Examples of the the word, detachment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detachment ), is the 11064 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. SSRIs complain of apathy, lack of motivation, emotional numbness, feelings of, detachment , and indifference to surroundings. They may describe this as a feeling of" not
  2. That" The value of celibacy lies in the habit of restraint and the sense of, detachment ,and independence which it gives" and that" The aspirant must choose one of
  3. Seabeds and most officers are in the civil engineering field. The Navy Seabed, detachment ,performs maintenance and beautification. The sailors must undergo a" Yankee
  4. Armenian military plans to substantially increase the size of its peace-keeping, detachment ,and counts on Greek assistance to the effort. In June 2008,Armenia sent 72
  5. Who had been serving as governor of Heart, rose in revolt, defeated a British, detachment ,at the Battle of Mai wand in July 1880 and besieged Kandahar. Roberts then led
  6. Abstinence. Later philosophers believed that celibacy would be conducive to the, detachment ,and equilibrium required by the philosopher's calling. Similarly, the
  7. In rather careless fashion on the opposite bank; but he sent across a, detachment ,of Germanic tribesmen, who were accustomed to swimming easily in full armor across
  8. Explains why the style of The Plague often gives the impression of distance and, detachment , Only rarely is the reader drawn directly into the emotions of the characters
  9. He was given 57 men—33 from HMS Pearl and 24 from HMS Lyme. Maynard and the, detachment ,from HMS Pearl took the larger of the two vessels and named her Jane; the rest
  10. At Broke Park on Bloody Sunday was also carried out by the RIC although a small, detachment ,of Auxiliaries were also present. However, most Republicans did not make a
  11. Remains that celibacy is more a reflection of life in Heaven, a source of, detachment ,from the material world which aids in one's relationship with God. Celibacy is
  12. 150 officers,9,000 men, and 81 artillery pieces. In contrast,Rommel's, detachment ,suffered only 6 dead and 30 wounded during the two engagements, a remarkable
  13. Knocked down trees in his path, and by his army's extensive baggage train. A, detachment ,sent out to seize supplies was decisively defeated in the Battle of Bennington
  14. As well, had joined the invaders. The first column of Cniva's army,a, detachment ,likely led by the chieftains Wraith and Generic, besieged Marcianopolis
  15. DRM) abilities for copy protection. Area 51 is a military base, and a remote, detachment ,of Edwards Air Force Base. It is located in the southern portion of Nevada in
  16. The outstanding cavalry commanders of the war, defeated a Parliamentary cavalry, detachment ,under the command of Colonel John Brown in the Battle of Po wick Bridge, at a
  17. The possible short-term effects of this deprivation are anger, despair, detachment , and temporary delay in intellectual development. Long-term effects include
  18. With that of Basses the India, is 127,300 km². The island, garrisoned by a, detachment ,from Réunion, has a meteorological station and is visited by scientists. Europa
  19. Reader, perhaps unconsciously, from a narrator who can view with 'melancholy ', detachment ,a subject that Swift has directed us, rhetorically,to see in a much less
  20. Rill. Thus, the process of rill evolution involves a feedback loop between flow, detachment , hydraulics, and bed form. Flow velocity, depth,width, hydraulic roughness
  21. Soil particles caused by the impact of raindrops on soil. Sheet erosion is the, detachment ,of soil particles by raindrop impact and their removal down slope by water
  22. Depth, width,hydraulic roughness, local bed slope, friction slope, and, detachment , rate are time and space variable functions of the rill evolutionary process.
  23. 1.0 mm in diameter by wind along the soil surface. Water Splash erosion is the, detachment ,and airborne movement of small soil particles caused by the impact of raindrops
  24. Development. Long-term effects include increased aggression, clinging behavior, detachment , psychosomatic disorders, and an increased risk of depression as an adult.
