Examples of the the word, inactive , in a Sentence Context
The word ( inactive ), is the 9624 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Time is the time a pixel in a monitor takes to go from active (white) to, inactive ,(black) and back to active (white) again, measured in milliseconds. Lower
- Also used to build support for the renewal of the Ku Klux Klan which had been, inactive ,since 1870. In the beginning of 20th century, the Basis Trial in Russia
- Tough professional, and indeed had higher quality games, while Fischer had been, inactive ,for three years. Spas sky thought that Fischer would have won in 1975 but Karol
- Associated with RNA polymerases (referred to as chromatin) while DNA coding, inactive ,genes (" turned off" ) are found associated with structural proteins and are
- To help hydrolyze proteins and polysaccharides, as well as converting the, inactive ,pro-enzyme, pepsinogen into the enzyme, pepsin. Some organisms produce acids
- Him at Bosworth Field to be declared traitors. Northumberland, who had remained, inactive ,during the battle, was imprisoned but later released and reinstated to pacify
- No synthesis routes are currently known. History Argon (αργος, Greek meaning ", inactive ,", in reference to its chemical inactivity) was suspected to be present in air
- Municipal courts. The most important result was the dismissal of 12.2 % of, inactive ,claims in civil courts thanks to the application of Law 1194 of 2008 (La de
- The case in which one active particle enters an elementary reaction with the, inactive ,particle which as a result becomes another active particle along with forming
- Poirot's retirement is no longer a convenient fiction. He assumes a genuinely, inactive ,lifestyle during which he concerns himself with studying famous unsolved cases
- Their body water in a frozen state, while desert frogs in Australia can become, inactive ,and dehydrate in dry periods, losing up to 75 % of their fluids, yet return to
- Which as a result becomes another active particle along with forming of another, inactive ,particle from the initial active one); * termination (elementary step in
- One electron, respectively,and the noble gases themselves are chemically, inactive , An important class of redox reactions are the electrochemical reactions, where
- Females getting a 'double dose' relative to males. The extent to which the, inactive ,X is actually compacted is a matter of some controversy. Chromatin and bursts
- Dormant phase, called viral latency, in which the virus hides in the body in an, inactive ,state. For example, varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox in the acute phase
- Impairment, but this is not mandatory. Chloramphenicol succinate ester (the, inactive ,intravenous form of the drug) is readily excreted unchanged by the kidneys
- It is meant to be used as a simple means of classifying sedentary (physically, inactive ,) individuals with an average body composition. For these individuals, the
- Are to produce an increased heart rate. The normal adulterants for profit are, inactive ,sugars, usually mannitol, creatine or glucose, so introducing active
- Binds Ca2+ ions (a second messenger in signal transduction),rendering it, inactive , The Ca2+ is bound with low affinity, but high capacity, and can be released on
- Cellulose (E460i) and powdered cellulose (E460ii) are used as, inactive ,fillers in tablets and as thickeners and stabilizers in processed foods.
- Protein kinase A (PKA, cAMP-dependent protein kinase). PKA is normally, inactive ,as a metameric holoenzyme, consisting of two catalytic and two regulatory
- Of cocaine. Actual full synthesis of cocaine is rarely done. Formation of, inactive ,enantiomers (cocaine has 4 chiral centers – 1R,2R,3S,5S – hence a total
- There is no clear evidence of sexual transmission. It is possible for sexually, inactive ,persons to get infected with bacterial vaginosis. Rather, BV is a disordering
- Name" argon" is derived from the Greek word αργον meaning" lazy" or" the, inactive ,one ", a reference to the fact that the element undergoes almost no chemical
- Of inactivity are varied, and some temperate species have larvae going into the, inactive ,state (diapause),while in others, the adults alone pass the winter in a
- In color appearing only on the cooler ears, tail and paws. A completely, inactive ,gene for tyrosine is found in albino cats, which therefore lack all pigment.
- Shrunk independent of human activities. Paleo deserts are large sand seas now, inactive ,because they are stabilized by vegetation, some extending beyond the present
- e. g., being expressed as protein. * Hetero chromatin, which consists of mostly, inactive ,DNA. It seems to serve structural purposes during the chromosomal stages.
- Locks up. Specialty clutches and applications * Single-revolution clutch: When, inactive ,it is disengaged and the driven member is stationary. When" tripped ", it
- Some protective prestige and status, although some suggest that the politically, inactive ,Alighieri was of such low standing that he was not considered worth exiling.
- It is not properly the illicit drug. Because cocaine is hydrolyzed and rendered, inactive ,in the acidic stomach, it is not readily absorbed when ingested alone. Only
- One company deployed for active duty in peacekeeping corresponds to three, inactive ,companies at home. Salaries for each are paid from the military budget. In
- Hair length is determined by the gene for fibroblast growth factor 5,with, inactive ,copies of this gene causing long hair. Anatomy Domestic cats are similar in
- Had from imbibing the Carpi vine alone, but that DMT-containing plants remain, inactive ,when drunk as a brew without an MAO inhibitor (such as Carpi). How indigenous
- As a postdoctoral with his already-isolated BPF. The conversion of the, inactive ,angiotensin I to the potent angiotensin II was thought to take place in the
- DMT is broken down by the digestive enzyme monoamine oxidase and is practically, inactive ,if taken orally, unless combined with an MALI. The traditional South American
- An international podcast called Chaos radio International (which has been, inactive ,for a couple of years now),and other radio programs offered by some regional
- The majority of the chloramphenicol dose is excreted by the kidneys as the, inactive ,metabolite, chloramphenicol gluconate. Only a tiny fraction of the
- On the other hand, although more expensive and no longer widely used, is an, inactive ,material, so gold-based CD-Rs do not suffer from this problem. Labeling It is
- Filtered and/or pasteurized, both of which are processes that render the yeast, inactive , increasing the shelf life of the product. In brewing parlance, a keg is
- During the Modern Era, with some volcanoes still active (even though recently, inactive ,). Political geography | | The Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands
- To consolidate his leadership of the Abu SAAF, causing the group to appear, inactive ,for a period. After Janjalani's leadership was secured, the Abu SAAF began a
- Insecticidal spray from these bacteria. In this form, the BT toxin occurs as an, inactive ,protoxin, which requires digestion by an insect to be effective. There are
- Out of power in the 1930s. This led to the ANC becoming largely ineffectual and, inactive , until the mid-1940s when the ANC was remodeled as a mass movement. The ANC
- Team does not officially retire jersey numbers, some are kept" unofficially, inactive ,", so it is uncommon to find any current players wearing the number of one of
- Rehydrating in wet periods. Either type of frog would appear biochemically, inactive ,(i.e. not living) during dormant periods to anyone lacking a sensitive means
- Of an activated heterodimer; cycling have no catalytic activity and CDs are, inactive ,in the absence of a partner cycling. When activated by a bound cycling, CDKs
- With Cambridge, England: Ten other official sister city relationships are, inactive ,: Dublin, Ireland; Ischemia, Catania,and Florence, Italy; Kraków, Poland; Santa
- Is metabolized by the liver to chloramphenicol gluconate (which is, inactive ,). In liver impairment, the dose of chloramphenicol must therefore be reduced.
- Mister of Preying or São João on PICO Island) in addition to the currently, inactive ,cones in central São Miguel Island, the aforementioned Tapelines on Facial, the
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