Examples of the the word, prostitution , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prostitution ), is the 9781 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And" morality" films which dealt with" scandalous" subjects like abortion, prostitution , homosexuality, oral sex and addiction. Contrastingly, in the same period the
  2. Below 18 Prostitution In many countries there are specific laws against child, prostitution , Initiatives to change the age of consent Age-of-consent reform refers to the
  3. For pornographic photos in 1932,which Göring misrepresented as being for, prostitution ,as a way of smearing her husband. This led to Blomberg's resigning. Fitch
  4. Nuclei of the city and former touristic attraction, is currently known as a, prostitution ,hotspot of the city. It includes the Monte dos Ingress (Bridge of the
  5. Earlier view. They differentiate among various sexual practices, treating rape, prostitution , or temple sex rituals as immoral and those within committed relationships as
  6. Public to lend the state money. Caligula levied taxes on lawsuits, marriage and, prostitution , Caligula began auctioning the lives of the gladiators at shows. Wills that
  7. Some of his most complex pieces. The Miraculous Mandarin, a modern story of, prostitution , robbery, and murder, was started in 1918,but not performed until 1926 because
  8. To smuggling and bootlegging liquor, and other illegal activities such as, prostitution , in Chicago from the early 1920s to 1931. Born in Brooklyn, New York to Italian
  9. Social changes, including a higher degree of sexual promiscuity, the spread of, prostitution , and the concomitant high frequency of genital ulcer diseases (such as
  10. An undercover mission. Han is suspected to be involved in drug trafficking and, prostitution , However, since Han's island is only partly in their jurisdiction, they are
  11. Was then — and remained well into the 19th century — a place of high-level, prostitution ,in Europe. Traces of this hidden agenda of the city's history is found in the
  12. August 1945,the Home Ministry ordered local government offices to establish a, prostitution ,service for allied soldiers to preserve the" purity" of the" Japanese race "
  13. The University of Zimbabwe in Harare by students and staff who have turned to, prostitution ,to make ends meet. Students are destitute following the institution's refusal
  14. Include body image, rape,suicide, misogyny,conformity, elitism,pregnancy, prostitution , and death. Her later work was more introspective in its lyrics as opposed to
  15. Of all murders, that of a King ". In 1756, he wrote: I am sensible that from the, prostitution ,of patriotism, from the art of ministers who have had the address to exalt the
  16. Was generated through numerous illegal vice enterprises, such as gambling and, prostitution ,; the highest revenue was generated by the sale of liquor. The organized
  17. Prophylaxis and suppression of epidemics, suppression of venereal disease and, prostitution , care of the skin, baths,food, housing and clothing, regulation of labor
  18. Paul Gauguin. As with Luncheon on the Grass, the painting raised the issue of, prostitution ,within contemporary France and the roles of women within society. Life and
  19. The Children of God, the judge argued, Flirty Fishing was not understood as, prostitution ,but" as a personal contribution to the humanitarian aims that the sect always
  20. Employees' salaries (ostensibly for his party); and received a portion of, prostitution ,revenues. World War II brought increased demand for Dominican exports, and the
  21. A report was published encouraging the formation of a zone of tolerance towards, prostitution ,in Balsall Heath. This was opposed by a local police inspector and by residents
  22. FRS as the" king of Sweden" ( Rex Special): The reference to public, prostitution ,may be a memory of fertility cult practices. Such a memory may also be the
  23. Came to a different conclusion in 1991,deciding that Flirty Fishing was not, prostitution ,(see Tribunal Penal di Roma (Criminal Court of Rome),November 15, 1991
  24. Divided by these debates. Prostitution and trafficking Feminists' views on, prostitution ,vary, but many of these perspectives can be loosely arranged into an
  25. Various other criminal activities, including bribery of government figures and, prostitution , Despite his illegitimate occupation, Capone became a highly visible public
  26. El Lute) were especially affected. In 1954,homosexuality, pedophilia,and, prostitution ,were, through this law, made criminal offenses, although its application was
  27. Ephesus (in modern-day Turkey). Local guides say it is an advertisement for, prostitution , Located near a mosaic and stone walkway, the graffiti shows a handprint that
  28. An overarching standpoint that is generally either critical or supportive of, prostitution ,and sex work. Anti- prostitution feminists are strongly opposed to prostitution
  29. Heath remained a respectable working-class suburb until the 1950s when street, prostitution ,first appeared. Property values fell, attracting Birmingham's poorer
  30. And angered him, including floggings, embezzlement of supplies, and forced, prostitution ,of women. He wrote," There were times I felt that I saw before me the extreme
  31. Of decent clothes. Goldman, meanwhile,decided to help fund the scheme through, prostitution , Remembering the character of Sonya in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and
  32. The right of individuals to make contracts involving usury, rum,marriage, prostitution , and many other things which are believed to be wrong in principle and opposed
  33. MacKinnon and Laura Federer; the European Women's Lobby has also condemned, prostitution ,as" an intolerable form of male violence ". Other feminists hold that
  34. Beats that have much in common with N. W. A. Their lyrics are about racism, prostitution ,(not always negatively),police and other social subjects. Extinct uses very
  35. As" an intolerable form of male violence ". Other feminists hold that, prostitution ,and other forms of sex work can be valid choices for women and men who choose
  36. And a sign of male dominance over women. Feminists who hold such views on, prostitution ,include Kathleen Barry, Melissa Farley, Julie Binder, Sheila Jeffrey's
  37. As the lesbian sex wars, clashing in particular overviews on sadomasochism, prostitution ,and transsexuality. The term" gay" came to be more strongly associated with
  38. Be valid choices for women and men who choose to engage in it. In this view, prostitution ,must be differentiated from forced prostitution , and feminists should support
  39. Of a nonpartisan group of candidates who focused on" cleaning up" widespread, prostitution ,and gambling. As a Republican he won a seat in the US Senate in 1952,when he
  40. And outrage from many quarters. Love" There is an invincible taste for, prostitution ,in the heart of man, from which comes his horror of solitude. He wants to be
  41. For problems, she wished to tackle. On 15 August 2007 she talked about, prostitution , the next week about benefits and the week after that about truancy. A fourth
  42. Its first official task was visiting and making surveys of the houses of, prostitution ,in preparation for enforcing the" White Slave Traffic Act," or Mann Act
  43. Relationships, Martin writes frankly of sex, including incest, adultery, prostitution , and rape. As a result, illegitimate children play prominent roles throughout
  44. Myth of Indra defeating Extra, liberating Us has. Was the practice of ritual, prostitution ,in her shrines and temples. The euphemism in Greek is microjoule," sacred
  45. Early 1900s colonial cities were notable due to their high prevalence of, prostitution ,and genital ulcer STD's, to the degree that, as of 1928,as many as 45 % of
  46. For prosecution. Dewey led a successful investigation into Luciano's lucrative, prostitution ,operation, eventually sending Luciano to jail with a 30-50 year sentence. The
  47. Prostitution and sex work. Anti- prostitution feminists are strongly opposed to, prostitution , as they see the practice as a form of violence against and exploitation of
  48. IV. 37 and V. 1,and that II. 14 seems to mention the extant practice of temple, prostitution ,at Metropolis in Phoenicia, concluded that the Theophania was probably written
  49. To engage in it. In this view, prostitution must be differentiated from forced, prostitution , and feminists should support sex worker activism against abuses by both the
  50. Residents to migrate to Havana, where there were high levels of crime and, prostitution , More than 40 percent of the Cuban workforce in 1958 was either underemployed

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