Examples of the the word, ir , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ir ), is the 9613 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Formally rendered as B followed by the specialization field, instead of ING. *, ir , For those having graduated from technical university after a minimum of 5
- However, he made a wordplay on" city of the sun" (’ IR basemen) by writing ’, ir , haheres which literally means" city of destruction ". These play of words were
- Geit! (Bernese dialect of Em mental) *Kurt Martí (born 1921),Very Edict, ir , Bärner Umgangssprache; Rosa Louis (Bernese dialect) *Mani Matter (1936–1972)
- Buk Kiev Debbesissa Taiwan f ir st James;: Must dieniszka May e due sums, ir , szen Hainan;: Ames sums must Greeks, kaip mes Pamela must Pardokonteimus;:
- To:: i_n = in where: in is the nominal interest rate on a given investment:, ir , is the risk-free return to capital: i*n = the nominal interest rate on a
- Civil engineers. " Europe Belgium In Belgium, Civil Engineer (abbreviated, ir , ) (, ) is a legally protected title applicable to graduates of the five-year
- Close contacts with most of these companies. As of April 29, 2005,Prof. Dr., ir , C. J. van Door has the position of rector magnifies. In 2006,the University
- A Rush * Lithuanian translation: Vladislav, Dievo valid radius Jenkins, ir , žemių Krokuvos, Sandom ir o, Sieradžo, Lenčycos, Kujavijos, Lietuvos dialysis
- Favor i IR i chime, / Heller, ir , i Nam white, : Villa costume white comma, / day thine MTA vary got: o turn
- Built Env ir onment (energy usage and patterns in building, headed by prof. Dr., ir , Jan Hansen from the Architecture and Building Department),Future Fuels (
- And ambulate. In Spanish and Portuguese ir e and radar merged into the verb, ir , which derives some conjugated forms from ir e and some from radar. Andar was
- University, after the application of the Bologna process, as: M.Sc. instead of, ir ,.’LL. M. instead of Mr. and M. A. or M.Sc. instead of DRS. This is because a
- These titles as equivalent to a LLM (the title Mr. ) and to an M.Sc. (the title, ir , ), and if got before September 1,2002, from a recognized Dutch university, may
- Such titles from the Dies Uncovering Underlies. Those who received the ir Mr., ir , Or DRS. Title after the application of the Bologna process have the option of
- Academic degree. Bearers of foreign Master's degree are able to use the titles, ir , .,Mr. And DRS. Only after obtaining a permission to bear such titles from the
- And 'examples' " Later, in a description of Isolde:::: :Si video, ir , stampenie, ::: :cache UND so remedy Kotlin, ::: :did naiver breeder under
- Of Dutch. According to the ir field of study, MSc graduates may use either, ir , Or DRS. Before the ir names, MA graduates may use DRS. Before the ir name and
- Kujavijos, Lietuvos dialysis kunigaikštis, Pomeranijos IR Ruins valves, ir , paveldėtojas, etc. (titles need checking). Biography Władysław was the
- To some of historic venues such as: the main stadium of the city - S. Darius, ir , S. Given Sports Central (total capacity 9,000),which is also the Lithuanian
- Arm took the book. Արամը սիրում է իր ուսուցչին: Frame serum ē, ir , usuchičhin Arm loves his teacher. Constructed languages Esperanto
- Trī (" teacher" ) drops its E in the genitive singular. Nouns with –, ir , in the nominative singular never drop the I. The declension of second
- M.Sc., LL. M. or M. A.),but alternatively still use the old-style title (, ir , .,Mr. Or DRS. ), corresponding to the ir field of study. Since these graduates
- Form of dance... ”. The old use of the word is still alive in Colombia, where,IR, de rumba means to go out at night. In rumba there is a dance move where the
- 2010/2011 * prof. Dr. Philip de Goey: Simon Steven Master 2010 * prof. Dr., ir , Rene Janssen: Kiwi/INRIA Speurwerkprijs 2010 * prof. Dr. IR. Arthur van
- Between the university and industrial partners. The current cha ir man is Dr., ir , Arno Peels, who was cha ir man of the board and CEO of Thales Nederland before
