Examples of the the word, silently , in a Sentence Context
The word ( silently ), is the 9623 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Ingenious means of beginning his series of lectures on Beowulf: He would come, silently ,into the room, fix the audience with his gaze, and suddenly begin to declaim in
- 4. The player to the left of the dealer begins the bidding once meld has been, silently ,determined by all players. Play continues normally in terms of scoring and
- To Napoleon's demand for a code that soldiers could use to communicate, silently ,and without light at night called night writing. Barbier's system of sets of
- It, as his feelings of love break his friendship, and must be carried, silently ,to the grave: Because I liked you better Than suits a man to say It irked you
- If messages are sent to nil (the null object pointer),they will be, silently ,ignored or raise a generic exception, depending on compiler options. Static
- Because they could offer denominational words, such as" In Jesus's name,", silently , as a" meditation of the heart. " Education Falwell repeatedly denounced
- On their own grounds. The story concludes as the captain and his lieutenant, silently ,ponder the possibility that they, being " standard" humans, are just a
- The New York Times on October 2,2007,Hill writes that she" will not stand by, silently ,and allow Justice Thomas, in his anger, to reinvent me. " In October 2011
- Ethic were not openly debated and discussed, rather they were accepted and, silently ,agreed upon. Free and open source software (FOSS) is the descendant of the
- On what version of RTF is being used. Most of the applications that read RTF files, silently ,ignore unknown RTF control words. Overall, since 1987,RTF files may be
- Are not well-defined (for example, adding a number to a string) rather than, silently ,attempting to make sense of them. Python allows programmers to define their own
- Drill. All persons present regardless of nationality are expected to stand, silently ,and respectfully during its raising and lowering. It is a severe criminal
- S head (as in Eh Joe) or else another character comments on the protagonist, silently , by means of gesture (as in Not I). Beckett's most politically charged play
- The Mac Housing software would not recognize the handheld. AppSource, however, silently , added the capability to recognize older LIE devices when providing new
- Language, the name of the letter is pronounced. Following a vowel, it often, silently ,indicates that the vowel is long: In the word ('heighten' ), only the first ‹
- Standard, and nominated William Jennings Bryan on a Silver Platform. Cleveland, silently ,supported the Gold Democrats' third-party ticket that promised to defend the
- S brigade to attack. The English infantry rose from the edge of the Rebel, and, silently , marched towards Blenheim, a distance of some 150 yards (~130 meters). John
- Conductors with a sharp rather than a smooth point were capable of discharging, silently , and at a far greater distance. He surmised that this knowledge could be of use
- Had forgotten his name but, when introduced to her, Chaplin told her of being, silently ,in love with her and how she had broken his young heart. Over dinner, he laid
- Does not forward a message, respond to it, or handle an error, the message is, silently ,discarded. If messages are sent to nil (the null object pointer),they will
- The Ground; ... Would not these pointed Rods probably draw the Electrical Fire, silently ,out of a Cloud before it came nigh enough to strike, and thereby secure us from
- To the widow—a separate pile in the middle. All players review their cards and, silently ,count meld, determining their bids. The player to the dealer's left initiates
- Thin crystal swords with blades so cold they can shatter steel. Others move, silently , but their voices sound like cracking ice; it is hinted that they have their
- The tip of the spear and swears that they are true. Once again Hagen supervises, silently ,as others take oaths to his advantage. But this time, since the oath is sworn
- Critics for allowing and appointing liberal bishops in their sees and thus, silently ,promoting Modernism, which was firmly condemned as the" synthesis of all
- Do you think God hates me? " Father Judge just picked him up, kissed him, and, silently , rocked him in his arms. Even before his death, many considered Father Michael
- Describe the privations which they Irish laborer and his family habitually and, silently ,endure... in many districts their only food is the potato, their only beverage
- Was standing watching the work of his Jinn, while leaning on his cane. There he, silently ,died, but did not fall. He remained in this position, and the Jinn, thinking he
- Ringing a bell, clapping one's hands, and contemplating one's wish or prayer, silently , The bell and hand clapping are meant to wake up or attract the attention of
- To him, but Ajax, still resentful over the old quarrel, refuses and descends, silently ,back into Erebus. Like Achilles, he is represented (although not by Homer) as
- No longer necessary; we ourselves are the monk before the sea, standing, silently , and contemplatively before these huge and soundless pictures as if we were
- The procession in the ancient times, according to the law, should have passed, silently ,through the streets of the city. Usually certain favorite objects of the
- Higher authority. Beria's decision to avoid immediately calling a doctor was, silently ,supported (or at least not opposed) by the rest of the Politburo, which was
- Points of the ceremony. He removed the obligation for the priest to read, silently ,by himself the Scripture readings that were being proclaimed to the people, and
- Current line. The return value of the print function is of type int, but it is, silently ,discarded since it is not used. (A more careful program might test the return
- Of their personality differences. Scarlett loses her temper at Ashley and he, silently ,takes it. Then Scarlett meets Rhett Butler, a man who has a reputation as a
- Pumps, using silent convection, or fuel cells or batteries, which can also run, silently , Vehicles' propellers are also designed and precisely machined to emit minimal
- Not supported in their local catalog),these notations may be either ignored, silently ,by the application or the application could signal an error; * otherwise the
- Receives his single X-chromosome from his mother, the son of a healthy female, silently ,carrying the deficient gene will have a 50 % chance of inheriting that gene
- The Oberon class, used batteries to power their electric motors in order to run, silently , They recharged the batteries using the diesel engines without ever surfacing.
- Gives as examples Mauricio Kagel's Con Voice with voice, where a masked trio, silently ,mimes playing instruments. Following Wittgenstein, cognitive psychologist
- Has pressed, Have drunk their glass a round or two before, And one by one crept, silently ,to rest But helpless pieces in the game He plays Upon this checkerboard of
- That game. " On Media Day, Duane Thomas refused to answer any questions and sat, silently ,until his required time was up. Roger Staubach surmises that Duane Thomas would
- Installed independently of Adobe's website (adobe. Com) and is installed, silently ,when Adobe Reader is installed. Two additional components designed for
- Severely restricted the length of identifiers (e.g., to 8 or 14 letters) or, silently ,truncated all identifiers to that length. Finally, the small size of computer
- The" sound pattern" of a word, either in mental projection—as when one, silently ,recites lines from a poem to one's self—or in actual, physical realization as
- Delivers a soliloquy on his life before dying in front of Declared. Declared sits, silently ,looking up at Roy. Gaff arrives and shouts over to Declared regarding Rachael,"
- Opening scene of the film, the dark-haired woman stumbles off Mulholland Drive, silently ,it suggests she is clumsy. After Lynch added" a hint of the steam from the
- That they are to watch over Hell. Remain immediately rejects it, but Dump, silently ,accepts the key, and the guilt-stricken Remain joins him in ruling Hell. Remain
- The memory of an old man and his younger self -"Someone In a Tree ", watching, silently , as history changes course. Initially, it seems as if Okayama has won: the
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