Examples of the the word, people , in a Sentence Context

The word ( people ), is the 61 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To see activity in the brain's reward centers ", based on the idea that ", people ,perform altruistic acts because they feel good about it ", what they found was
  2. Until the coming of the Arabs in the 8th century. Middle Ages The Berber, people ,controlled much of the Maghreb region throughout the Middle Ages. The Berbers
  3. Network, used in sustained attention and goal-directed thinking. In, people ,with autism the two networks are not negatively correlated in time, suggesting
  4. Face area of the brain, which is associated with impaired perception of, people ,versus objects. Causes It has long been presumed that there is a common cause
  5. a hundred years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential, people ,who ever lived. According to the philosopher Bryan McGee," it is doubtful
  6. In the Southern states: The President ended his address with an appeal to the, people ,of the South:" We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies ... The
  7. America as long as the early 1600s. Demographers estimate that roughly 23 % of, people ,in Alabama are of predominantly English ancestry. There are also many more
  8. Tourist attractions, but crowds have thinned. In the late 1960s,650,000, people , a year visited the home in Springfield, slipping to 393,000 in 2000–2003.
  9. That Aristotle's writing style is deliberately obscurantist so that“ good, people ,may for that reason stretch their mind even more, whereas empty minds that are
  10. Found a part of the brain that behaves differently for altruistic and selfish, people , The researchers invited 45 volunteers to play a computer game and also to
  11. Future of democracy would be assured, that " government of the people , by the, people , for the people , shall not perish from the earth. " Lincoln concluded that the
  12. The results suggest that altruistic behavior may originate from how, people ,view the world rather than how they act in it. " We believe that the ability to
  13. Would be assured, that " government of the people , by the people , for the, people , shall not perish from the earth. " Lincoln concluded that the Civil War had a
  14. Work. This island is not inhabited, and goats graze on it, not many, which the, people ,who happen to arrive here with their ships, sacrifice to Achilles. In this
  15. Rather than how they act in it. " We believe that the ability to perceive other, people ,'s actions as meaningful is critical for altruism ", said lead study
  16. In 2000. This includes a natural increase since the last census of 121,054, people , ( that is 502,457 births minus 381,403 deaths) and an increase due to net
  17. Restricted interests and highly repetitive behavior. Unlike with autism, people ,with Asperger syndrome have no substantial delay in language development.
  18. To Algeria, but the conquest was slow, because of intense resistance from such, people ,as Emir Abdelkader, Cheikh Moran, Cheikh Bahama, the tribe of Ruled Sid
  19. And Second Barbary Wars (1815) with the United States. The pirates forced the, people ,on the ships they captured into slavery; when the pirates attacked coastal
  20. Seeking (for example, rhythmic movements). An estimated 60%–80 % of autistic, people ,have motor signs that include poor muscle tone, poor motor planning, and toe
  21. Name can be analyzed as a combination of (ashes) " grief" and (Laos) " a, people , tribe, nation,etc." In other words, Achilles is an embodiment of the grief
  22. A child is three years old. The prevalence of autism is about 1–2 per 1,000, people , worldwide; however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  23. By nearly one-third from 1830 to 1872. Between 1825 and 1847,50,000 French, people ,emigrated to Algeria, but the conquest was slow, because of intense resistance
  24. Stage in which one consciously chooses to do the best things. When the best, people ,come to live life this way their practical wisdom (process) and their
  25. Their religion is understood. Among the historical tribes of Native American, people ,living in the area of present-day Alabama at the time of European contact were
  26. The sprinkling, they clean the hearth of the temple with their wings. Other, people ,say still more, that some of the men who reach this island, come here
  27. Who paid attention to the difference in dedication to Allah and dedication to, people , 13th century Turkish Sufi poet Runs Eyre explained this philosophy as "
  28. Losses, and the future of democracy would be assured, that " government of the, people , by the people , for the people , shall not perish from the earth. " Lincoln
  29. Existence. A constant concern for Allah results in a careful attitude towards, people , animals, and other things in this world. This concept was emphasized by Sufi
  30. Of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free, people , " Other enactments Lincoln adhered to the Whig theory of the presidency, which
  31. In Alabama are of predominantly English ancestry. There are also many more, people ,in Alabama of Scots-Irish origins than are self-reported. In a 2007 survey
  32. The tenth guru in Sikhism),was in war with the Mogul rulers to protect the, people ,of different faiths, when a fellow Sikh, Bhai Kannada, attended the troops of
  33. Uprooted much of the population. Starting from the end of the 19th century, people ,of European descent in Algeria (or natives like Spanish people in Oran),as
  34. Births minus 381,403 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 104,991, people , into the state. Race and ancestry According to the 2010 U. S. Census, Alabama
  35. By pitting his opponents against each other, and by appealing to the American, people ,with his powers of oratory. His Gettysburg Address of 1863 became the most
  36. Suggests a different view," that altruistic behavior may originate from how, people ,view the world rather than how they act in it ". In the study published in the
  37. City is Mobile, founded by French colonists. History Etymology The Alabama (, people ,), a Muskogean-speaking tribe whose members lived just below the confluence of
  38. Consecrated to the hero, as price for the sacrificial victims. To some, people ,who come to this island, Achilles appears in dreams, to others he would appear
  39. A private brunch at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel with an audience of about 270, people , The post Academy Awards party was held at the Mayfair Hotel. The cost of guest
  40. Sized up initially from their basic language skills, these studies suggest that, people ,speaking to autistic individuals are more likely to overestimate what their
  41. The first time, as well as establishing some welfare institutions to help its, people , Alabama was officially restored to the Union in 1868. After the Civil War, the
  42. Language tasks such as figurative language, comprehension and inference. As, people ,are often sized up initially from their basic language skills, these studies
  43. ThyssenKrupp, and U. S. Steel have facilities in Alabama and employ over 10,000, people , In May 2007,German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp selected Alabama for a $3.7
  44. The poor and the gods for the superabundance of happiness and wealth of certain, people ,who should rid themselves of it. This is the ancient morality of the gift
  45. Nation, etc." In other words, Achilles is an embodiment of the grief of the, people , grief being a theme raised numerous times in the Iliad (frequently by
  46. Namibia In Antiquity, Algeria was known as the kingdom of Namibia and its, people ,were called the Namibians. The kingdom of Namibia had early relations with the
  47. German (5.7 %),and Scots-Irish (2.0 %). In the 2000 Census,621,080, people , claimed to be of" American ancestry ", most them are of overwhelmingly English
  48. With the conservative Republicans who thought it was bad because it hurt white, people ,and blocked progress. Finer argues that Lincoln was a moderate in the middle
  49. United States (after Mississippi). The largest educational gains were among, people ,with some college education but without degrees. Colleges and universities
  50. Territory of Algeria until the early 20th century when the last of the Tuareg, people ,were conquered in 1920. Additionally, the French reached Window only in the

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