Examples of the the word, rainforest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rainforest ), is the 11063 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Emerge, in the Great Lakes region, in the Savannah south of the Central African, rainforest , and on the Zambezi river where the Monomania kings built the famous Great
  2. Dietary taboos are often associated with the use of ayahuasca. In the, rainforest , these tend towards the purification of one's self - abstaining from spicy and
  3. In the past, natural vegetation at this region was lowland, tall perennial, rainforest , but this vegetation has been destroyed almost completely to give way to
  4. Dry season from March to May. The predominate wild vegetation is perennial high, rainforest , During the 20th century, the Abandon has had a dramatic increase in
  5. Between vegetation and climate, he warned that the extensive clearing of, rainforest ,for coffee cultivation in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and India would adversely impact
  6. CRC). The new climatic conditions were not favorable to the growth of, rainforest ,and the animals within them. Rainforests shrank into isolated islands
  7. Real is a time of blue skies and comfortable temperatures. The weather in the, rainforest ,is usually very hot and is often very wet. The drier period of the year is May
  8. It contains two of the most treated ecosystems in Mexico the" cloud, rainforest ," and the Soconusco rainforest . The El Triumph Biosphere Reserve, decreed in
  9. Four harvests. It is estimated that only ten percent of the original Abandon, rainforest ,in Mexico remains, with the rest strip-mined, logged and farmed. It once
  10. Of the Andes mountains, but Colombian territory also encompasses Amazon, rainforest , tropical grassland and both Caribbean and Pacific coastlines. Ecologically
  11. Near the Pacific Ocean with 119,177.29 hectares. It conserves areas of tropical, rainforest ,and many freshwater systems endemic to Central America. Demographics General
  12. Rain received in July and August. The original vegetation was lowland deciduous, rainforest ,with some rainforest of middle altitudes and some oaks above 1500masl. The
  13. River in Brazil, and one of the longest in the world, is the Amazon. The, rainforest ,that covers the Amazon Basin constitutes almost half of the rainforest s on
  14. Jungle. Mayan's civilization in the Abandon is marked by rising exploitation of, rainforest ,resources, rigid social stratification, feverent nationalism and waging war
  15. Of the llanos. The rainy areas in the southeast are blanketed by tropical, rainforest , In the mountains, the spotty patterns of precipitation in alpine areas
  16. Resided here when they lived on Earth. They inhabit about a million hectares of, rainforest ,but from the 16th century to the present, migrants have taken over the area
  17. Palm oil plantations are rapidly encroaching on the last remnants of primary, rainforest , The rainforest was also greatly destroyed from the forest fires of 1997 to
  18. Of cheap land. Many settlements grew along the road from Brasília to Belém, but, rainforest , soil proved difficult to cultivate. Still, long-term development plans
  19. Plateau rises from the coastal plain to an average elevation of. Equatorial, rainforest ,dominates this region, although its alternation between wet and dry seasons
  20. Their intention was to collect insects and other animal specimens in the Amazon, rainforest ,and sell them to collectors back in the United Kingdom. They also hoped to
  21. Comprising more than half its territory, is plain and composed by savanna and, rainforest , crossed by rivers belonging to the Amazon and Orinoco basins. The northern
  22. Terrain is rugged with small valleys whose natural vegetation is high altitude, rainforest , The ecosystem covers and area of approximately 1.9 million hectares extending
  23. Has deep salty soils due to its proximity to the sea. It has mostly deciduous, rainforest ,although most has been converted to pasture for cattle and fields for crops. It
  24. Government used Agent Orange to defoliate a large section of the Amazon, rainforest ,so that Alcoa could build the Taurus dam to power mining operations. Large
  25. Very wet. The drier period of the year is May to October. The section of the, rainforest ,that borders the Cordillera Real of the Andes Mountains is a bit cooler, but
  26. All major climates and vegetation of the continent: coast, desert,mountains, rainforest , and savanna. The country's neighbors are Nigeria to the west; Chad to the
  27. The Orinoco River basin, and,in the far south-east, the jungle of the Amazon, rainforest , Together these lowlands comprise over half Colombia's territory, but they
  28. Arable land. It is mostly covered in middle altitude rainforest , high altitude, rainforest , and forests of oaks and pines. The main commercial center of the sierra is the
  29. Endemic species, including many orchids. The island historically had extensive, rainforest ,cover, but the area shrank rapidly due to heavy logging for the needs of the
  30. Nests on tall emergent trees of the western, northern and southern plateau, rainforest , The Christmas Island forest is the only nesting habitat of the Abbott's Booby
  31. Ayahuasca use. Some Westerners have teamed up with shamans in the Amazon, rainforest ,regions, forming ayahuasca healing retreats that claim to be able to cure
  32. At 2,361 m or It contains the Comoros' largest patch of its disappearing, rainforest , Martial is currently one of the most active volcanoes in the world, with a
  33. Over 4 million in 2005. Overcrowded land in the highlands was relieved when the, rainforest ,to the east was subject to land reform. Cattle ranchers, loggers,and
  34. For the latitude. This led to a landscape which was long dominated by temperate, rainforest , although human activity has since cleared the vast majority of forest cover.
  35. Alcoa could build the Taurus dam to power mining operations. Large areas of, rainforest ,were destroyed, along with the homes and livelihoods of thousands of rural
  36. Of northern Anatolia and the Black Sea. They include the enclaves of temperate, rainforest ,lying along the southeastern coast of the Black Sea in eastern Turkey and
  37. Most treated ecosystems in Mexico the" cloud rainforest " and the Soconusco, rainforest , The El Triumph Biosphere Reserve, decreed in 1990,is located in the Sierra
  38. Part of Vancouver Island and the rest of the coast is covered by temperate, rainforest , The province's mainland away from the coastal regions is not as moderated by
  39. Department of Environment and Heritage through Parks Australia. Flora The dense, rainforest ,has evolved in the deep soils of the plateau and on the terraces. The forests
  40. And Yucatan. It has a surface area of 101,288.15 hectares and preserves a, rainforest ,area with kart formations. The Laguna de Montebello National Park was decreed
  41. Of climates but little arable land. It is mostly covered in middle altitude, rainforest , high altitude rainforest , and forests of oaks and pines. The main commercial
  42. Civilisation around Lake Chad and the Aka hunter-gatherers in the southeastern, rainforest , Portuguese explorers reached the coast in the 15th century and named the area
  43. Ranges from sea level to at Murray Hill. The island is mainly tropical, rainforest , of which 63 % is National Park. The narrow fringing reef surrounding the
  44. And August. The original vegetation was lowland deciduous rainforest with some, rainforest ,of middle altitudes and some oaks above 1500masl. The Eastern Mountains (
  45. Of the neighboring countries. It has within it five ecosystems, the tropical, rainforest , the pant anal, the Gerardo, the matey Atlantic and the pampas and surrounding
  46. Are rapidly encroaching on the last remnants of primary rainforest . The, rainforest ,was also greatly destroyed from the forest fires of 1997 to 1998,which were
  47. Roads The Pan-American Highway runs through Central America, and except for an, rainforest ,break, called the Darren Gap, the road links the mainland nations of the
  48. Taking São Luís in 1615. They sent military expeditions to the Amazon, rainforest ,and conquered British and Dutch strongholds, founding villages and forts from
  49. North coast, comprises about 1 % of Borneo's land area. Older than the Amazon, rainforest , Borneo is home to one of the oldest rainforest s in the world (however the
  50. And eastern portions of the country are mostly sparsely inhabited tropical, rainforest ,and inland tropical plains containing small farming communities and indigenous

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