Examples of the the word, trout , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trout ), is the 9782 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Much larger. At Trapani in Sicily, Cuscusu is served with fish, like, trout , or anchovies. A similar dish known as" Midas de marina" is typical of South
  2. Multiple dams and beaver ponds, which in turn, led to the return of steel head, trout ,and river otter in 2008,and mink in 2009. The Martinez beavers probably
  3. Is managed, and substantial sport fishing is practiced, including smelt, lake, trout , and small mouth bass fishing. Cayuga Lake is very popular among recreational
  4. Along both of its banks as one of its notable features. Its cold waters attract, trout ,and salmon, and its sandstone cliff and forest setting are increasingly a
  5. Stephen Ainsworth of West Bloomfield, New York, began experiments with brook, trout , By 1864 Seth Green had established a commercial fish hatching operation at
  6. Or accidentally introduced to Lake Superior: Atlantic salmon, brown, trout , carp, chinook salmon, coho salmon, freshwater drum, pink salmon, rainbow smelt
  7. Shellfish and mollusks may be fished in this region's shores. Furthermore, trout ,may be found in Patagonian rivers. The diversity of red fruits grown in the
  8. Of native pure fish (Galaxies maculate),whereas the exotic brook, trout ,(Javelins fontinas) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss) had
  9. The East Hampshire Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Kitchen and Test are, trout ,rivers that flow from the chalk through wooded valleys into Southampton Water.
  10. CO2 emissions from the 4,000 megawatt Manticore coal plant. As well as bass, trout , salmon, whitefesh, smelt,and many others. Not all Walleyes thrived. The
  11. Affected and 31 % of lake trout . The goal was 15 % of salmon and 25 % of lake, trout , The federal and state governments originally budgeted $18 million for lake
  12. Salmon, coho salmon, freshwater drum, pink salmon, rainbow smelt, rainbow, trout , round Toby, ruffe, sea lamprey and white perch. Lake Superior has fewer
  13. As several species of salmon, trout ,char, and so on. ). Besides salmon and, trout , sport-fishers in B. C. also catch halibut, steelhead, bass,and sturgeon. On
  14. Include cod, canned sardines, fresh sardines, canned tuna, fresh tuna, salmon, trout , mussels, herring,oysters, shrimp and calamari. Eggs are fine quality and
  15. Flavour. Cod, ling and mackerel are often angled for the table, and freshwater, trout ,and salmon can be taken from the local rivers and lakes, supported by the
  16. Well known for other types of food such as, Rocky Mountain oysters, Rainbow, trout , and the Denver sandwich. The Dragon Boat Festival in July, Moon Festival in
  17. To the lake include: bloater, brook trout , burbot, cisco, lake sturgeon, lake, trout , lake whitefish, longnose sucker, muskellunge,northern pike, pumpkinseed, rock
  18. Casualties of in other fish to 35 % of salmon were affected and 31 % of lake, trout , The goal was 15 % of salmon and 25 % of lake trout . The federal and state
  19. Acid rain has eliminated insect life and some fish species, including the brook, trout ,in some lakes, streams,and creeks in geographically sensitive areas, such as
  20. And release required. Fishing in the waters of Cranberry Lake is popular for, trout , The saltwater is famous for long cod, salmon,crabs, shrimp,and other
  21. Common land; cycling (but not on open moorland); and angling for wild brown, trout , sea trout and salmon—although much of the river fishing on Dartmoor is
  22. To provide a safe pathway connecting Shop Park and Redwood Grove. Steel head, trout ,(Oncorhynchus my kiss) occurred historically in Adobe Creek. However, tidal
  23. Been found in Lake Superior. Species native to the lake include: bloater, brook, trout , turbot, cisco, lake sturgeon, lake trout , lake whitefish, longnose sucker
  24. Liver, pörkölt stew, vadas, ( game stew with vegetable gravy and dumplings), trout , with almonds and salty and sweet dumplings, like turns cause, ( dumplings with
