Examples of the the word, applet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( applet ), is the 9621 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. HTML pages may embed parameters that are passed to the applet . Hence, the same, applet ,may appear differently depending on the parameters that were passed. As applet s
  2. Or in the case of a Swing applet , The class must override methods from the, applet ,class to set up a user interface inside itself (Applet is a descendant of
  3. Microsoft Windows, Unix,macOS and Linux. It is also trivial to run a Java, applet ,as an application with very little extra code. This has the advantage of
  4. well suited for demonstration, visualization and teaching. There are online, applet ,collections for studying various subjects, from physics to heart physiology. If
  5. An interpreted language, hence the greater performance or functionality of the, applet , Unlike a" subroutine ", a complete web component can be implemented as an
  6. However, applet s have very little control over web page content outside the, applet ,dedicated area, so they are less useful for improving the site appearance in
  7. Of the Enigma) is at http://enigmaco.de/ Enigma. Co. DE. Many Java, applet ,Enigmas only accept single letter entry, making use difficult even if the
  8. Inside itself (Applet is a descendant of which is a descendant of. As, applet ,inherits from container, it has largely the same user interface possibilities
  9. Documents server-side, form and input elements can be used as a substitute) **, applet ,(Deprecated. Use the object element instead. ) * The language (Obsolete)
  10. Technology-enabled web browser processes a page that contains an applet ,the, applet ,'s code is transferred to the client's system and executed by the browser's
  11. A Java Servlet is sometimes informally compared to be" like" a server-side, applet , but it is different in its language, functions,and in each of the
  12. Can be globally enabled or disabled for GDI applications. A control panel, applet ,is available to let the users tune the GDI ClearType settings. The GDI
  13. It such as the BBC. The official Formula One website has a live timing Java, applet ,that can be used during the race to keep up with the leaderboard in real time.
  14. External links * http://complexity.xozzox.de/nonlinmappings.html Interactive, applet ,for the Standard and Henson Maps by A. Kuhn Multidimensional generalization
  15. That allow players to compete against live opponents in real-time. An, applet ,can also be a text area only, providing,for instance, a cross-platform
  16. Unlike a" subroutine ", a complete web component can be implemented as an, applet , Java Applet Java Applets can provide web applications with interactive
  17. Supported by the browser HTML pages may embed parameters that are passed to the, applet , Hence, the same applet may appear differently depending on the parameters that
  18. Reputation as slow loading components. However, since jars were introduced,an, applet ,is usually delivered as a single file that has a size of the bigger image (
  19. Have controls like buttons or check boxes. In response to the user action an, applet ,can change the provided graphic content. This makes applet s well suited for
  20. Of the applet is downloaded from a web server and the browser either embeds the, applet ,into a web page or opens a new window showing the applet 's user interface. A
  21. A web page or opens a new window showing the applet 's user interface. A Java, applet ,extends the class, or in the case of a Swing applet , The class must override
  22. Circumference of a circle With interactive, applet ,and animation Continuum mechanics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the
  23. Task that runs within the scope of a larger program, often as a plug-in. An, applet ,typically also refers to Java applet s, i. e., programs written in the Java
  24. However, applet s have very little control over web page content outside the, applet ,dedicated area, so they are less useful for improving the site appearance in
  25. The characteristics described here about applet s. Embedding into web page The, applet ,can be displayed on the web page by making use of the deprecated applet HTML
  26. Has been downloaded is the only domain to which the usual (unsigned), applet , is allowed to communicate. This domain can be different from the domain where
  27. A language different from the scripting or HTML language that invokes it. The, applet ,is written in a compiled language, whereas the scripting language of the
  28. A cross-platform command-line interface to some remote system. If needed,an, applet ,can leave the dedicated area and run as a separate window. However, applet s
  29. S user interface. A Java applet extends the class, or in the case of a Swing, applet , The class must override methods from the applet class to set up a user
  30. Then from accessing local data like clipboard or file system. The code of the, applet ,is downloaded from a web server and the browser either embeds the applet into a
  31. Be used in place of Applets. Java Web Start also allows launching unmodified, applet ,code, only it then runs in a separate window (not inside the invoking browser
  32. When a Java technology-enabled web browser processes a page that contains an, applet , the applet 's code is transferred to the client's system and executed by the
  33. Image (hundreds of kilobytes to several megabytes). The domain from where the, applet ,executable has been downloaded is the only domain to which the usual (unsigned
  34. 69 • Yugoslavia: 65 • Canada: 89 • United States of America: 120 A Java, applet ,is an applet delivered to users in the form of Java byte code. Java applet s can
  35. Advanced compositional verification methods have been developed for secure, applet ,interactions. A typical solution for malicious applet s is to make the web
  36. Of a spoken language in deaf children (Mayberry,2008). In computing,an, applet ,is any small application that performs one specific task that runs within the
  37. Supported by the browser HTML pages may embed parameters that are passed to the, applet , Hence, the same applet may appear differently depending on the parameters that
  38. Enigmas only accept single letter entry, making use difficult even if the, applet ,is Enigma state machine compliant. Technically http://www.enigmaathome.net/
  39. Animation of the Brownian motion concept is available as a Java, applet , Theory Smoluchowski model Smoluchowski's theory of Brownian motion starts
  40. To illustrate this method, AppletGuard was used to observe and control any, applet ,in a browser successfully. Alternate history or
  41. User specific visualization. The first implementations involved downloading an, applet ,class by class. While classes are small files, there are frequently a lot of
  42. In 1990 in PC Magazine. Applet as a standalone application Provided that an, applet ,is hosted by an operating system, it can function as any other normal software
  43. HTML pages may embed parameters that are passed to the applet . Hence, the same, applet ,may appear differently depending on the parameters that were passed. Examples
  44. Either embeds the applet into a web page or opens a new window showing the, applet ,'s user interface. A Java applet extends the class, or in the case of a Swing
  45. Yugoslavia: 65 • Canada: 89 • United States of America: 120 A Java applet is an, applet ,delivered to users in the form of Java byte code. Java applet s can run in a Web
  46. By the browser's Java Virtual Machine (JVM). An HTML page references an, applet ,either via the deprecated tag or via its replacement, the tag. Security Recent
  47. For studying various subjects, from physics to heart physiology. If needed,an, applet ,can leave the dedicated area and run as a separate window. However, applet s
  48. Accessibility using the gnome-mag and the lib colorblind software. Using a gnome, applet , the user may switch a color filter on and off choosing from a set of possible
  49. Platform environment of a system, as contrasted from" servlet ". As such,an, applet ,provides functionality or performance beyond the default capabilities of its
  50. With very little extra code. This has the advantage of running a Java, applet ,in offline mode without the need for any Internet browser software and also

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