Examples of the the word, enemy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enemy ), is the 1659 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S force, even if the annexation of the occupied country is proclaimed by the, enemy , there can be no change of allegiance during the progress of hostilities on the
  2. Alfonso became involved in a war, taking the side of the Aragonite king,an, enemy ,of Castile. To ensure the alliance, his son Sancho was engaged to Dunce, sister
  3. They may be. Where territory is occupied in the course of hostilities by an, enemy ,'s force, even if the annexation of the occupied country is proclaimed by the
  4. Use replaced the hyperspace feature. In addition, the asteroids rotated, a new, enemy ,dubbed a killer satellite was added to the game, and would break apart into two
  5. With the ambition of powerful nobles. The count of Barcelona, a personal, enemy ,of the Duke of Cobra (despite being half-brothers) eventually became the
  6. Except for the issue of diplomats or of invading forces or of an alien in, enemy ,occupied territory). The natural allegiance and obedience is an incident
  7. The sign of nomadic cultural influences on the Lombards: by drinking from his, enemy ,'s skull Albion was taking his vital strength. As for the offering of the skull
  8. He subsequently used that money to raise troops against the Senate's arch, enemy , Mark Antony. Octavian made another bold move in 44 BC when without official
  9. Escorted by fighter squadrons are the targets of many ruthless air pirates and, enemy ,countries. This world has featured in a board game, a PC game, an Xbox game, a
  10. When the protection of the Crown was withdrawn owing to the occupation of an, enemy , because the absence of the Crown's protection was temporary and involuntary (
  11. Portugal lost influence and power and made new enemies. The Dutch, a major, enemy ,of Castile, invaded many Portuguese overseas possessions, including Luanda. The
  12. Communist countries, such as China, welcomed him because they thought he was an, enemy ,of Capitalism, but often turned against him when they saw him as trouble
  13. To impede the progress of an enemy army, he would build them. If the, enemy ,struck from the sea, he would counter them with his own naval power.
  14. Malignant influence of another Goth, Sarus, an Mali, and therefore hereditary, enemy ,of Alaric and his house. Alaric, again outwitted by an enemy 's machinations
  15. And reinforcements from one corps to another to increase the pressure on the, enemy ,at a critical point. Field armies are controlled by a General or Lieutenant
  16. And some Sikh warriors were annoyed by Thai Kannada as he was helping their, enemy , Sikh soldiers brought Thai Kannada before Guru Go bind Singh Hi, and
  17. The Republicans' counterargument that slavery was the mainstay of the, enemy ,steadily gained support, with the Democrats crushed at the 1863 elections in
  18. Different faiths, when a fellow Sikh, Bhai Kannada, attended the troops of the, enemy , He gave water to both friends and foes who were wounded on the battlefield.
  19. Made it easier for Lee's Confederates to defeat twice the number of combined, enemy ,troops. Emboldened by Second Bull Run, the Confederacy made its first invasion
  20. Europe bearing dispatches announcing that he was superseded by his personal, enemy ,Logo Soars de Albergaria. The blow was too much for him, and he died at sea on
  21. And Pans. Octavian also demanded that the decree declaring Antony a public, enemy ,should be rescinded. Meanwhile, Antony formed an alliance with Marcus Arminius
  22. Princess, her loyal general and two peasants who all need to travel through, enemy ,lines in order to reach their home region. Released in December 1958,The
  23. The pigs. The original commandments were: # Whatever goes upon two legs is an, enemy , # Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. # No animal shall
  24. Water to both friends and foes who were wounded on the battlefield. Some, enemy ,began to fight again, and some Sikh warriors were annoyed by Thai Kannada as he
  25. Well the importance of Vicksburg, and understood the necessity of defeating the, enemy ,'s army, rather than simply capturing territory. Indian affairs were troubled
  26. Erected, with strong outside walls, capable of resisting the assaults of an, enemy , within which all the necessary edifices were ranged round one or more open
  27. Battle-prowess ", in this case the ability to withstand or push back an, enemy ,battle line. The earliest attested form of the name is the Mycenaean Greek
  28. Vessel, at which point the crew would lash the two ships together and board the, enemy , The result was effectively a land battle involving hand-to-hand fighting on
  29. S cohesion, Philip ordered his troops to press forward and quickly routed his, enemy , With the rout of the Athenians, the The bans were left to fight alone;
  30. Of committing an act of near treason by cooperating with his country's, enemy , Wodehouse got some revenge on his former friend by creating fatuous parodies
  31. Hereditary enemy of Alaric and his house. Alaric, again outwitted by an, enemy ,'s machinations, marched southward and in deadly earnest, began his third siege
  32. One year later Guthrie, or Athelstan by his baptized name, Alfred’s former, enemy ,and king of East Anglia died and was buried in Hayleigh, Suffolk. Guthrie’s
  33. War. The American privateers had almost 1,700 ships, and they captured 2,283, enemy , ships. The Continental Congress authorized the creation of a small Continental
  34. War:" the epidemic was in retreat all along the line; victory was won and the, enemy ,was abandoning his positions. " Symbolism Imagery of the sea is often used in
  35. Either combat or non-combat: * Combat aircraft are aircraft designed to destroy, enemy ,equipment using its own armament. Combat aircraft divide
  36. In the poem: When the hero is functioning rightly, his men bring grief to the, enemy , but when wrongly, his men get the grief of war. The poem is in part about the
  37. But troop carriers. A naval battle entailed a ship's coming alongside an, enemy ,vessel, at which point the crew would lash the two ships together and board the
  38. Of the Great Old One Master. Shrewsbury, an old agent of Master and the devoted, enemy ,of Hastur's half-brother, Cthulhu,crosses its gates in search of Alhazred's
  39. S force, even if the annexation of the occupied country is proclaimed by the, enemy , there can be no change of allegiance during the progress of hostilities on the
  40. Called pueblos, designed so that they could lift entry ladders during, enemy ,attacks, which provided security for the Pueblo peoples. Archaeologists
  41. May be, so that where territory is occupied in the course of hostilities by an, enemy ,'s force, even if the annexation of the occupied country is proclaimed by the
  42. Ajax would wield his magnificent shield, as Teacher stood behind picking off, enemy ,Trojans. Achilles was absent during these encounters because of his feud with
  43. In Hispanic, where he planned to fight the forces of Pompey,Caesar's late, enemy , but Octavius fell ill and was unable to travel. When he had recovered, he
  44. Allegory explicit, as when he refers to the plague in terms that describe an, enemy ,in war:" the epidemic was in retreat all along the line; victory was won and
  45. Long enough to exhaust the Union. Confederates did not need to invade and hold, enemy ,territory to win, but only needed to fight a defensive war to convince the
  46. Athenians, the The bans were left to fight alone; surrounded by the victorious, enemy , they were crushed. At Corinth, Philip established a" Hellenic Alliance" (
  47. Army, so be it. If his kingdom lacked strong points to impede the progress of an, enemy ,army, he would build them. If the enemy struck from the sea, he would counter
  48. XVI of France is formally arrested by the National Tribunal, and declared an, enemy ,of the people. *1806 – Battle of Miser during the Serbian revolution begins.
  49. Theban lines, followed by Philip's generals. Having achieved a breach in the, enemy ,'s cohesion, Philip ordered his troops to press forward and quickly routed his
  50. Of winning was too high. The North needed to conquer and hold vast stretches of, enemy ,territory and defeat Confederate armies to win. Name "/IN"> confederacy"/> Some

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