Examples of the the word, savior , in a Sentence Context

The word ( savior ), is the 9619 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Building),holding lit candles, chanting: By Thy Resurrection O Christ our, savior , the angels in Heaven sing, enable us who are on Earth, to glorify thee in
  2. To Western capitalism and could make Russia a potential social and moral, savior ,representing thus a form of Russian messianic. Despite the repressions of this
  3. In blood every time they see each other. She envisions the pain that her, savior , Spawn, is suffering through. Her visions are confirmed to be true. Spawn
  4. From local media people. Unfortunately for the franchise, Pitino was not the, savior ,everyone expected him to be. Auerbach bore the insult of being elbowed out with
  5. Communities continued this tradition, referring to Epicurus as their ", savior ," (voter) and celebrating him as hero. Lucretius apotheosized Epicurus as the
  6. Act of Christian love would be to proclaim that there is but one God, and one, savior , Christians are called to love their enemies, and to preach the good news of
  7. Like and fit this pattern. Therefore, when Paul says:" The great God and, savior , Jesus Christ" he is grammatically identifying Jesus Christ as the great God.
  8. Bursting forth in the midst of the postwar economic and moral crisis,a, savior , a monster, which would lay waste to everything in its path. It was a
  9. After his reign, people came to believe that he had an AESA of the divine, savior ,Lord Maya Vishnu himself. Perhaps in his honor, people dedicated a new temple
  10. Sins (Mt 1:21),' as those who have made memoirs of all things about our, savior ,Jesus Christ taught ... (1 AOL. 33:4-5) According to Skarsaune, the
  11. By many in China as a great political strategist, military mastermind, and, savior , of the nation. Maoists further promote his role as a theorist, statesman,poet
  12. Of the blessed hope and the glorious appearance of the great God, and our, savior ,Jesus the anointed … ”:“ The Pastorals view Christ as subordinate to God yet
  13. And god '; Antioch us and Julius Caesar 'god manifest '; Osiris,'lord and, savior ,' In common usage the compound epithet meant one deity, not two. It should
  14. Unjust and a remnant will remain; and God is free to judge, redeem and act as, savior ,to Israel. Highlighted activities within Amos The Book of Amos contains several
  15. UDP, there exists one major temple commemorating Parashurama. Parshurama,the, savior ,of the Korean coast, is also worshiped in a temple at Parashurama, Chiplun in
  16. In 1802,resolved to erect a statue in his honor and to give him the title of, savior ,of his country, but Charles refused both distinctions. In the short and
  17. Made a triumphant entry into Kiev, where he was hailed as" the Moses, savior , redeemer, and liberator of the people from Polish captivity ... the
  18. Belief into) Jesus. Raymond Brown contends that" The Johnnie picture of a, savior ,who came from an alien world above, who said that neither he nor those who
  19. 1930s and 1940s. Superman is often seen as being an analogy for Jesus, being a, savior ,of humanity. Furthermore, the surname Kent, in early 20th century real life
  20. Status was elevated by Vespasian, Josephus identifies Vespasian as a patron and, savior , and Pliny dedicated his Natural Histories to Vespasian's son, Titus. Those
  21. Testament states that the Messiah, long awaited, had come and describes this, savior ,as The Christ. In Apostle Peter, in what has become a famous proclamation of
  22. Provides a theological description of Jesus as the eternal Word, the unique, savior ,of humanity. All four attest to his Son ship, miraculous power, crucifixion,and
  23. Of the world was come to his own lifetime and believed himself to be a world, savior , He received the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize for his philosophy of" Reverence for
  24. The central and crucial affirmation of Christian faith is that there is one, savior , God, and one salvation, manifest in Jesus Christ, to which there is access
  25. Cricketer (b. 1890) * April 19 – Doris Rivers, famous Dutch sailor and, savior ,of over 500 men, women and children (b. 1847) * April 22 – Frank Currier
  26. His chains by Lenore, and the crowd sings the praises of Lenore, the loyal, savior ,of her husband (We rein holds Was Erlangen" Who has got a good wife" ).
  27. Again. You were giving out all this energy and nothing was coming back. " His, savior ,was the newly arrived, twenty-one-year-old bookseller and Beat Generation
  28. Education and all the others follow from it. " The" providential" and ", savior ," themes are also emphasized by historian Adrian Majuro, who notes that
  29. Famously observed: Nor was Gibbon alone in lavishing praise on Charles as the, savior ,of Christendom and western civilization. H. G. Wells in his A Short History of
  30. Jesus is laid in a feeding trough (or manger),angels proclaim him the, savior ,for all people, and shepherds come to adore him. Also, unique to Luke is John
  31. For the salvation of man, stating:" to achieve each resurrection of ours,the, savior ,paid with his single life, and he pre-enacted and presented his one and only
  32. Matthew's Christology focuses on the mission of Jesus and his role as the, savior , The calcific emphasis of., the Emmanuel motif brackets the entire Gospel of
  33. Judaism, Gnosticism,and mysticism to create Christianity as a cosmic, savior ,religion. According to McCoy,Paul's Pharisaic was his own invention
  34. Since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no, savior ," () Hosea's job was to speak these words during a time when that had been
  35. Are the principal witness for the life and teaching of the incarnate Word, our, savior , .: The Church has always and everywhere held and continues to hold that the four
  36. That Jesus is not a mere man, a prophet, a guru or something similar, but the, savior ,of the world, the only" name under heaven given to men by which we must be
  37. Characters; Clark Kent, the reporter/farm boy; Superman, the protagonist and, savior ,of Metropolis; and Kale, the Last Son of Krypton. Clark Kent has also been
  38. To her son and says," You’ll see, my darling, my Sorrow. You will see, your, savior , will take us far, far away to his land. " 24. IL cannon del Porto! (" The
  39. Came from gnosis, secret knowledge, and Gnostic's did not see Jesus as a, savior ,but a revealed of knowledge. Some scholars assert that the gospel teaches that
  40. That prophecies in the Hebrew Bible (especially Isaiah) refer to a spiritual, savior ,and believe Jesus to be that Messiah (Christ). Islamic tradition holds the
  41. Their goals of rebuilding humanity in their own image. Max was going to be the, savior ,of the human race. Sandman finally found out how to give this genetic immunity
  42. A famous acrostic comes from the acclamation," Jesus Christ,God's son, savior ," which in Greek is:" Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ ͑Υιός, Σωτήρ ", Iēsous Christos
  43. Name, he is identified as the son of God, a great prophet, the messiah, and the, savior ,of the world. In First Ne phi, Nephi tells of his father Levi prophesying that
  44. Created a legally recognized religion in 1996 with Wood as its official, savior , Originally founded as a joke, the Church of Ed Wood now boasts over 3,500
  45. The Lotus Supra and the Shurangama supra, Avalokitesvara is generally seen as a, savior , both spiritually and physically. The surreys state that through his saving
  46. A clergyman who is legally authorized. " Christ Jesus is both" Way shower" and, savior ,in Christian Science theology. Eddy distinguished between the corporeal Jesus
  47. So that everything will increase the glory of the law of the God our, savior , ”:“ The mention of a stereotypical slave vice-like pilfering and the failure
  48. Defend the man who, only three years earlier, had been hailed as the nation's, savior , During the following year, three different men briefly held executive power
  49. And salvation is only achieved through acceptance of Jesus as one's, savior , Name" JeC3" /> Some members of the movement are ethnically Jewish, and
  50. Is generally seen as a source of unconditional love and more importantly as a, savior , In her Bodhisattva vows, Guanyin promises to answer the cries and pleas of all

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