Examples of the the word, burner , in a Sentence Context
The word ( burner ), is the 9604 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The site. The tomb, however,is a tourist attraction, and still sports a tripod, burner ,originally dedicated to Apollo, although the tripod is not original to the site
- Mechanism using a thermocouple is sometimes employed to ensure that the main, burner ,ignites within a certain time period, shutting off the main burner gas supply
- Across the thermocouple to drop and the valve to close. Some combined main, burner ,and pilot gas valves (mainly by Honeywell) reduce the power demand to within
- That use the flow of water to generate the current required to ignite the gas, burner , in conjunction with a thermocouple as a safety cut-off device in the event the
- Temple at Seringapatam he gifted seven silver cups and a silver camphor, burner , This temple was hardly a stone's throw from his palace from where he would
- Ratios and limits the maximum rate of air intake in a conventional Bunsen, burner , Flame temperatures of up to are achievable. The flame also burns without noise
- Reaction Concepts Concepts by subject area * Apparatus: Bunsen, burner ,— Calorimeter — Calorimeter — Burette — Thermometer * Atomic structure: Atom —
- Attack the conspirators, others set off an atomic weapon called a stone, burner , purchased from the Thailand, that destroys the area and blinds Paul. By
- Mixing of air and fuel and can achieve higher flame temperatures than Bunsen, burner , * Meter burner ; the lower part of its tube has more openings with larger total
- The alcohol-water fuel was pumped along the double wall of the main combustion, burner , This cooled the chamber and heated the fuel (regenerative cooling). The fuel
- Popular exposition. He invented an early form of what was to become the Bunsen, burner , which is used almost universally in science laboratories as a convenient
- The fuel. One common, efficient design uses a cylindrical forge chamber and a, burner ,tube mounted at a right angle to the body. The chamber is typically lined with
- Firemen and engineers use combustion analyzers to test the efficiency of a, burner ,during the combustion process. In addition, the efficiency of an internal
- The alcohol and oxygen tanks were an aluminium-magnesium alloy. The combustion, burner ,reached a temperature of 2500–2700 °C (4500 – 4900 °F). The alcohol-water
- Smith was shot dead by an IRA party led by Dan" Sand ow" O'Donovan. A Bunsen, burner , named after Robert Bunsen, is a common piece of laboratory equipment that
- The main burner ignites within a certain time period, shutting off the main, burner ,gas supply valve should that not happen. Out of concern for energy wasted by
- Sessions towards a more middle-of-the-road sound. With country put on the back, burner , and soul and R&B left in Memphis, what was left was very classy, very clean
- And fuel and can achieve higher flame temperatures than Bunsen burner . * Meter, burner ,; the lower part of its tube has more openings with larger total cross-section
- Of the fire tetrahedron. Consider a natural gas flame, such as from a stove top, burner , The fire can be extinguished by any of the following: * turning off the gas
- Principle exist. The most important alternatives to Bunsen burner are: * Tells, burner ,; the lower part of its tube is conical, with a round screw nut below its base.
- The rumored Romeo and Juliet war film, or it has been put on the back, burner , Woo has stated that Flying Tiger Heroes would be an" extremely important
- Dirty" because it leaves a layer of carbon on whatever it is heating. When the, burner ,is regulated to produce a hot, blue flame it can be nearly invisible against
- Combustion. Design created slits for air at the bottom of the first cylindrical, burner , the flame igniting at the top. By the time the building opened early in 1855
- S policy against gays. The publicity generated put the policy on the front, burner ,in 1992,thrusting the issue into the presidential campaign," with every
- Tube once ignited by a flame or spark. The most common methods of lighting the, burner ,are using a match or a spark lighter. The amount of air mixed with the gas
- Him to construct a prototype. (Similar principles had been used in an earlier, burner ,design by Michael Faraday as well as in a device patented in 1856 by the gas
- relatively high freedom from interference. On top of the spray chamber is a, burner ,head that produces a flame that is laterally long (usually 5–10 cm) and only
- Of Retirement pensions and Disability Insurance were placed on the back, burner ,for the time being. The social legislation implemented by Bismarck in the 1880s
- Fine ceramics. Such items include tiles used in the Space Shuttle program, gas, burner , nozzles,ballistic protection, nuclear fuel uranium oxide pellets, biomedical
- Based on the same principle exist. The most important alternatives to Bunsen, burner ,are: * Tells burner ; the lower part of its tube is conical, with a round screw
- As ovens and water heaters make use of a pilot flame to ignite the main gas, burner ,when required. If it goes out gas may be released, which is a fire risk and a
- And fatigue, he was eventually discovered by a peasant carrying a charcoal, burner , but his exposure to the elements meant he soon contracted a dangerously high
- May be adjusted to produce the highest concentration of free atoms. The, burner ,height may also be adjusted, so that the radiation beam passes through the zone
- Hiding place. Let thinks, rightly,that when his father was blinded by a stone, burner ,and went off into the desert to die, that if anyone took him in it had to have
- Regarding economy and simplicity, as well as the quality of the flame for a, burner ,lamp. While his building was still under construction late in 1854,Bunsen
- Evaporate. Boiling equipment The simplest boil kettles are direct-fired, with a, burner ,underneath. These can produce a vigorous and favorable boil, but are also apt
- Issue of national languages that D. S. Senanayake had adroitly kept on the back, burner , antagonizing the Tamils and the Sinhalese by stating conflicting policies with
- The influx of the air in a way similar to the open slots of the Bunsen, burner , The Tells burner provides better mixing of air and fuel and can achieve higher
- Gas is now mixed with the same amount of air, starving the flame of oxygen. The, burner ,will often be placed on a suitable heatproof mat to protect the laboratory
- Fuel in camping and boating stoves. Methanol burns well in an pressurized, burner , so alcohol stoves are often very simple, sometimes little more than a cup to
- With refractory materials, preferably a hard castable refractory ceramic. The, burner ,mixes fuel and air which are ignited at the tip, which protrudes a short way
- The elaborate hydrate of chlorine, invented an early form of the Bunsen, burner ,and the system of oxidation numbers, and popularized terminology such as anode
- Using Tesla turbines, including steam turbines (using steam produced from a, burner , or even solar power) and turbos for automobiles. One proposed current
- Petroleum gas (LPG). Propane, for example, is used in the propane gas, burner , butane in disposable cigarette lighters. The two alkanes are used as
- Lubaan) or incense (cause),which is prepared inside an incense, burner ,referred to as a aboard. Music Somalia has a rich musical heritage centered on
- Of the air in a way similar to the open slots of the Bunsen burner . The Tells, burner ,provides better mixing of air and fuel and can achieve higher flame
- Effect. Gas forges vary in size and construction, from large forges using a big, burner ,with a blower or several atmospheric burner s to forges built out of a coffee
- Of a sample's elemental composition. Robert Bunsen, developer of the Bunsen, burner , and Gustav Kirchhoff discovered new elements by observing their emission
- The 1979 energy crisis, economic hardship put the European ideal on the back, burner , with only the President trying to keep the idea alive. The member states had
- All the way back to 1933. While this rivalry is typically put on the back, burner ,when compared to the Eagles and Cowboys rivalries, there have been periods of
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