  25. Intoxication, choppy sensory input, a dreamlike state of consciousness, some, detachment , from outside world, and closed-eye hallucinations. *Third plateau: At 7.5 to
  26. Phillip commanded a frigate, the Fossa Senora do Polar. On this ship he took a, detachment ,of troops from Rio de Janeiro to Colonia do Sacramento on the Rio de la Plate (
  27. Army north towards Northampton, picking up support along the way (including a, detachment ,of Cambridge shire cavalry raised and commanded by Oliver Cromwell). By the
  28. Able to recover the corps (provinces) of Jaén and Elvira, while a cavalry, detachment ,was sent to free Málaga from in Hafsun's siege. He also obtained the
  29. And Spa his. Only the cavalry of the Republican Guard and a ceremonial fanfare, detachment ,of trumpeters for the cavalry/armored branch as a whole are now mounted. In
  30. Sediment load, or amount of sediment in the flow, has a large influence on soil, detachment ,rates in rills. As sediment load increases, the ability of the flowing water to
  31. Effective breech-loader (allowing a higher rate of fire while keeping the, detachment ,behind the gun) was developed in 1855 by Sir William Armstrong, and accepted
  32. And mortars, and cannons, and backed by a light tank unit and an anti-aircraft, detachment , The cave entrances were built slanted as a defense against grenade and
  33. His chambers, fully dressed, and surrendered his sword. Raids on St. John A, detachment ,of the boys under Seth Warner's command went to nearby Fort Crown Point and
  34. Him, even more so than normally. In March 2008 Rosa suffered a severe retinal, detachment ,and underwent emergency eye surgery that ultimately proved to be not completely
  35. Of Independence). The name was given in 1927 and refers to the fact that a, detachment ,of dragoons escorted the Prince Royal of Portugal, Pedro I, at the time when he
  36. By a light garrison of the Tenth Legion, during the Late Roman Period. The, detachment ,at Jerusalem, which apparently encamped all over the city’s western hill, was
  37. The estuary of the Dnieper River. On December 7,1648, his small (300–500-man), detachment , with the help of registered Cossacks who went to his side, disarmed the small
  38. Of the town in an attempt to cross the river unnoticed. Curious sent a large, detachment ,to counter Constantine's expeditionary force, but was defeated. Constantine's
  39. Against Helsinki and other Finnish cities. The tactical success of the army, detachment ," NARA" from mid-February to April diminished the hopes of the Starkey to
  40. Although this unit existed in 1982 as a reinforcement for the Governor's, detachment ,of Royal Marines, it did not play any part in the main conflict during the war
  41. German soldiers' extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the, detachment ,from civilian life felt by many of these soldiers upon returning home from the
  42. Refectory) in a monastery where monks may be inspired to sobriety and, detachment ,from worldly things while they eat. The Orthodox believe that after the Final
  43. A man of war from his youth, who had won and lost many fights, the rout of a, detachment ,and the forcible seizure of some debatable frontier lands was an untoward
  44. Exchanged, killing several minutemen. The British moved on to Concord, where a, detachment ,of three companies was engaged and routed at the North Bridge by a force of 500
  45. The help of registered Cossacks who went to his side, disarmed the small Polish, detachment ,guarding the area and took over the Zaporizhia Such — much to the jubilation
  46. As part of a" dual adversary" theory. Yugoslavia was viewed as a" special, detachment ,of U. S. imperialism" and a" saboteur against world revolution. " Also unlike
  47. On September 22 a clash took place between a rebel group from Logo and a loyal, detachment ,from Data. Finally, on October 14 a force of 200 rebels arrived in the merchant
  48. Fare Gerard provided the Dominican rebels with sanctuary and arms, sending a, detachment ,of his presidential guards (the Derailleurs) to fight alongside them. Santana
  49. EOD),RAF and RLC EOD teams. It is mainly based in Stanley, but there is also a, detachment ,at Mount Pleasant. The groups operate the Joint Service Explosive Ordnance
  50. Of St Pagans. The battle, between a Royalist rebellion and a New Model Army, detachment , was a decisive victory for the Parliamentarians and allowed Oliver Cromwell to

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