Examples of the the word, ivy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. So there is a discrepancy in this theory, although it seems certain the term, ivy ,college and shortly later Ivy League acquired its name from the sports world.
  2. A full-page ad showing a partially-unwrapped Baby Ruth in front of the Wrigley, ivy , with the caption," The official candy bar of Major League Baseball, and proud
  3. Zirconium carbonate (3 ZrO2·CO2·H2O) was used in lotions to treat poison, ivy ,but was discontinued because it occasionally caused bad skin reactions. Safety
  4. Jumbled and Java, : :Sing" Mares eat oats and s eat oats and little lambs eat, ivy , " The listener can figure out that the last line of the refrain is" A kid'll
  5. Him slice his own son into pieces with an axe, thinking he was a patch of, ivy , a plant holy to Dionysus. An oracle then claimed that the land would stay dry
  6. Pomona species). Others climb by way of adventitious, clinging roots (e.g., ivy , Federal species),with twining petioles (e.g., Clematis species),or using
  7. Salts. Like other members of the Anacardiaceae family (which includes poison, ivy , sumac, mango,and cashew),pistachios contain rushing, an irritant that can
  8. The season of the year afforded to be green ". The heart-shaped leaves of, ivy ,were said to symbolize the coming to earth of Jesus, while holly was seen as
  9. Flax, clover,potatoes, chrysanthemum,dahlia, helenium,trumpet vine, ivy ,and petunias, among others. Dodder ranges in severity based on its species and
  10. In London, it was set up in the city pillory for a day, and crowned with, ivy ,and in mockery of the ancient Welsh prophecy, which said that a Welshman would
  11. Even without climbing high. This is the case with periwinkle and ground, ivy , It is also an adaptation to life in areas where small patches of fertile soil
  12. Horehound (the German name for horehound means" mountain hops" ), ground, ivy , and over less desirable microorganisms. Historically, it is believed that
  13. Including acanthus, cornflowers and crocus, cyclamen,hyacinth, iris and, ivy , lavender, lilies,myrtle, narcissus,poppy, rosemary and violet. The beds of
  14. Note though that in the above quote Woodward used the term ivy college, not, ivy , league as Adams is said to have used, so there is a discrepancy in this theory
  15. And varieties of nettle. Non-native introduced plants such as foxglove, ivy ,and holly are also evident. Farther up the island, however,the shorter
  16. So Dionysus turned the mast and oars into snakes, and filled the vessel with, ivy ,and the sound of flutes so that the sailors went mad and, leaping into the sea
  17. Pruritus). Another type of allergen is rushing, a resin produced by poison, ivy ,and poison oak. It causes the skin rash condition known as urushiol-induced
  18. He carries. Besides the grapevine and its wild barren alter-ego, the toxic, ivy ,plant, both sacred to him, the fig was also his symbol. The pine cone that
  19. Deck was added, and in 1937,Bill Week, the son of the club president, planted, ivy , vines against the outfield walls. No matter the weather, many fans congregate
  20. Be divided into woody vines or Liana, such as wisteria, kiwifruit,and common, ivy , and herbaceous (nonwoody) vines, such as morning glory. One odd group of
  21. World War II fortress north-west of Horse Guards Parade, now covered in, ivy , See Military citadels under London for further details. " Admiralty" as a
  22. The film). A scoreboard similar to the one existing in 1932 was used, atop an, ivy ,wall (though that did not exist until later in the decade). The ballpark was
  23. But it must be done outdoors as the smoke (not unlike that from burning poison, ivy ,) contains rushing droplets which can cause severe, sometimes life-threatening
  24. Goods firm Under Armour placed its logo on the double-doors between the, ivy ,on the outfield wall, in left-center and right-center fields. Advertisements
  25. Earwig, tent caterpillar, sowbug, gray squirrel, Asian longhorn beetle, English, ivy , Fallow Deer, thistle,gorse, Norway rat, crested myna, and Asian or European
  26. Protect the stonework from further decline, with particular efforts to remove, ivy ,from the castle in the 1860s. In 1958 his son gave the castle itself to the
  27. Contact dermatitis Mango peel and sap contains rushing, the chemical in poison, ivy ,and poison sumac that can cause urushiol-induced contact dermatitis in
  28. 1912),and the only remaining Federal League park. Wrigley is known for its, ivy ,covered brick outfield wall, the unusual wind patterns off Lake Michigan, the
  29. For gardens in subtropical or warmer regions. Pepper vines can be used much as, ivy ,in temperate climates, while other species, like Lacquered Pepper (P.
