Examples of the the word, ornament , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ornament ), is the 9603 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In England, Germany,and northern and Eastern Europe in general. Dense with, ornament ,of" Roman" detailing, the display doorway at Col ditz Castle (illustration
  2. In harmony with the spirit of the emerging modern society. Boldly abandoning, ornament ,altogether, Mies made a dramatic modernist debut with his stunning competition
  3. And select members of his entourage were permitted to wear royal turban, ornament , As the empire matured, differing styles of ornament acquired the generic name
  4. A similar point in an 1886 paper," Origin and development of form and, ornament ,in ceramic art," although unlike Boas he did not develop the ethnographic and
  5. Loos had famously declared, in the tongue-in-cheek humor of the day, that ", ornament ,is a crime ". Main also admired his ideas about the nobility that could be
  6. Of repair, the censors were also in charge of constructing new ones, either for, ornament ,or utility, both in Rome and in other parts of Italy, such as temples
  7. To lead the People to such public diversions as promote Superfluity of Dress &, ornament , when it is as much as they can bear to support the Expense of a naked Army. "
  8. A" theme "; a set of predominant colors, multiple instances of each type of, ornament , and larger decorations that may be more complicated to set up correctly. Some
  9. The moldings worked on the stiles and rails were carved with the egg and tongue, ornament , Door-related accidents Door safety relates to prevention of door-related
  10. William Luck, who cut away a great deal of the layering and improvisational, ornament ,and focused on the points of modulation and transition. By making these moments
  11. Eventually being reinforced by active selection for males with the appropriate, ornament , This is known as the sexy son hypothesis. An alternative hypothesis is that
  12. Whose true beauty does not consist of outward adornment but in the imperishable, ornament ,of a gentle and quiet spirit. Conservative Adventists avoid certain
  13. Measurement itself. Radiometers are now commonly sold worldwide as a novelty, ornament ,; needing no batteries, but only light to get the vanes to turn. They come in
  14. Unable to keep it in tune once they are home, relegating it to the status of, ornament , Horas can be converted to replace the leather rings with machine heads. Wooden
  15. Did not explode. " On February 10, 2006,Graph Spee’s gilt-bronze eagle stern, ornament ,was recovered. This spread-wing statue of a Nazi eagle with a wreath in its
  16. Glass, working as a reducing wide-angle mirror, is sold as a Christmas, ornament ,called a bauble. Entertainment * Illuminated rotating disco balls covered with
  17. Or a spiral ornament , are the principal decorative themes. The most frequent, ornament ,is a flower with a centerpiece resembling the eye of a peacock's feather.
  18. Work which Michelangelo created. Michelangelo, when asked by Pope Julius II to, ornament ,the robes of the Apostles in the usual way, responded that they were very poor
  19. In other styles, such as Baroque repertoire, vibrato is used only rarely, as an, ornament , In any case, the choice of whether to use vibrato, and how much, is normally a
  20. Persian Sassanian influences. Flowers and leaves, sometimes a bird or a spiral, ornament , are the principal decorative themes. The most frequent ornament is a flower
  21. Treated as sacred objects of veneration or worship, or simply applied as, ornament ,— depend upon the tenets of a given religion in a given place and time. In
  22. County council. It is, however,permitted to retain the style of" city" for, ornament ,only. These 34" county-level" entities correspond to the first level of local
  23. On saving the sinner from temptation and backsliding. Religion was stripped of, ornament ,and ceremony, and made as plain and simple as possible; sermons and songs often
  24. Among both men and women and were usually performed a few days after birth. The, ornament ,used for the piercing was made out of various materials, a piece of bark or
  25. And the moon. The crescent moon is shown on the side of the Lord's head as an, ornament , The waxing and waning phenomenon of the moon symbolizes the time cycle through
  26. And attempted harmony of form and function, and dismissal of" frivolous, ornament , " Critics of modernism argued that the attributes of perfection and minimalism
  27. Wool on linen. Cooper Union File: Coptic tunic ornament . JPG|10th century tunic, ornament , wool, tapestry weave. California Academy of Sciences File: Farms capital.
  28. Of eradication of the superficial and unnecessary, replacing elaborate applied, ornament ,with the straightforward display of materials and forms. Loos had famously
  29. Rondel. JPG|6th century Roundel, wool on linen. Cooper Union File: Coptic tunic, ornament , JPG|10th century tunic ornament , wool,tapestry weave. California Academy of
  30. Of his character in these glowing terms:" The extraordinary doctor, the latest, ornament ,of the Catholic Church, the most learned man of the latter ages, always to be
  31. Postmodernism in architecture is marked by the re-emergence of surface, ornament , reference to surrounding buildings in urban architecture, historical reference
  32. He recognized in the genius of the poets of that time, not only the truest, ornament ,of the court, but a power of reconciling men's minds to the new order of
  33. 19th century. The Bauhaus promoted pure functionalism, stripped of superfluous, ornament , and that has become one of the defining characteristics of modern architecture
  34. And as he publicly stated," probably the ultimate stage of my development of, ornament , " Between 1907 and 1909,Klimt painted five canvases of society women wrapped
  35. Is a love of ornament ation, and it is perhaps significant that the role of, ornament ,was greatly diminished in both music and architecture as the Baroque gave way
  36. Drift — creates, in due course, selection for males with the appropriate, ornament , One interpretation of this is known as the sexy son hypothesis. Alternatively
  37. Drying out of the soil in the garden bed. A ring (jewelry) is a decorative, ornament ,worn on fingers, toes,or around the arm or neck. " Ring" may also refer to:
  38. Subject is drawn from personal experience, and there is an absence of poetic, ornament , such as simile or metaphor. Like many of his poems (e.g. for. s 38,326,338
  39. Style, and in some cases strips even this refined, simple style of all, ornament , He is credited with the earliest string quartet. The Miser ere By far the most
  40. And it was forbidden to decorate them with stained-glass. All needless, ornament ,was proscribed. The crosses must be of wood; the candlesticks of iron. The
  41. The Doric triumph and met ope. The frieze sometimes comes with a continuous, ornament ,such as carved figures. Corinthian order The Corinthian order is the most
  42. Was created in Civitavecchia about 130 years ago. The beans are there as an, ornament , but they can be chewed to increase the taste of anise. It is usually served in
  43. They used his name and a recording of" one small step" quote in a Christmas, ornament ,without permission. The lawsuit was settled out of court for an undisclosed
  44. women's kimono is called Yoshihide, literally " hip ribbon ".; Netsuke: is an, ornament ,worn suspended from the men's obi.; Obi: Obi () is the sash worn with kimono.
  45. Brísingamen (from Old Norse rising" flaming, glowing " and men" jewelry, ornament ,") is the necklace of the goddess Freya. Attestations Beowulf Brísingamen is
  46. A half, characterized by free and sculptural use of the classical orders and, ornament , dynamic opposition and interpenetration of spaces, and the dramatic combined
  47. A mix of family traditions and personal tastes; even a small unattractive, ornament , if passed down from a parent or grandparent, may come to carry considerable
  48. To wear royal turban ornament . As the empire matured, differing styles of, ornament ,acquired the generic name of screech, from SAR or sir, meaning head, and tech
  49. Stood for innovation and progress. The zeppelin was also used as a hood, ornament , The logo's ring symbolized the bicycle, and it's meaning to mankind. The logo
  50. Can be used as a container, may be considered art if intended solely as an, ornament , while a painting may be deemed craft if mass-produced. The nature of art has

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