Examples of the the word, indifferent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indifferent ), is the 11049 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sense in a principle requiring intelligent life to emerge while remaining, indifferent ,to the possibility of its eventual extinction, Barrow and Tiller propose the:
  2. A world which shows so little understanding for homosexuals and is so crassly, indifferent ,to the various gradations and variations of gender and their great significance
  3. Or" Our Hitler Youth Leader" ), with the rest of the officers either, indifferent ,or, in the Captain's case, openly cynical. The enlisted sailors and NCO are
  4. Twice, since Yeats had moved to Oxford. Surprised to find his English peers, indifferent ,to Yeats and the Celtic Revival movement, Lewis wrote:" I am often surprised
  5. Edward Eliot. He became the archetypal backbencher, benignly " mute" and ", indifferent ," his support of the Whig ministry invariably automatic. Gibbon's indolence
  6. And compassion, whether a person may be poor or rich, good or wicked, and to be, indifferent ,to praise, blame,pleasure, and pain. Among the scriptures, the Verna system is
  7. It. Rosa has admitted to neither liking nor disliking Mickey Mouse, but being, indifferent ,to him. In the story Attack of the Hideous Space-Varmints, the asteroid with
  8. Not leave until 1840,when he went to Paris to study law. In Paris, he was an, indifferent ,student and found the city distasteful. He made a few acquaintances, including
  9. Meanwhile, the royal court at Versailles was seen as being isolated from, and, indifferent , to,the hardships of the lower classes. While in theory King Louis XVI was an
  10. Theory and the Austrian school is over the possibility of consumers being, indifferent ,between choices neoclassical theory says it is possible, whereas Miles rejected
  11. But others claim that he descended from Hindu ancestors of Kashmir. He was an, indifferent ,student in high school and in the law school of Kabul University, quickly
  12. Camp philosophically wrote (in Life magazine on May 23, 1960)," was to be, indifferent ,to that difference. " It was the prevailing opinion among his friends that Camp
  13. Entails that his philosophy can offer no insight into, and is supremely, indifferent ,to, the material, actual conditions of existence. Thus, Hallward claims that
  14. In an A5 format (in the UK) and were usually illustrated with abysmal or, indifferent ,artwork. A fanzine community developed and was based on sale to a reading
  15. Had built himself from parts taken from his father's steam engine. He was an, indifferent ,student with a liking for mathematics, flying,and things mechanical, taking
  16. Attained the consulship, and although he was short, hunchbacked and only an, indifferent ,speaker, was an industrious pleader at the bar. His mother was Summit Achieve
  17. Also may apply to bottoms. At one end of the spectrum are those who are, indifferent ,to, or even reject physical stimulation. At the other end of the spectrum are
  18. A Church's form of government) to be a matter of anaphora (something, indifferent , ) The Missouri Synod is, however,not in what it calls" Pulpit and Altar
  19. Acid. The port is accessible by the largest ships, but its accommodation is, indifferent , In 1904 there entered 603 vessels with a tonnage of 202,980,and cleared 608
  20. Meant belief in a better life after death, and therefore made people lazy and, indifferent ,to the present. " From the eighteenth century onward ", Glen W. Bower sock has
  21. Assistance, and Charles turned to Frederick II of Prussia. While Frederick was, indifferent ,to the Jacobite because he made diplomatic use of the opportunity, and appointed
  22. As governor, there were no air services, no roads outside Stanley and an, indifferent ,sea service. Sir Miles was instrumental in starting the Falkland Islands
  23. The shocking annals and secrets of a race older than mankind. He was only an, indifferent ,Mosley, worshipping unknown entities whom he called Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu.
  24. Historically, the Czech people have been characterized as" tolerant and even, indifferent ,towards religion ". According to the 2001 census,59 % of the country is
  25. Introduced Rousseau to the world of letters and ideas. Rousseau had been an, indifferent ,student, but during his 20s,which were marked by long bouts of hypochondria
  26. The plague in Oran vividly convey the absurdist position that humans live in an, indifferent , incomprehensible universe that has no rational meaning or order, and no
  27. Characters are subject to a compulsive influence from powerful malevolent or, indifferent ,beings. As with the inevitability of one's ancestry, eventually even running
  28. Between their forefathers and our forefathers is so far back — right, wrong or, indifferent ,— that I don't see why we owe them anything. I don't know why the government
  29. The reason he would never marry was that every woman whom he liked had grown, indifferent ,to him, and he had been glad he did not marry her. " Reynolds' own sister
  30. Athletic and popular, becoming skilled at horsemanship and fencing. A sometimes, indifferent ,student, he attended the Bel Air Academy, where the headmaster described him as
  31. Arguments. This argument:: Either P or Q.: Not P.: Therefore, Q. Is valid and, indifferent ,between both meanings. However, only in the exclusive meaning is the following
  32. In raising an alliance of clans and northern Lowlanders, he turned out to be an, indifferent ,and indecisive general. Planned risings in Wales and Devon were forestalled by
  33. Two days later he was honorably discharged on psychiatric grounds (he was of ", indifferent ,character" with a diagnosis of" schizoid personality" ). In 1944,Kerouac
  34. Lutherans who never did unite with the Reformed. Other Lutheran Churches seem, indifferent ,as a matter of understood doctrine regarding this particular issue of
  35. Life if it is performed with this intention, even things considered normally, indifferent , Ignatius and the early Jesuits did recognize, though,that the hierarchical
  36. And his wife. The reaction among the Austrian common people was mild, almost, indifferent , As historian Z. A. B. Began later wrote," the event almost failed to make any
  37. Victims may only want compensation for the injuries suffered, while remaining, indifferent ,to a possible desire for deterrence. * Fear of retaliation may deter victims or
  38. In certain schools of political philosophy, leaders are encouraged to be, indifferent ,to good or evil, taking actions based solely on practicality; this approach to
  39. Only in the larger cities of the Northwest of Italy, most of Verona was, indifferent ,to the growing sport. However, when in 1906 two city teams chose the city's
  40. The revolutionaries at the beginning of his reign. Francis, on the whole, was, indifferent , to her fate (she was not close to his father Leopold, and Francis had met her
  41. S works are ruled by several distinct pantheons of deities who are either, indifferent ,or actively hostile to humanity. Several, particularly those of the Cthulhu
  42. Conscious of the fact that inanimate objects and situations remain absolutely, indifferent ,to his existence. As such, they show themselves to be resistant to whatever
  43. Sensors included sonar (or ASPIC),although training in their use was, indifferent , Anti-submarine weapons changed little, and ahead-throwing weapons, a need
  44. Environmental movement was elitist, highly paid, detached from the people, indifferent ,to the working class, and a firm ally of big government. … The environmental
  45. Industry shake-out with some plant closings has helped neither, nor has an, indifferent ,automotive market. According to the USGS, US natural graphite consumption in
  46. The appearance of a proper general (something to which Jackson was notoriously, indifferent ,). McClellan pushed his army slowly south, urged by President Lincoln to pursue
  47. One of those moods when what is pleasure at other times, becomes insipid or, indifferent ,". He quoted English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge's" Dejection" as a perfect
  48. Oratorios, anthems and organ concertos. Handel was born in 1685,in a family, indifferent ,to music. He received critical musical training in Halle, Hamburg and Italy
  49. School until fifth grade, when he was enrolled in Trinity School. He was an, indifferent , sullen student who showed no interest in after-school activities. Later he
  50. Were not interpreted as the totality of finite things. Thus,Spinoza's cool, indifferent ,God is the antithesis to the concept of an anthropomorphic, fatherly God who

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