  30. Christmas for every house and all the parish churches to be" decked with hold, ivy , bays, and whatsoever the season of the year afforded to be green ". The
  31. Cast in iron or terracotta, and ranging from organic forms like vines and, ivy , to more geometric designs, and interlace, inspired by his Irish design
  32. Known allergenic oil rushing which is also a toxin found in the related poison, ivy , Properly roasting cashews destroys the toxin, but it must be done outdoors as
  33. Exchange of gases. * Aerial roots: roots entirely above the ground, such as in, ivy ,(Federal) or in epiphysis orchids. They function as prop roots, as in maize or
  34. Works and Style Tomato is famed for his long poems, such as" In the sea of, ivy ,clothed Swami "," The Bay of Sun ", and " I loved her like the leaves. " 19
  35. Amphicyrtic (Gr., on both sides, κυρτός,convex) or discoidal (Gr. κισσός, ivy ,), biconvex; steroidal or historical (Gr. ξυστρίς, a tool for scraping)
  36. Under this definition well-known members include carrots, celery,parsley, and, ivy , The order Apples is placed within the asteroid group of edicts as
  37. Early Christianity during Late Antiquity. Symbolism The bull, the serpent,the, ivy ,and the wine are the signs of the characteristic Dionysian atmosphere, and
  38. In his fit of insanity he killed his son, whom he mistook for a stock of mature, ivy , and Ambrosia, who was transformed into the grapevine. Aurelius Ambrosia
  39. And pteridophytes, but also in many divots, such as clover (Tribolium), ivy , ( Federal),strawberry (Frag aria) and willow (Sal ix). Most aerial roots and
  40. Listener can figure out that the last line of the refrain is" A kid'll eat, ivy , too; wouldn't you? ", but this line is sung only as a nondegree. Other
  41. Large pointed ears, long curly hair, and full beards, with wreaths of vine or, ivy ,circling their balding heads. Satyrs often carry the tipped with a pine cone.
  42. The house too small, though Queen Mary annoyed her niece by having the ancient, ivy ,torn from the walls as she considered it unattractive and a hazard. From
  43. Allergens and rushing have been observed. Those with a history of poison, ivy ,or poison oak contact dermatitis may be most at risk for such an allergic
  44. Allergic (resulting from a delayed reaction to some allergen, such as poison, ivy ,or nickel),and irritant (resulting from direct reaction to a detergent, such
  45. Of plants that also causes the shoot to grow upward. In some plants (such as, ivy ,), the " root" actually clings to walls and structures. Growth from apical
  46. Others. Most temperate woody vines are also deciduous, including grapes, poison, ivy , Virginia creeper, wisteria,etc. The characteristic is useful in plant
  47. The next day. Note though that in the above quote Woodward used the term, ivy ,college, not Ivy League as Adams is said to have used, so there is a
  48. To the mast, but the wood itself starts to sprout, and the mast is entwined with, ivy ,(like the god's tarsus); the sailors leap into the sea and are transformed
  49. Romans and the frenzy he induces, bakkheia. His tarsus is sometimes wound with, ivy ,and dripping with honey. It is a beneficent wand but also a weapon, and can be
  50. As vines, while a few grow as vines only part of the time. For instance, poison, ivy , and bittersweet can grow as low shrubs when support is not available, but will

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