Examples of the the word, q , in a Sentence Context

The word ( q ), is the 1646 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Frac\right)\delta.: c_ q (1) = \mu ( q ). \;: c_ q ( q ) = \phi (, q ,). \;: \sum_do (\delta) = \left (\sum’d (\delta)\right)^2. \; Compare this
  2. P from a to a do for q from 2⌊a to 2⌈a do if abs app, q > y then y: = abs app, q ,; i: p; k: q phi od; y end # abs max # Note: lower (⌊) and upper (⌈)
  3. R is less than the shorter length s. In modern words, remainder r = l − q *s, q ,being the q uotient, or remainder r is the" modulus ", the integer-fractional
  4. I and k; comment begin real y: 0; i: a; k: = 2⌊a; for p from a to a do for, q ,from 2⌊a to 2⌈a do if abs app, q > y then y: = abs app, q ; i: p; k: q phi od; y
  5. The rational function 1/p can be written as the sum of a polynomial function, q ,with rational functions of the form a/ (x − b)n. Therefore, the rational
  6. Only if p (x) has roots. But if q (x) = in + an − 1xn − 1+ ··· + a0,then, q ,(x) is the characteristic polynomial of the companion matrix:
  7. Is ‹ -the ›, hence a" bit" is in Afrikaans and in Dutch. The letters ‹ c ›, ‹, q , ›,‹ x ›, and ‹ z › occur almost exclusively in borrowings from French, English
  8. don't have a common root, for if a ∈ F was a common root, then p (x) and, q ,(x) would both be multiples of x − a, and therefore they would not relatively
  9. Y by z to get a q uotient q and remainder r, there is an outer loop which sets, q ,and r first to the q uotient and remainder of 1/z, then to those of 2/z, and so
  10. And the fraction with the recessive phenotype is q 2. With three alleles:: p +, q ,+ r = 1 \, and: p^2 + 2p q + 2pr + q ^2 + 2 q r + r^2 = 1 \, In the case of
  11. Gamma_ m_ \gamma_ \s q uad \ q uad \text rm \ q uad n 1,2,3,4 \ q uad \text \ q uad, q ,= 1,2,\dots, Q where \gamma_ is generally taken to be the duration of the QC
  12. En# 100&as_subj bio biology,http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?, q ,%22Algebraic+Geometry%22&hl en# 100&as_subj chm chemistry
  13. Since p (x) has no roots in F, q (x) also has no roots in F. Therefore, q ,(x) has degree greater than one, since every first degree polynomial has one
  14. Is in fact defined everywhere except at the fixed points. For almost any point, q , on the boundary, ( assuming it is not a fixed point) the one manifold with
  15. Can be e q uated with the mass of the ion’m,via Newton's law (F=ma): ma =, q ,\tabla \phi a = \franc \tabla \phi Relativistic effects in the ion flight are
  16. Pairs. Rules for generating Thābit's rule states that if: p = 3 × 2n − 1 − 1,:, q ,= 3 × 2n − 1,: r = 9 × 22n − 1 − 1,where n > 1 is an integer and p, q ,and r
  17. En# 100&as_subj chm chemistry,http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?, q ,%22Algebraic+Geometry%22&hl en# 100&as_subj bus economics
  18. Frac\phi ( q )\\ &=\sum_\mu\left (\franc\right)\delta. \end Note that \phi (, q ,) = \sum_\mu\left (\franc\right)\delta.: c_ q (1) = \mu ( q ). \;: c_ q ( q ) =
  19. En# 100&as_subj bus economics,http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?, q ,%22Algebraic+Geometry%22&hl en# 100&as_subj PHY physics and of course other
  20. x. Regarding the division algorithm, when dividing y by z to get a q uotient, q ,and remainder r, there is an outer loop which sets q and r first to the
  21. But ℓ1 and ℓ∞ are not reflexive. When p < ∞, the dual of up is HQ where p and, q ,are related by the formula 1/p + 1/ q = 1. See L p spaces for details.
  22. Q (x) be some irreducible factor of p (x). Since p (x) has no roots in F, q ,(x) also has no roots in F. Therefore, q (x) has degree greater than one
  23. Values of q ),it is an integer. For a fixed value of n it is multiplicative in, q ,:: If q and r are cop rime, c_ q (n)c_r (n)=c_ (n). \; Many of the functions
  24. 0. And to" measure" is to place a shorter measuring length s successively (, q ,times) along longer length l until the remaining portion r is less than the
  25. Of q ),it is an integer. For a fixed value of n it is multiplicative in q :: If, q ,and r are cop rime, c_ q (n)c_r (n)=c_ (n). \; Many of the functions
  26. q ) = \sum_\mu\left (\franc\right)\delta.: c_ q (1) = \mu ( q ). \;: c_ q (, q ,) = \phi ( q ). \;: \sum_do (\delta) = \left (\sum’d (\delta)\right)^2. \;
  27. To y, and the subscripts of this element to i and k; begin integer p, q ,; y: 0; i: k: = 1; for p: =1 step 1 until n do for q : =1 step 1 until m do if
  28. 1 − 1,: q = 3 × 2n − 1,: r = 9 × 22n − 1 − 1,where n > 1 is an integer and p, q , and r are prime numbers, then 2np q and 2nr are a pair of amicable numbers.
