Examples of the the word, roof , in a Sentence Context

The word ( roof ), is the 3407 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. D'art. Rodin worked as Carrier-Belleuse' chief assistant until 1870,designing, roof ,decorations and staircase and doorway embellishments. With the arrival of the
  2. Penetrating the composite of mud and organic matter. Vegas are beams across the, roof ,that support the roof . Raising a traditional adobe roof To raise a flattened
  3. Fireplace in the center. There was no chimney, only a hole at the angle of the, roof ,; there was one window on the eastern side and there were two doors. The house
  4. Great fires set within them, which probably required removal of the massive, roof ,- a task which would require significant effort. Habitations were abandoned
  5. Of mud and organic matter. Vegas are beams across the roof that support the, roof , Raising a traditional adobe roof To raise a flattened adobe roof , beams of
  6. The roof and floor of the Propylaea were partly restored, with sections of the, roof ,made of new marble and decorated with blue and gold inserts, as in the original
  7. To remain cool in the heat of the day. Each home had a kitchen with an open, roof , which contained a grindstone for milling flour and a small oven for baking
  8. Support the roof . Raising a traditional adobe roof To raise a flattened adobe, roof , beams of wood or metal should be assembled and span the extent of the building
  9. Landscaped gardens, fountains,futuristic glass, and a landmark new blue glass, roof ,which was added to the main stadium. A second Olympic complex, next to the sea
  10. That starts in shades of golden orange moving into greenish blues. The, roof ,is arched and was likened to the back of a dragon or dinosaur. A common theory
  11. Visitors. Casa Milà in the media and literature * A scene in, was filmed on the, roof ,of the building. * Mentioned in the book by Join Golfer: Artemis Fowl and the
  12. Is ornamented with a portico supported by four black-veined marble columns. The, roof ,of the nave is of Moorish plaster work. It rests on a series of arcades
  13. To the sense of smell, perhaps holding something like Jacobson's organ. The, roof ,of the briefcase was thin, perhaps to improve thermoregulation for the brain.
  14. Are beams across the roof that support the roof . Raising a traditional adobe, roof ,To raise a flattened adobe roof , beams of wood or metal should be assembled and
  15. Reweigh, with no electricity, one outside tap for water, and a corrugated iron, roof ,on the traditional stone cottage, now since demolished. * Artist Robert Henri
  16. Building, it is then time to begin the placing of adobe bricks to create the, roof , An adobe roof is often laid with bricks slightly larger in width to ensure a
  17. Construction of the chimney can also greatly influence the construction of the, roof ,supports, creating an extra need for care in choosing the right materials. The
  18. Sold at such prices in the markets of all the cities!: He who slept on the, roof , died on the roof , : He who slept in the house, had no burial, : People were
  19. The doors were shut, SS men would dump in the cyanide pellets via holes in the, roof ,or windows on the side. In Auschwitz II-Birkenau, more than 20,000 people could
  20. In lateral approximate, the center of tongue makes solid contact with the, roof ,of the mouth. However, the defining location is the side of the tongue, which
  21. Car. Its roof collapsed in the crash, and Alexander held the remains of the, roof ,on his shoulders as the children fled outdoors. The onset of Alexander's
  22. Kneecap when the GSE cart overturned on him. A hole was blown in the NAS hangar, roof ,250 feet above, and about 40 windows in the hanger were shattered. The command
  23. Gallery Image: Casey Battle. JPG|The Casey Battle by day Image: Fader batty, roof , JPG|The arched roof and complex chimney detailing Image: Casey battle chimney.
  24. Of February 2007. Image: Goeldoric06390141. JPG|Doric columns support the, roof ,of the lower court which forms the central terrace, with serpentine seating
  25. According to the regular rules of vowel harmony. Usage: :Dakota::: Off the, roof ,: :Loyalty::: Off the table: :Kannada::: From the beach: :Malta::: From the
  26. Egyptian temples, such as those at Giza, consist of single, enclosed halls with, roof ,slabs supported by columns. In the New Kingdom, architects added the pylon, the
  27. Depth. It was also in this period that Poirot shot a man who was firing from a, roof ,onto the public below. Poirot had retired from the Belgian police force by the
  28. Was 48,610,rising in the next season to 49,128. The Arena has a retractable, roof ,and set a trend for other modern stadiums built in Europe in the following
  29. Battle. JPG|The Casey Battle by day Image: Fader batty roof . JPG|The arched, roof ,and complex chimney detailing Image: Casey battle chimney. JPG|Close-up of a
  30. Thicker armor than would otherwise be the case, although sometimes there was no, roof ,(or merely a strip of canvas) to keep the overall weight down to the limit
  31. Finished with other nontraditional plasters providing longer protection. Adobe, roof ,The traditional adobe roof has been generally constructed using a mixture of
  32. Is then time to begin the placing of adobe bricks to create the roof . An adobe, roof ,is often laid with bricks slightly larger in width to ensure a larger expanse
  33. Terrorist attack during the second phase of the Lebanese Civil War. *1979 – The, roof ,of the uncompleted Rosamond Horizon near Chicago, Illinois collapses, killing 5
  34. Has earned a reputation for a terrible grass pitch caused by the removable, roof ,that, even when open, takes away too much sunlight and fresh air. During the
  35. Were restored, with many wrongly assembled columns now properly placed. The, roof ,and floor of the Propylaea were partly restored, with sections of the roof made
  36. Roof More traditional adobe roof s were often flatter than the familiar steeped, roof ,as the native climate yielded more sun and heat than mass amounts of snow or
  37. There is a charge for entrance to the apartment on the second floor and the, roof , The other floors (3-5) are not open to visitors. Casa Milà in the media and
  38. And East stands were constructed, opening in 1932 and 1936 respectively, and a, roof ,was added to the North Bank terrace, which was bombed during the Second World
  39. Of 1888. At the moment of the crash the royal family was in the dining car. Its, roof ,collapsed in the crash, and Alexander held the remains of the roof on his
  40. Thick wall and/or roof . Roof materials Depending on the materials available,a, roof ,can be assembled using lengths of wood or metal to create a framework to begin
  41. German terrorists were making bombs in the tunnel, and broke through the, roof ,of the tunnel with jackhammers. They found nothing, installed an electric light
  42. To be possibly the largest block of privately owned apartments under one, roof ,in Britain at the time it was built, and the first to employ pre-stressed
  43. Asphalt is used for the oil refinery product used to pave roads and manufacture, roof ,shingles and various waterp roof ing products. Diluted bitumen (diluted with
  44. Laid across the top of the bricks to provide a horizontal bearing plate for the, roof ,to distribute the weight more evenly along the wall. To protect the interior
  45. Prices in the markets of all the cities!: He who slept on the roof , died on the, roof ,: He who slept in the house, had no burial, : People were flailing at themselves
  46. With cement to allow even drying and prevent major cracking. Traditional adobe, roof ,More traditional adobe roof s were often flatter than the familiar steeped roof
  47. Games (and most other home games late in the season) were played with the, roof ,closed. With the temperature inside at a comfortable 70 °F (21 °C),the team
  48. And mortared together with more adobe mixture to create a thick wall and/or, roof , Roof materials Depending on the materials available, a roof can be assembled
  49. Plasters providing longer protection. Adobe roof The traditional adobe, roof ,has been generally constructed using a mixture of soil/clay, water,sand, and
  50. The supporting posts are still visible. Driving north on I-94 a sign on the, roof ,of the building nearest the freeway says" Study Natural Law. " Quotation Ames

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