Examples of the the word, claims , in a Sentence Context

The word ( claims ), is the 9801 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Animals are confused by the pigs' attitude towards Moses; they denounce his, claims ,as nonsense, but allow him to remain on the farm. The pigs do this to keep any
  2. A poor grade in the mathematics component, theory of functions. There have been, claims ,that Magic collaborated with Einstein on his celebrated 1905 papers, but
  3. And integrates the material provided by man's senses. " She rejected all, claims ,of non-perceptual or a priori knowledge, including " 'instinct,' 'intuition,'
  4. Tradition in a way that is anti-elitist and capable of disputing the, claims ,of both liberals and Nietzscheans. List of works The works of Aristotle that
  5. A valid line of descent for various medieval rulers. One of the most credible, claims ,has been that of the khans of Bulgaria (see Nominal of the Bulgarian khans)
  6. BC and 11th century, respectively ). However, the majority of Arabized Berber, claims ,an Arab heritage, which is a consequence of the Arab nationalism of the early
  7. For example Connecticut applies the following standard to review unreserved, claims ,: 1. The record is adequate to review the alleged claim of error; 2. The claim
  8. Game speculates that it may be a corruption of ABD al-Assad, which it, claims ,translates to The Worshiper of the Great Devoured. The phrase" mad Arab "
  9. It refused to go along until Virginia and New York agreed to cede their, claims ,in the Ohio River Valley. A little over three years passed before Maryland's
  10. War, conduct diplomacy with Europe and deal with territorial issues and Indian, claims , Nevertheless, the confederation type of national government proved to be too
  11. Improve functioning and decrease symptom severity and maladaptive behaviors;, claims ,that intervention by around age three years is crucial are not substantiated.
  12. On skin shade to distinguish themselves from the latter and to legitimate their, claims ,to higher status. In many ways, they paralleled the British White Supremacy
  13. On for several years, stalled by the refusal of some states to rescind their, claims ,to land in the West. Maryland was the last holdout; it refused to go along
  14. Of 1787 noted the agreement of the original states to give up northwestern land, claims , organized the Northwest Territory and thus cleared the way for the entry of
  15. Of the giving). The term altruism may also refer to an ethical doctrine that, claims ,that individuals are morally obliged to benefit others. Used in this sense, it
  16. In the 19th century. On the London stock market, there were various, claims ,as to the exclusivity of asphalt quality from France, Germany and England. And
  17. Roles in the struggle for survival and reproduction, anticipates some, claims ,that were later ventured by sociologists and evolutionary psychologists in
  18. And movement inherent among the various positions in the field. Bourdieu, claims ,that the“ field of position-takings ... is not the product of
  19. But became considerably rarer in the more“ realistic” sound cinema. Goodwin, claims ,that the wipes in Fashion, for instance, fulfill one of three purposes:
  20. An end to a still contentious issue. Some modern scholars do not agree with the, claims ,that Bell's work on the telephone was influenced by Meucci's inventions. The
  21. Would never be slave states. To be specific, these states gave up all of their, claims ,to land north of the Ohio River and west of the (present) western border of
  22. Naming The root of the name Oscar is contested. One biography of Bette Davis, claims ,that she named the Oscar after her first husband, band leader Harmon Oscar
  23. Refused to ratify the Articles until every state had ceded its western land, claims , On February 2,1781,the much-awaited decision was taken by the Maryland
  24. Sun—allegedly it was the first film in which this was done successfully—that he, claims ,he was inspired the very next day to begin incorporating shots of the sun into
  25. Filmmaker Jonas Mesas, who accompanied Warhol to the Trio premiere, and who, claims ,Warhol's static films were directly inspired by the performance. Batman
  26. Pay off scrip at face value and to legalize western land holdings with disputed, claims , Also, manufacturers wanted a high tariff as a barrier to foreign goods, but
  27. A part of the state of Georgia — although heavily disputed. Conflicting, claims ,to the area were held, first by several Native American tribes (most notably
  28. A mathematical theory. To axiomatize a system of knowledge is to show that its, claims ,can be derived from a small, well-understood set of sentences (the axioms).
  29. Of his play Mr. PIM Passes By (1919) ) * Two People (1931) (Inside jacket, claims ,this is Milne's first attempt at a novel. ) Non-fiction * It's Too Late Now:
  30. As opposed to the physical manipulation of apparatus and chemicals, and, claims , that the obscure language of the alchemical texts were an allegorical guise for
  31. 1850s,Lincoln doubted the prospects of civil war, and his supporters rejected, claims ,that his election would incite secession. Meanwhile, Douglas was selected as
  32. Cavitation—were the pivot of the cold fusion controversy of 1989. None of those, claims ,have yet been reliably duplicated. Synthesis of noble metals requires either a
  33. Of 1812 was concluded with the Treaty of Glisten, in which the shah's, claims ,to some Khanates of the Caucasus were dismissed by Russia on the ground
  34. Marketing for its products, though its advertising has been criticized for the, claims ,of some more recent campaigns, particularly 2005 Power Mac ads and iPhone ads
  35. And, frequently,by state referendum. One criticism of the current constitution, claims ,that its complexity and length were intentional to codify segregation and
  36. Had acknowledged his prior work, which considerably weakened their later, claims , On January 13, 1887,the US Government moved to annul the patent issued to
  37. Company won a decision in the Supreme Court, though a couple of the original, claims ,from the lower court cases were left undecided. By the time that the trial
  38. But not Turkic or Mongolic, and Doer fer (1988) rejects all the genetic, claims ,over these major groups. In 2003,Claus Echoing published a critical overview
  39. 1930 Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims —especially, claims ,about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and
  40. Claimed:" No modern art or chemistry, notwithstanding all its surreptitious, claims , has anything in common with Alchemy. " Atwood's work influenced subsequent
  41. Chemistry's use of the German language in their rap allows them to make, claims ,to authenticity and true German heritage, bolstering pro-immigration sentiment
  42. Alleged fundamental errors that were not corrected on direct review. Typical, claims ,might include ineffective assistance of counsel and actual innocence based on
  43. Easier than auditory information, when utilizing assistive technology, claims ,that any time we use these devices with these children,we're giving them
  44. Worked with him on the introduction of asphalt to Britain. Dr T. Lamb Prison, claims ,that his father, Samuel Roland Prison, a friend of Coleridge, was also "
  45. Europeans when Peter the Great, king of the Stardom of Russia, defeating rival, claims ,of Sweden and the Ottoman Empire to the eastern lands, and armed resistance by
  46. The spiritual head of the Communion. He is the focus of unity, since no church, claims ,membership in the Communion without being in communion with him. The present
  47. Deny any marriage to Fedora; however,Sergei's agent Pat Frisson, claims ,that although he does not know when they got married, he knew" he was married
  48. Film," Cause and effect is the only law. Freedom does not exist. " And Prince, claims ,that its events" are inscribed in a cycle of time that infinitely repeats. " (
  49. To object to the error when it occurred in the trial. Because constitutional, claims ,are of great magnitude, appellate courts might be more lenient to review the
  50. In the New Kingdom, were responsible for ruling in court cases involving small, claims ,and minor disputes. Punishment for minor crimes involved either imposition of

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