Examples of the the word, postulate , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Can be formulated that have the same logical consequences as the parallel, postulate , For example Playfair's axiom states:: Through a point not on a given straight
  2. Remarks that" Geminis held that this 4th Postulate should not be classed as a, postulate ,but as an axiom, since it does not, like the first three Postulates, assert the
  3. It is true that all right angles are equal to one another.: # (" Parallel, postulate ,") It is true that, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the
  4. S work. Infinite processes One reason that the ancients treated the parallel, postulate ,as less certain than the others is that verifying it physically would require
  5. The boundaries of the Euclidean system. Many tried in vain to prove the fifth, postulate ,from the first four. By 1763 at least 28 different proofs had been published
  6. Question the quality of the initial research supporting its safety, and, postulate , that numerous health risks may be associated with aspartame. The validity of
  7. Are to equal one another. # The whole is greater than the part. The parallel, postulate ,To the ancients, the parallel postulate seemed less obvious than the others.
  8. Holes or boundaries (in other words, space is homogeneous and unbounded);, postulate ,4 (equality of right angles) says that space is isotropic and figures may be
  9. And C. Lusitania. Society and culture Some alternative medicine proponents, postulate ,a widespread occurrence of systemic candidiasis (or candida hypersensitivity
  10. To any location while maintaining congruence; and postulate 5 (the parallel, postulate ,) that space is flat (has no intrinsic curvature). As discussed in more
  11. Demons will be eternally punished and never reconcile with God. Other theories, postulate ,a Universal reconciliation, in which Satan, the fallen angels, and the souls of
  12. From a cause thus traced. The friend insists, then,that even though we might, postulate ,that there is a first cause behind all things—God—we can't infer anything
  13. Known as Euclidean and hyperbolic geometries. If one also removes the second, postulate ,(" a line can be extended indefinitely" ) then elliptic geometry arises
  14. Of is realized as an alveolo-palatal fricative, making it unnecessary to, postulate ,a -phoneme in Danish. In onset is realized as a uvular fricative, but in coda
  15. The entropy of a perfect crystal simply approaches a constant value. The Ernst, postulate ,identifies the isotherm T 0 as coincident with the adiabatic S 0,although other
  16. Theory (such as arithmetic). When used in the latter sense," axiom," ", postulate ,", and " assumption" may be used interchangeably. In general, a non-logical
  17. Refer to infinite lines, although for example some commentators interpret, postulate ,3,existence of a circle with any radius, as implying that space is infinite.
  18. Changed from ancient times to the modern, and consequently the terms axiom and, postulate ,hold a slightly different meaning for the present day mathematician, than they
  19. Of Euclidean geometry called affine geometry, which retains the fifth, postulate ,unmodified while weakening postulate s three and four in a way that eliminates
  20. Radius. " #" That all right angles are equal to one another. " # The parallel, postulate ,:" That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior
  21. Of truth" as a student had tried in vain for many years to prove the parallel, postulate ,from Euclid's other axioms of geometry. Bolyai's son, János Bonsai
  22. As a new axiom consistently (much as we can take Euclid's parallel, postulate ,as either true or false). In this case, if a proof uses this statement
  23. Was suspected of being derivable from the first four. Ultimately, the fifth, postulate ,was found to be independent of the first four. Indeed, one can assume that
  24. Jockey of Rosario 23-21 in the final. Honors In traditional logic, an axiom or, postulate ,is a proposition that is not proven or demonstrated but considered either to be
  25. Called the physics of computation. An even more radical point of view is the, postulate ,of digital physics that the evolution of the universe itself is a computation -
  26. Hawking (1973) characterized Carter's then-unpublished big idea as the, postulate ,that" there is not one universe but a whole infinite ensemble of universes
  27. Is greater than the part. The parallel postulate To the ancients, the parallel, postulate ,seemed less obvious than the others. Euclid himself seems to have considered it
  28. Oceans and the atmosphere. In meteorology and oceanography, it is convenient to, postulate ,a rotating frame of reference wherein the Earth is stationary. In accommodation
  29. With other elements outside the relational regime. Many definitions tend to, postulate ,or assume that complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a
  30. And rotations of figures. Taken as a physical description of space, postulate ,2 (a line) asserts that space does not have holes or boundaries (in other
  31. That the other sides coincide as well. Some modern treatments add a sixth, postulate , the rigidity of the triangle, which can be used as an alternative to
  32. Particular application in mind. The distinction between an“ axiom” and a “, postulate ,” disappears. The postulate s of Euclid are profitably motivated by saying that
  33. And figures may be moved to any location while maintaining congruence; and, postulate ,5 (the parallel postulate ) that space is flat (has no intrinsic curvature).
  34. Even a time" when we should speak of Helleno-Armenian" ( meaning the, postulate ,of a Graeco-Armenian protolanguage). Armenian shares the augment, a ne gator
  35. Made the first attempt at proving the Euclidean parallel postulate , the fifth, postulate ,in Euclid's Elements, using a proof by contradiction, where he introduced the
  36. The Andaman Islands and further afield to Southeast Asia. Some anthropologists, postulate ,that Southern India and Southeast Asia was once populated largely by Neuritis
  37. Separately published work on non-Euclidean geometry, in which the parallel, postulate ,is not valid. Since non-Euclidean geometry is provably self-consistent, the
  38. To as" 4 + 1" because for nearly two millennia the fifth (parallel), postulate , ( " through a point outside a line there is exactly one parallel" ) was
  39. Hermitian conjugate (or adjoint) of the operator A. It is usually taken as a, postulate ,or axiom of quantum mechanics, that any operator corresponding to an observable
  40. By human reason. Of course this view was not incorrect if one accepted the, postulate ,of a limitless God versus limited human reasoning capability, but it virtually
  41. Of NED) except the pre-clear (parishioner) is encouraged to find the ", postulate ," he made before the incident occurred. (" Postulate" in Diabetics and
  42. Valid. Since non-Euclidean geometry is provably self-consistent, the parallel, postulate ,cannot be proved from the other postulate s. In the 19th century, it was also
  43. Geometry be proved using only the axioms of neutral geometry,i.e. no parallel, postulate , ) The one major exception to this in practice is the axiom of choice—unless
  44. Each other that are not found in Classical Arabic. This has led researchers to, postulate ,the existence of a prestige Kline dialect in the one or two centuries
  45. S calculus. Alien made the first attempt at proving the Euclidean parallel, postulate , the fifth postulate in Euclid's Elements, using a proof by contradiction
  46. Hypotheses which were accepted without proof. Such a hypothesis was termed a, postulate , While the axioms were common to many sciences, the postulate s of each
  47. Acceptance of the basic hypotheses. However, by throwing out Euclid's fifth, postulate ,we get theories that have meaning in wider contexts, hyperbolic geometry for
  48. Work of Isaac Newton is essentially based on Euclid's axioms, augmented by a, postulate ,on the non-relation of spacetime and the physics taking place in it at any
  49. Nobel-winning physicist, introduced a classification of hadrons and went on to, postulate ,the existence of quarks, which is currently accepted as part of the Standard
  50. Logical axioms, are not tautologies. Another name for a non-logical axiom is, postulate , Almost every modern mathematical theory starts from a given set of non-logical

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