  29. N do for q : =1 step 1 until m do if abs (app, q ) > y then begin y: = abs (app, q ,); i: p; k: q end Abs max Here's an example of how to produce a table using
  30. I: k: = 1; for p: =1 step 1 until n do for q : =1 step 1 until m do if abs (app, q ,) > y then begin y: = abs (app, q ); i: p; k: q end Abs max Here's an
  31. 0; i: a; k: = 2⌊a; for p from a to a do for q from 2⌊a to 2⌈a do if abs app, q ,> y then y: = abs app, q ; i: p; k: q phi od; y end # abs max # Note: lower (⌊
  32. Reformed alphabet discarded six letters Franklin regarded as redundant (c, j, q , w, x,and y),and substituted six new letters for sounds he felt lacked
  33. Mentioned above does exist, and the only possibility is that it leads from, q ,to a fixed point. It is an easy numerical task to follow such a path from q to
  34. Polynomial q (x) which has roots if and only if p (x) has roots. But if, q ,(x) = in + an − 1xn − 1+ ··· + a0,then q (x) is the characteristic
  35. It is defined as a sum of complex numbers (irrational for most values of, q ,), it is an integer. For a fixed value of n it is multiplicative in q :: If q
  36. There is some non-constant polynomial p (x) in FX without roots in F. Let, q ,(x) be some irreducible factor of p (x). Since p (x) has no roots in F, q
  37. I and k; begin integer p, q ; y: 0; i: k: = 1; for p: =1 step 1 until n do for, q ,: =1 step 1 until m do if abs (app, q ) > y then begin y: = abs (app, q ); i: p;
  38. Element of FX. Dividing by its leading coefficient, we get another polynomial, q ,(x) which has roots if and only if p (x) has roots. But if q (x) = in +
  39. P, and occurring in that part of the Arabic alphabet (between historic o and, q ,). Esperanto letters with circumflexes, ĉ,ĝ, ĥ,ĵ and ŝ, are written as those
  40. Of more studies on algebraic geometry in http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?, q ,%22Algebraic+Geometry%22&hl en# 100&as_subj bio biology
  41. Phy physics and of course other areas of http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?, q ,%22Algebraic+Geometry%22&hl en# 100&as_subj ENG mathematics. Austin is the
  42. 2n − 1,: r = (2 (n - m)+1)2 × 2 m + n − 1,where n>m> 0 are integers and p, q , and r are prime numbers, then 2np q and 2nr are a pair of amicable numbers.
  43. A do for q from 2⌊a to 2⌈a do if abs app, q > y then y: = abs app, q ; i: p; k:, q ,phi od; y end # abs max # Note: lower (⌊) and upper (⌈) bounds of an
  44. It will have some root a, which will be then a common root of p (x) and, q ,(x). If F is not algebraically closed, let p (x) be a polynomial whose
  45. Step 1 until m do if abs (app, q ) > y then begin y: = abs (app, q ); i: p; k:, q ,end Abs max Here's an example of how to produce a table using Elliott 803
  46. Prime polynomials and roots For any field F, if two polynomials p (x), q , ( x) ∈ FX are relatively prime then they don't have a common root, for if a ∈
  47. P + q =1 \, : p^2 + 2p q + q ^2=1 \, where p is the fre q uency of one allele and, q ,is the fre q uency of the alternative allele, which necessarily sum to unity.
  48. Of this is Euler's rule, which states that if: p = (2 (n - m)+1) × 2 m − 1,:, q ,= (2 (n - m)+1) × 2n − 1,: r = (2 (n - m)+1)2 × 2 m + n − 1,where n>m> 0
  49. Note that \phi ( q ) = \sum_\mu\left (\franc\right)\delta.: c_ q (1) = \mu (, q ,). \;: c_ q ( q ) = \phi ( q ). \;: \sum_do (\delta) = \left (\sum’d (
  50. Closed fields. If the field F is algebraically closed, let p (x) and, q ,(x) two polynomials which are not relatively prime and let r (x) be their

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