Examples of the the word, coop , in a Sentence Context
The word ( coop ), is the 9799 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sir Thomas Beech am used similar imagery, calling the building a 'giant chicken, coop ,'. The building was substantially altered in 1964 by adding the foyers and
- To the com, net or org domains. This is in contrast to TLDs such as EDU or, coop , Info is the only top-level domain that was explicitly created and chartered
- La Cooperative d'habitation St Georges, a bilingual, multicultural, coop , with residents who come from Canada, with neighbors newly arrived from Ghana
- A Rhode Island Red rooster appears to fly over the fence and crash into the, coop , The hens fawn over the new arrival, Rocky,and keep him hidden from the
- Sir Thomas Beech am used similar imagery, calling the building a 'giant chicken, coop ,'. The building was officially opened on 3 May 1951. The original plan was that
- And 1943,Harrison designed and built the Clinton Hill Coops, a 12-building, coop , complex split between two“ campuses” along Clinton Ave. in Brooklyn, New York
- Are processed via accredited ICANN domain name registrars or their resellers., coop ,domains are in use around the world, however,many co-ops, as businesses in the
- A Town Outright. " According to the coop erative arrangement, members of the, coop ,who spent at least $300 in one of its stores would receive a dividend at the
- This facility supplies power to 6,000 households and businesses. In 2008,the, coop ,applied to expand the plant to 8 megawatts. This increase is expected to cost
- Was still standing. This building, which had been the estate's chicken, coop , was converted into a residence, where the gardener mentioned above eventually
- Originally had quite extensive grounds. The original house had a barn, chicken, coop , smoke house, and an ice house. The name Glencoe is thought to be inspired by
- Club was usually known only as CU RCC or" Pearl" in honor of their town's, coop ,located 10 km from Montevideo. The first chairman of the new institution was
- They had made a deal with former watchdog Lamp to let them raid the chicken, coop ,if he could have a chicken. Pinocchio says he wants two chickens, so the
- May apply to particular sorts of organizations such as. museum for museums or., coop ,for coop eratives. Organizations might also register by the appropriate country
- Feed them. Henrietta - the piano-playing chicken could be found within a wooden, coop ,surrounded by glass. Pushing a nickel in the coin slide would illuminate a red
- And other organizations that exist to promote or support co-operatives. The, coop ,TLD was proposed by the National Cooperative Business Association (NCAA) as a
- Maine, in June 2005,where he records in a studio that was previously a chicken, coop , Charting Single - Billboard (North America) The numerical are intrinsic
- Co-operative Alliance (ICA). The technical infrastructure for the, coop ,TLD was developed by the worker coop erative Pop tel in the United Kingdom and
- Widely in poetry,e.g. in Shakespeare's sonnets. Similarly, while in chicken, coop ,the letters -OO- represent a single vowel sound (a digraph),in zoologist and
- Old RAF badge in tribute. Rocky thinks to himself, and the next day flees the, coop , Ginger finds Fowler's medal and the second part of the poster, showing that
- Coop has proved to be a success for all schools involved. The Freeze, since the, coop , have advanced to the State Tournament three times: Volleyball (2006,6th
- Numerous plans to flee the coop , aided by contraband smuggled into the, coop ,by two rats, Nick and Fetcher, but she is always caught by Mr. Tweedy and his
- Chicken layer crumbles (one kind of commercial bird feed) while housed in a, coop , The cooked flesh of guinea fowl resembles chicken in texture, with a flavor
- Is the rainy area to the right. Cumulonimbus clouds usually form from cumulus, coop ,at a much lower height, thus making them, like cumulus clouds, grow vertically
- Vegetable garden, a grove of fruit trees (usually citrus),and a chicken, coop ,or horse stable. This arrangement, popular in the towns along the lower Los
- Out and finds Pinocchio, he ties him up in a doghouse to guard his chicken, coop , That night, a group of weasels comes and tell Pinocchio that they had made a
- North American example of usage is the hot-rodders' term Deuce Coupe (" does, coop ,") used to refer to a 1932 Ford; this pronunciation is famously used in the
- This neighborhood. The Echo Park/Silverlake Food Conspiracy, an impromptu food, coop ,run by former college and professional radicals, offered weekly political
- Be seen at Tribes Farm, Chelsfield Lane however, in the late 90s,the chicken, coop ,was removed from the farm. Arlington car The Arlington Car, built by Frank
- Real estate company to development The Peek skill Art Lofts. This 28 unit, coop ,offered artist an opportunity for affordable homeownership. Peek skill has
- Nesting programs have been tested in some cities with mixed results. Nest or, coop ,structures are erected, and the eggs are removed and replaced with dummy eggs.
- Same tune. In 1901 in New York the opening lyric was:: All around the chicken, coop ,: The possum chased the weasel. As printed in Vance Randolph, Ozark Folk songs
- By John W. Pratt contains a photograph of the gravestone. The domain, coop ,is a sponsored top-level domain (sold) in the Domain Name System of the
- Historian Valid Khalid:" The site has been fenced in. A cowshed, a chicken, coop , and granaries have been built at its center (which has been leveled). The
- Chopping block. One chicken, Ginger,has attempted numerous plans to flee the, coop , aided by contraband smuggled into the coop by two rats, Nick and Fetcher, but
- And for paving new boulevards. The middle class built practical townhouses and, coop ,buildings. Elegant mansions were erected on main boulevards and in the
- Pinch was appalled! The timber industry was now the fox in the chicken, coop , Pinch and Roosevelt had envisioned, at the least, that public timber should
- Domains. There are 13 undergraduate programs offered by 7 departments. Some are, coop ,programs. Students can choose to specialize in the following disciplines:
- Inside the house until about six weeks of age, before being moved into a proper, coop ,or enclosure. They eat lice, worms,ants, spiders,weed seeds, and ticks while
- DynDNS was contracted as the sole DNS provider for the registry in 2006. Active, coop ,domains holders are automatically included in an online co-op directory and
- A grumpy middle-aged couple who run a chicken farm in Yorkshire, England. The, coop ,is run in the style of a World War II prisoner of war camp, with the chickens
- Jeer,1993). Hoffman's body was found in his apartment in a converted turkey, coop ,on Sugar Road in Sole bury Township, near New Hope, Pennsylvania. At the time of
- Stephen-Argyle Central School in their sports coop s. The Northern Freeze, coop ,has proved to be a success for all schools involved. The Freeze, since the coop
- From the anime series The Prince of Tennis * Kat, a cat are fighting battle is, coop ,in Kid vs. Kat * Catnapped, a female human with cat like abilities that is a
- Facilities were constructed. The building was often referred to as a“ chicken, coop ,”. Huge iron stoves heated the school and the students from Pepper Grocery
- Finish their machine just as Mr. Tweedy completes repairs and enters the, coop ,to grab the chickens. The chickens knock him out, and complete the assembly of
- Engine repair service, two ATM’s, two auto service centers, a farm services, coop , an instructional kayak center, and elder housing complex and a Catholic school
- From the K9 unit, and his dog were killed from a bomb hidden in a chicken, coop ,covering an underground tunnel. In the ensuing battle two Hamas militants were
- Domains Around late 2000 when ICANN discussed and finally introduced aero, biz, coop , info, museum,name, and pro TLDs, site owners argued that a similar TLD should
- The trade of their father, who in fact sold poultry (polio meaning" hen, coop ," in Italian). Antonio's first studies of Goldsmith and metalworking were
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