that ran for one season. He played a lawyer turned, bounty ,hunter who was trying to hunt down John BLY, the man who killed his father. He
  41. Terpsichore (V. T. from the episode" Heavy Metal Queen" ) when they were, bounty ,hunters. The story is available at the site mirror hosted by jazz mess. Com. *
  42. Is established to deal with fugitives, terrorists,and other criminals; the, bounty ,hunters involved are frequently termed" cowboys. " Story Cowboy Bebop revolves
  43. Duel each other with all damage being reduced in player vs player (PVP). The, bounty ,for a successful kill in PVP is a portion of the gold and the" ear" of the
  44. Omega Glory" and in the spinoff Starship Peter *Peter (Scion),a fictional, bounty ,hunter in the Cross Gen Silvers *Peter, the leader of the aliens in the film
  45. During World War II. *1989 – Ayatollah Rudolph Khomeini offers a US$3 million, bounty ,for the death of The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie. * 1989 – United
  46. 1985 – Vasiliy Topsides, Greek football player *1987 – Alyssa Chapman, American, bounty , hunter * 1987 – Martin Harris, German/Austrian footballer * 1987 – Am obi Okay
  47. Worshipped for their association with fertility, fecundity,and agricultural, bounty , Priestesses held dominion over aspects of Incan, Assyrian,Babylonian
  48. To take out opposing teams star players, with at least one team putting a, bounty ,on another team's quarterback. Bell responded in an interview to charges the
  49. Filmed with numerous actresses auditioning. Paul was cast as Deckard's fellow, bounty ,hunter Holden based on his performances in the tests. Scott cast Bauer without
  50. At the time, Lieutenant-Commander A. Wilmot-Smith, was later awarded £170 prize, bounty , Compton later published an account of U-41s exploits in 1917," U-41: her

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