Examples of the the word, unilateral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unilateral ), is the 9790 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of NATO, France has actively and heavily participated in both coalition and, unilateral ,peacekeeping efforts in Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans, frequently
  2. The legality of unilateral provincial secession. The court decided that a, unilateral ,declaration of secession would be unconstitutional. This resulted in the
  3. Enacted at the January 1981 Wembley conference which committed the party to, unilateral ,nuclear disarmament and withdrawal from the European Common Market. They also
  4. Administration. On July 6,1975,however, the Comoran parliament passed a, unilateral ,resolution declaring independence. Ahmed Abdallah proclaimed the independence
  5. Associated with ACE inhibitor therapy * Renal artery stenosis (bilateral, or, unilateral , with a solitary functioning kidney) ACE inhibitors should be used with caution
  6. Contraband material. Government and politics In 2005,Israel carried out its, unilateral ,disengagement plan and evacuated all Jewish settlements from the Gaza Strip. In
  7. All the players are playing the strategies in a Nash equilibrium, they have no, unilateral ,incentive to deviate, since their strategy is the best they can do give what
  8. Forced into enclaves and Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios III called for, unilateral ,constitutional changes as a means to ease tensions over the whole island. The
  9. Government to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1998 regarding the legality of, unilateral ,provincial secession. The court decided that a unilateral declaration of
  10. Nuclear disarmament impossible. When Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declared a, unilateral ,moratorium on the testing of nuclear weapons, which would begin on August 6
  11. Islam movements. In February 2005,the Israeli government voted to implement a, unilateral ,disengagement plan from the Gaza Strip. The plan began to be implemented on 15
  12. Country. *2005 – The first forced evacuation of settlers, as part of the Israel, unilateral ,disengagement plan, starts. * 2005 – Over 500 bombs are set off by terrorists
  13. The creation of a Palestinian state in the future. He embarked on a course of, unilateral ,withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, while maintaining control of its coastline and
  14. Materials, intermediate goods and other inputs; *Multilateral, bilateral and, unilateral ,taxes or restrictions on trade; *Non-tariff barriers such as environmental
  15. Years after his death, by DNA analysis of his preserved eyeball. ) Deuteranopia, unilateral ,dichromats report that with only their deuteranopia eye open, they see
  16. Seizures occur with fever and are generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) or, unilateral ,(one-sided) convulsions. These seizures are often prolonged, and may lead to
  17. S southern border, under an agreement between it and Israel. 2005 – Israel's, unilateral ,disengagement The Israel Defense Forces left the Gaza Strip on 1 September 2005
  18. Moroccan border, leading to temporary tensions with Morocco. *2005 – Israel's, unilateral ,disengagement plan to evict all Israelis from the Gaza Strip and from four
  19. To its input side, it is called ' unilateral '. The input impedance of a, unilateral ,amplifier is independent of the load, and the output impedance is independent
  20. Reflexes. Patients may present with symptoms as diverse as a dragging foot, unilateral ,muscle wasting in the hands, or slurred speech. Neurological examination
  21. Were undertaken. Those who objected condemned these actions as scriptural, unilateral , and without the agreement of the Communion prior to these steps being taken.
  22. Began for changing his mind about nuclear weapons and ceasing to advocate, unilateral ,nuclear disarmament by Britain. The journal received many letters of support
  23. Integrate mechanical systems with Coulomb friction and bilateral and/or, unilateral ,contact. Some quite nonlinear effects, such as the so-called Painless paradoxes
  24. Which differs from progressive retinal atrophy in several ways. First, it is, unilateral , and rarely seen in animals less than 3 years of age; second, a clear-cut
  25. Does not formally agree to the territorial boundary; it rejected a 2002, unilateral , Spanish proposal. The Islands have 13 seats in the Spanish Senate. Of these,11
  26. Weakness on EMG studies, but clinically most patients who have undergone, unilateral ,breast reconstruction (reconstruction of one breast only) return to normal
  27. 3 January 2009. Israel rebuffed many cease-fire calls and both sides declared, unilateral ,cease-fires. A total of 1,100-1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed in
  28. Of a" fellowship" within Christadelphian History has been mutual or, unilateral ,exclusion of groupings of ecclesial from the breaking of bread. This functional
  29. Strip. However, as Prime Minister, in 2004–05 Sharon orchestrated Israel's, unilateral ,disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Facing stiff opposition to this policy
  30. U. N. stabilization force in Haiti, the MINUSTAH. Instead of pursuing, unilateral ,prerogatives, Brazilian foreign policy has tended to emphasize regional
  31. Cerebellar structures have been damaged, and whether the lesion is bilateral or, unilateral , * Dysfunction of the vestibulocerebellum impairs the balance and the control
  32. 21 May 1712 – when the Tories felt they had secured favorable terms with their, unilateral ,talks with the French – the Duke of Ormond (Marlborough's successor)
  33. In secular use). Here it does not connote mutuality; rather, it is a, unilateral ,covenant offered by God to individuals. Old Testament The Old Testament
  34. On July 6,1975,however, the Comoran parliament passed a resolution declaring, unilateral ,independence. The deputies of Mayotte abstained. In two referendums, in
  35. He firmly stated" The Crimean Conference ought to spell the end of a system of, unilateral ,action, the exclusive alliances, the spheres of influence, the balances of
  36. For Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is an anti-nuclear organization that advocates, unilateral ,nuclear disarmament by the United Kingdom, international nuclear disarmament
  37. Municipal areas. Politics and government The President of Cameroon has broad, unilateral ,powers to create policy, administer government agencies, command the armed
  38. Defense Forces left the Gaza Strip on 1 September 2005 as part of Israel's, unilateral ,disengagement plan, and all Israeli citizens were evicted from the area. An
  39. Active rule in international law limiting the declarations of independence,the, unilateral ,Kosovo proclamation does not violate it (leaving unanswered the questions
  40. The involvement of the international community in the invasion, as opposed to a, unilateral ,approach. He was also successful in persuading Bush to take the case of Iraq to
  41. To legal intervention in the event of a dispute. Franchise contracts tend to be, unilateral ,contracts in favor of the franchisor; they are generally protected from
  42. People have been found who have one normal eye and one protanopia eye. These, unilateral ,dichromats report that with only their protanopia eye open, they see
  43. Relationship is that with France. The three years of estrangement following the, unilateral ,declaration of independence and the nationalistic Soil regime were followed
  44. In August 2007. Name denotes/> name renews/> Subsequently, RDS ceased, unilateral ,development of Euphoria and the openEuhporia Group name homepage/> took
  45. Are often in the form of stiffening spasms but other seizures including, unilateral ,ones may be seen. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is characteristic. The
  46. Made without the consent of the parent state, and hence are sometimes called, unilateral ,declarations of independence (Uris),particularly by those who question the
  47. May cause what is supposed to be an amplifier to become an oscillator. Linear, unilateral ,and bilateral amplifiers can be represented as two-port networks. Inverting or
  48. Primary elections in the United States). They were also vehemently opposed to, unilateral ,nuclear disarmament, an increasingly popular policy amongst members of the
  49. November 1905). In 1874 German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun discovered the ", unilateral ,conduction" of crystals. Braun patented the crystal rectifier in 1899. Copper
  50. Amplifiers are bilateral to some degree; however they may often be modeled as, unilateral ,under operating conditions where feedback is small enough to neglect for most

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