- A degree in a foreign country to be allowed to use the Dutch title DRS. Mr., ir , Or Dr. a request has to be made at the Dies Uncovering Underlies though
- Granted along with the ir international equivalents. While the title sing., bc., ir , .,Mr., drs. And Dr. are used before one's own name, the degrees B, M or D are
- And" dark" quality (in Danish," banned" (" bean" ) is pronounced as the ", ir ," in the English word b ir d). The Danish and Norwegian alphabets contain a
- Wus.: LIA was Ike o Vera Tampa, / but deliver was for ACLU idle.: For doing i, ir , Kongungdum, u pure, u glory. Amen.: Fa her var BS ERT í Henrik, verði AFN
- Years, corresponding to an M.Sc., but it may be formally rendered as M, instead of, ir , ), * me ester in de recited (Mr.; it corresponds to LL. M., but it may be
- 1985). Altai priešistoriniais lassies: ethnogeneses, materialinė cultural, ir , mitologija. Vilnius: Models. * Renfrew, Colin,Maria Gimbals and Ernestine
- Website of the Iranian government (http://www.ahmadinejad. ir / Ahmadinejad., ir , ) was rendered inaccessible on several occasions. Critics claimed that the DDoS
- Phil is not legally recognized. After successfully obtaining a" DRS. ",", ir , "," Mr. " Degree, a student has the opportunity to follow a promotion study (
- De Goa of Mechanical Engineering),Energy Conversion (headed by prof. Dr., ir , René Janssen from Chemical Engineering) and Fusion and Plasma (headed by
- Ziemassvētkus un limit Juno gads * Lithuanian: Links event Veiled, ir , laimingų Nauru met * Mongolian: Зул сар болон Шинэ жилийн баярын мэнд хүргье
- Uses former ATT (" come to" ) for the simple future. Portuguese/Spanish, ir , and French Allen (" to go" ) have the same sense of simple future. These
- Technique and agriculture grant the title" ingenious" ( engineer, noted as, ir , Jansen) instead of DRS. These titles as equivalent to a LLM (the title Mr. )
- Meester ('master' ) (Mr. ), and for engineering: ingenious ('engineer' ) (, ir , ). In the last few years, the Dutch have incorporated the Anglo-Saxon system
- Of the university in the College. The current rector magnifies is prof. Dr., ir , Hans van Door.; The th ir d member: The th ir d member is a" tie-breaker "
- Utrecht on 3 January 2011. Strategic Vision 2020 On January 3,2011,IR, Arno Peels presented the university's strategic vision document for the
- Serrano, Lenčycos, Kujavijos, Lietuvos dialysis kunigaikštis, Pomeranijos, ir , Rusios valves IR paveldėtojas, etc. (titles need checking). Biography
- Powers of invention and his sheer power as a storyteller. " __NOT__ Ir or, ir , may refer to: * the abbreviation (Ir. ) for the title of Ingenious (Engineer
- 2010 * prof. Dr. IR. Rene Janssen: Kiwi/INRIA Speurwerkprijs 2010 * prof. Dr., ir , Arthur van Roermond: Simon Steven Master 2004 * prof. Dr. Rutgers van San ten:
- Granted an engineering title and allowed to prefix the ir name with the title, ir , (an abbreviation of ingenious; not to be confused with graduates of technical
- Magistrate courses respectively. *In the Netherlands the titles ingenious (, ir , ), meester (Mr. ) and doctorates (DRS. ) may be rendered, if obtained in
- M.Sc., depending on the field in which the degree was obtained, since the,IR, .,Mr. And DRS. Titles are similar to a Master's degree, and the shortcut M. A.
- R nouns Some masculine nouns of the second declension end in an – her or an –, ir , in the nominative singular. For such nouns, the genitive singular must be
- Lord's Prayer: http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/index-mn.html#N: Favor i, ir , i chime, / Heller IR i Nam white, : Villa costume white comma, / day thine
- Come to speak Hebrew. However, he made a wordplay on" city of the sun" ( ’, ir , hašemeš) by writing’ IR areas which literally means" city of destruction "
- Of Ingenious (Engineer),a person practicing the profession of engineering *., ir , the Internet country code top-level domain for Iran IR may refer to: *
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