Examples of the the word, my , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Something which might have made me turn from my course, I had closed, my ,eyes ... Because I failed at that time, I still feel, to this day, responsible
  2. To know about him and his works is already there," Just look at the surface of, my ,paintings and films and me, and there I am. There's nothing behind it. " His
  3. Of Lincoln:" In his company, I was never reminded of my humble origin, or of, my ,unpopular color ". Gettysburg Address With the great Union victory at the
  4. Sauce, as he comments in Elephants Can Remember:" Ah yes, that is correct, my ,initials do appear to be the same as such a fine delicacy, a good English
  5. An inquiry about his presidential intentions, Lincoln said," The taste is in, my ,mouth a little. " 1860 Presidential nomination and election On May 9–10, 1860
  6. Job. I had been warned against trying to protect my self, and against letting, my ,courage get in the way of my good sense. I forgot those warnings, and here I
  7. To Milch, upon hearing the message, Speer burst out," The Führer can kiss, my ,ass! " After a lengthy argument, Milch persuaded Speer to withdraw his offer of
  8. Men with the cleverest and most gifted women. This proposal constitutes, my ,Utopia and my Platonic Republic ". Analysts (e.g., Keith Ansell-Pearson)
  9. Justified himself and asked for understanding, saying that" It was a period in, my ,life where I needed help. " He also revealed that he had always hated tennis
  10. The cleverest and most gifted women. This proposal constitutes my Utopia and, my ,Platonic Republic ". Analysts (e.g., Keith Ansell-Pearson) have suggested
  11. That begin" I believe that ...." are simply shorthand for," Based on, my ,knowledge, understanding,and interpretation of the prevailing evidence, I
  12. Freed. Lincoln's comment on the signing of the Proclamation was:" I never, in, my , life,felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper
  13. Trying to protect my self, and against letting my courage get in the way of, my ,good sense. I forgot those warnings, and here I lie, dying in agony. Remember
  14. Also experience happiness to come),we cannot live with the paradox (I think, my ,life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless). In Le Myth
  15. By way of explanation, she said that Warhol" had too much control over, my ,life. " She was eventually sentenced to three years under the control of the
  16. Civilized past do mean something after all. " In another letter he writes," In, my ,whole life I have never felt so Jewish as now. " Einstein and Szilard, along
  17. Other. And this agreement must be yet the more pleasing to me, inasmuch as in, my ,philosophizing I have certainly not been under its influence emphasis added.
  18. He described her as" a large, coarse-skinned young woman but with something of, my ,friend's features, particularly the mouth ". This description followed their
  19. If I had been able to read German in those days, I might never have commenced, my ,experiments! " Family tragedy In 1865,when the Bell family moved to London
  20. Pre-eminence over the others. In any case, it must be a pleasure to me to see, my ,doctrine in such close agreement with a religion that the majority of men on
  21. Ambiguity for its humor, for example:" Last night I shot an elephant in, my ,pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I’ll never know ". Ambiguity can also be
  22. Seconds when Hank told Speer this, and Speer did not inquire were uppermost in, my ,mind when I stated to the international court at the Nuremberg Trial that, as
  23. Statement in his discussion of religions: If I wished to take the results of, my ,philosophy as the standard of truth, I should have to concede to Buddhism
  24. He told Richard Wagner's friend Malinda von Maseru," I have not yet spoken, my ,last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from
  25. Alas," he is recorded to have said," surrounded by great warriors devoted to, my ,cause, guarded night and day by them, I should have allowed them to do their
  26. Achilles told Hector it was hopeless to expect that of him, declaring that ", my ,rage, my fury would drive me now to hack your flesh away and eat you raw – such
  27. Issues of the time. Fred I'm agency Land which translates to“ foreign in, my ,own country” dealt with the widespread racism that non-white German citizens
  28. Lampoons include appealing to the authority of" a very knowing American of, my ,acquaintance in London" and" the famous Psalmanazar, a native of the island
  29. Also become an architect. According to Speer's daughter Hide," One by one, my ,sister and brothers gave up. There was no communication. " Following the
  30. For example:" Last night I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in, my ,pajamas, I’ll never know ". Ambiguity can also be used as a comic device
  31. Spring" touristic, a lousy imitation of Kurosawa," and added," At that time, my ,admiration for the Japanese cinema was at its height. I was almost a samurai
  32. Upanishads thus:" It has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of, my ,death! " Among Schopenhauer's other influences were: Shakespeare, Jean-Jacques
  33. To go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done, my ,share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly. " He died in Princeton
  34. He also later remarked:" I thought that Helmholtz had done it ... and that, my ,failure was due only to my ignorance of electricity. It was a valuable blunder
  35. Morally; from fear of discovering something which might have made me turn from, my ,course, I had closed my eyes ... Because I failed at that time, I still feel
  36. Told Hector it was hopeless to expect that of him, declaring that" my rage, my ,fury would drive me now to hack your flesh away and eat you raw – such agonies
  37. I like hot summers, cold winters, heavy rains and snows, and I think most of, my ,pictures show this. I like extremes because I find them most alive. " Wind is
  38. Favour, for they are very disconcerted by the ever-increasing publication of, my ,philosophy which they so carefully concealed. I have done so by giving them the
  39. In the world; it has been the solace of my life and will be the solace of, my ,death. It is well known that the book Oupnekhat (Upanishads) always lay open
  40. Certainly not been under its influence emphasis added. For up till 1818,when, my ,work appeared, there was to be found in Europe only a very few accounts of
  41. That my blood pressure was rising tremendously ... Anxiety amidst all, my ,freedom and power! Wartime architect (1939–1942) Speer supported the German
  42. When asked which of his works was his best, had always previously answered ", my ,next one. " Final works and last years (1987–1998) For his next movie
  43. I thought that Helmholtz had done it ... and that my failure was due only to, my ,ignorance of electricity. It was a valuable blunder ... If I had been able to
  44. As" I cannot know for certain, but I think God is very improbable, and I live, my ,life on the assumption that he is not there ", but leaning toward 7. About
  45. He summarized the influence of the Upanishads thus:" It has been the solace of, my ,life, it will be the solace of my death! " Among Schopenhauer's other
  46. The diaphragm would seem to grow heavy, and I would get the impression that, my ,blood pressure was rising tremendously ... Anxiety amidst all my freedom and
  47. Interesting and newer. But not for me. For me, it's more exciting to experience, my ,fellow Germans in new contexts ... For me,it's interesting to see what the
  48. The benefit of the Vedas, the access to which by means of the Upanishads is in, my ,eyes the greatest privilege which this still young century (1818) may claim
  49. The original text) which is possible in the world; it has been the solace of, my ,life and will be the solace of my death. It is well known that the book
  50. Douglass once observed of Lincoln:" In his company, I was never reminded of, my ,humble origin, or of my unpopular color ". Gettysburg Address With the great

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