  25. Several species of salmon ids in the late 1960s,including the native lake, trout ,as well as non-native Chinook and coho salmon; by the 1980s alewife populations
  26. And wild game are served. Fish is rare, with the occasional exception of fresh, trout ,and carp, which is served at Christmas. Czech beer has a long and important
  27. A specialty on Chill with common foods including salmon, lobster,mussels and, trout , With a large sheep population, Achill lamb is a very popular meal on the
  28. Represent a US$4 billion a year industry with salmon, whitefish,smelt, lake, trout , and walleye being major catches. In addition, all kinds of water sports can be
  29. Were sliced raw in vinegar sauce or grilled (e.g. carp, sea bream, salmon, trout , pheasant). Katsuki consisted of small balls of fermented sea squirt, fish
  30. Fish are abundant in the rivers and lakes of the islands, in particular salmon, trout , perch and pike. Dogfish, cod,sole, pollock and bass are among the sea fish as
  31. Dace, ruffe, Crucian carp, stickleback,European smelt, common Rudd, brown, trout , tench, pipefish, burbot, perch,dudgeon, lumpsucker, roach,lamprey, vendace
  32. Are native to the area but expanded until they were wounding nearly all Lake, trout ,in 2006 and 70-80 % of salmon. The use of pesticides against the lamprey
  33. Be found in the Baltic Sea are codfish, herring,hake, plaice,flounder, sea, trout , eel and turbot. Satellite images taken in July 2010 revealed a massive algal
  34. And boating. It is considered a world-class fishery for salmon id species (Lake, trout ,and Atlantic salmon) and bass. About 81 fish species live in the Lake, and
  35. Whereas the exotic brook trout (Javelins fontinas) and rainbow, trout ,(Oncorhynchus my kiss) had negative impacts on native stream fishes in the
  36. Of the largest hatcheries in the state. Visitors can see the various stages of, trout ,development prior to their release in the mountain streams. Ebro Post Office
  37. When thermals are produced by the sun. In the Pacific Northwest, spawning, trout , and salmon provide most of the Bald Eagles' diet. Locally, eagles may rely on
  38. Commonly used in the production of force meats include pork, fish (pike, trout , or salmon),seafood, game meats (venison, boar,or rabbit),poultry, game
  39. Seafood **Bass (Commonly known as green, trout ,in south Louisiana) **Crawfish (crevasse)- either wild swamp or farm-raised
  40. To much less than 1:1 (indicating more EPA than AA) in both salmon and, trout , " The US produced 1.5 million tons of tilapia in 2005,with 2.5 million
  41. Translated. Iqaluit, for example, is simply the plural of the noun Iqaluit ", trout ,". Insulin simply means place with houses, a word that could be interpreted as
  42. She moved to Demand, Florida,in Volusia County where a niece lived. An avid, trout ,fisherman, she died of a heart attack on July 7,1988,either in Demand (says
  43. In its usage in Cajun cuisine in the place of the more traditional wild-caught, trout ,(the saltwater species) and redfish.
  44. With low drag. Among the shapes he investigated were the cross-sections of, trout , This may appear counterintuitive, however,the bodies of fish are shaped to
  45. As their humdrum existence. There are holiday facilities and activities such as, trout ,fishing, golf,horse riding and sailing; other attractions include guided tours
  46. Found in the waters (including salmon ids such as several species of salmon, trout , char, and so on. ). Besides salmon and trout , sport-fishers in B. C. also
  47. Species include: common dandelion, ring-necked pheasant, Pacific oyster, brown, trout , black slug, European Starling, cowbird,snapped, bullfrog,purple loosestrife
  48. The fish species commonly to be found in Britain and Ireland; salmon and, trout ,are also to be found in some, though less frequently than in previous times.
  49. Cool temperate rainforest walks in New England National Park and recreational, trout ,fishing. The Button Trout Hatchery on Point Lookout Road was established in
  50. Cycling (but not on open moorland); and angling for wild brown trout , sea, trout , and salmon—although much of the river fishing on Dartmoor is privately owned

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