Examples of the the word, pandemic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pandemic ), is the 9800 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Argued that Western Europe was generally more effective in recovering from the, pandemic ,than the Middle East. In the early modern period, important early figures in
  2. In 1921 when he learned that she had died of influenza during the 1918 flu, pandemic , * in late 1918 ended any possibility of reconciliation. Pursuance would
  3. That the reported rates of mortality in rural areas during the 14th century, pandemic ,were inconsistent with the modern bubonic plague, leading him to conclude that
  4. During WW I because of reduced immigration during the war, the 1918 influenza, pandemic ,and the war deaths. In 1921,the Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act
  5. To stop the rampant inflation afflicting the nation, and to put a stop to the, pandemic ,suffering from the brutal trademark violence in the streets of street gangs, most
  6. Between the actions of Columbus himself, who died well before the first, pandemic ,to hit Hispaniola or the height of the encomienda system, and those of later
  7. The disease. " I have a tremendous will to live: I've been through another, pandemic ,– I'm a polio survivor, so I know how conservative the medical body can be. "
  8. Outlining what he could and could not be involved in if there were an avian flu, pandemic ,and the Pentagon had to respond. Continued part-time public service During his
  9. People perished of the disease. It killed 150,000 Americans during the second, pandemic , Between 1900 and 1920,perhaps eight million people died of cholera in India.
  10. People in India and China alone. Casualty patterns indicate that waves of this, pandemic ,may have come from two different sources. The first was primarily bubonic and
  11. 2001,Anna issued a five-point" Call to Action" to address the HIV/AIDS, pandemic , Stating it was a" personal priority ", Annan proposed a Global AIDS and
  12. That the rat population was insufficient to account for a bubonic plague, pandemic , skeptics of the bubonic plague theory point out that the symptoms of the Black
  13. 51. The plot of Deus Ex depicts a society on a slow spiral into chaos. A lethal, pandemic ,known as the" Gray Death" ravages the world's population, especially within
  14. Which spread through the Roman Empire between 165 and 180. The disease was a, pandemic ,believed to be either of smallpox or measles, and would ultimately claim the
  15. Else) that Spain was the most-affected area. This ultimately led to the, pandemic ,getting the nickname" the Spanish Flu. " Alfonso was a promoter of tourism in
  16. Percentage of lower respiratory and diarrheal deaths. Historic pandemic s A, pandemic ,(or global epidemic) is a disease that affects people over an extensive
  17. Been identified by some as buboes, there is some contention whether the, pandemic ,should be attributed to the bubonic plague, Yersinia pests, known in modern
  18. 1665-1666 epidemic was on a far smaller scale than the earlier" Black Death ", pandemic , a virulent outbreak of disease in Europe between 1347 and 1353. The plague of
  19. France and this second strain is now thought to have been responsible for the, pandemic ,that spread through the Low Countries from 1350. This discovery implies that
  20. The first case of Spanish flu occurs, the start of a devastating worldwide, pandemic , * 1918 – The departures from Barbados and is never seen again, presumably lost
  21. More than 100 people. * The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was a, pandemic ,in Europe that killed tens of millions of people. * The Black Hole of Calcutta
  22. Of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. The Plague of Justinian was a, pandemic ,that afflicted the Byzantine Empire, including its capital Constantinople, in
  23. Group as" cheerleaders for latent campus sodomites. " In the 1980s,the AIDS, pandemic ,led to the outing of several major entertainers, including Rock Hudson. The
  24. Society began to break as Mongol invaded frontier areas and the Black Death, pandemic ,killed from 30 % to 60 % of Europe's population. Beginning roughly in the 14th
  25. After her mother's death earlier that year from the great Spanish flu, pandemic ,of 1918. Shortly afterward, she defied the conventions of her class and times
  26. The spread of emerging infectious disease threats. This allows for informed, pandemic ,planning and enhanced preparedness. History of development In 1854,John Snow
  27. With the Spanish, due to overwork and especially, after 1519,when the first, pandemic ,struck Hispaniola, due to European diseases. Some estimates indicate case
  28. Resistance. Unfortunately, only a vaccine is thought to be able to halt the, pandemic , This is because a vaccine would cost less, thus being affordable for
  29. Historically the medical use of the term" plague" has been applied to, pandemic ,infections in general. Plague is often synonymous with" bubonic plague" but
  30. The latter is now used primarily to describe the second, and most devastating, pandemic ,of the disease. The etymology of the word" plague" is believed to come from
  31. Felt himself lucky to have survived a bout of the Spanish Flu, the worldwide, pandemic ,of that year. Later years Munch spent most of his last two decades in solitude
  32. Letters from Europe. However, he became gravely ill during the 1918 flu, pandemic ,and, since Spain was neutral and thus under no wartime censorship restrictions
  33. He has also raised a specialty venture fund to address the dangers of, pandemic ,diseases, such as H5N1 Avian influenza and biological weapons. Bandwidth is the
  34. Led by Abū-Tāhir Al-Farabi and centered in eastern Arabia. The Black Death, pandemic ,hit Mecca in 1349. In 1517,the Sharif, Barakat bin Muhammed, acknowledged the
  35. Shift, with people from lower levels in society moving to higher levels (the, pandemic ,also having hit the aristocracy). Another explanation highlights the language
  36. Of anthrax and other pandemic s. Scott and Duncan have argued that the, pandemic ,was a form of infectious disease that characterize as hemorrhagic plague
  37. Blood products in the developed world. HIV infection in humans is considered, pandemic ,by the World Health Organization (WHO). Nevertheless, complacency about HIV
  38. Lacks the resources or machinery to deal with the ravages of the HIV/AIDS, pandemic , which affects 25 % of the population. With all this and the forced and violent
  39. And the Fears. 1918 was also the year of the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu, pandemic ,which struck hard at a population weakened by years of malnutrition. Weimar
  40. Dangerous country in the world, poverty,government corruption, and the AIDS, pandemic , writers and musicians, some of them veterans of anti-apartheid movements, are
  41. And he was called back to Helsinki to attend to victims of the Second cholera, pandemic , The third field trip was much more successful and led Elias Control to Vienna
  42. One semester, returning home upon the death of his father during the 1918 flu, pandemic , Cagney believed in hard work, later stating," It was good for me. I feel
  43. Outbreak The plague struck various countries in the Middle East during the, pandemic , leading to serious depopulation and permanent change in both economic and
  44. Moment, the Roman army was crippled by the outbreak of a second smallpox, pandemic , the plague of Cyprian (251-70). The effects are described by Cosmos as even
  45. Century, spurred by its supposed effectiveness in the wake of the Spanish flu, pandemic ,of 1918. However, recent research suggests the high death toll of the 1918 flu
  46. The Aragonite conquered it in the 15th century. Early Modern The Black Death, pandemic ,in 1348 left its mark on Italy by killing one third of the population. However
  47. Expenditure on healthcare services. Botswana has been hit very hard by the AIDS, pandemic ,; in 2006 it was estimated that life expectancy at birth had dropped from 65 to
  48. In children, in industrialized nations may be responsible for a" silent, pandemic ," of brain development disorders. The Flynn effect and IQ group differences If
  49. Against the spread of HIV/AIDS. One of Kaunda's children was claimed by the, pandemic ,in the 1980s. From 2002 to 2004,he was an African President-in-Residence at
  50. To antiretroviral treatment and care in many regions of the world, the AIDS, pandemic ,claimed an estimated 2.8 million (between 2.4 and 3.3 million) lives in 2005

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