Examples of the the word, information , in a Sentence Context

The word ( information ), is the 90 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Many others a piece of information without losing it themselves, the original, information ,store never becomes empty. (Boldewijn and Kama,1986:268) The original party
  2. Require a waiting period before the procedure, prescribe the distribution of, information ,on fetal development, or require that parents be contacted if their minor
  3. Texts written by people who actually knew Alexander or who gathered, information ,from men who served with Alexander are all lost apart from a few inscriptions
  4. The ranking). Greenpeace criticizes for example that Apple does not provide, information ,about its management of chemicals and its supply chain communications. Apple
  5. Defendant personally in order to permit the defendant to speak or present any, information ,to mitigate the sentence. " The Federal Public Defender recommends that
  6. Which is a statement about the lack of precision contained or available in the, information , Context may play a role in resolving ambiguity. For example the same piece of
  7. Apple also continues to score poorly in the Greenpeace's guide for the minimal, information ,it provides about its future toxic chemical phase-out plans. In the first
  8. The information . They decide when, how and how much information to give to the, information ,services consumer. The consumer has no control over it in this model. Examples
  9. And visual stimuli, novelty detection, language and face processing, and, information , storage; several studies have found a preference for non-social stimuli. For
  10. Regarding up-coming events/activities, rather than relying on auditory, information , When the child asks when a particular event will occur, he can easily be
  11. Zenith" and" nadir ". Some words in common use, such as" intention" and ", information ,", were originally claques of Arabic philosophical terms. Arabic words also
  12. Love and women's rights, and critiqued" Comstock" -- censorship of sexual, information , Also, M. E. Lazarus was an important American individualist anarchist who
  13. Context may play a role in resolving ambiguity. For example the same piece of, information ,may be ambiguous in one context and unambiguous in another. Linguistic forms
  14. Boldewijn and Kama,1986:268) The original party holds all control over the, information , They decide when, how and how much information to give to the information
  15. Distillation to Western Europe. The attempts of alchemists to arrange, information ,on substances,to clarify and anticipate the products of their chemical
  16. Implies that the original party loses some kind of control over the, information , One party can tell many others a piece of information without losing it
  17. On a legal document, such as an application for voter registration, that the, information ,provided by the applicant is truthful to the best of the applicant's knowledge
  18. She passes on information to James Haggard about her husband's affair. This, information ,is used to persuade Rear den to sign the Gift Certificate (which delivers all
  19. Through daily routine tasks. Claims Since children with autism process visual, information ,easier than auditory information , when utilizing assistive technology claims
  20. And the China as financial centers. Due to its large and extremely competitive, information ,technology industry, India has become a major hub for outsourcing. In 2010
  21. Persistent, endosperm colonial, and loss of mitochondrial gene sdh3. Up-to-date, information ,on the Asparagus can be found on the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Moreira and
  22. Computer" ( machine or human, equipped with the necessary internally contained, information ,and capabilities) to find, decode,and then process arbitrary input
  23. That any time we use these devices with these children,we're giving them, information ,through their strongest processing area (visual). Therefore, various types of
  24. Lillian achieves her goal to destroy Rearden's business, when she passes on, information ,to James Haggard about her husband's affair. This information is used to
  25. Ferris uses the device on Salt, but it breaks down before extracting the, information ,Ferris wants from Salt. Ferris represents the group which uses brute force on
  26. Northwards at a speed of about per year, see Circle of latitude for more, information , __TOC__ Geography Relatively few people live north of the
  27. Information services provider’ ( pg 268) while the other party acts as the ‘, information ,services consumer’ ( Boldewijn and Kama,1986:268) The term allocation
  28. A Turing machine ". Typically, when an algorithm is associated with processing, information , data is read from an input source, written to an output device, and/or stored
  29. 0.7 % from the previous year. The single largest increase came in the area of, information , In 1999,per capita income for the state was $18,189. As of September 2010
  30. With each other and to process, store,and communicate character-oriented, information ,such as written language. Before ASCII was developed, the encoding in use
  31. Thought experiment is described on pages 48–51. * Collected Papers: Further, information ,about the volumes published so far can be found on the webpages of the
  32. Through a media channel. It assumes that one party has an unlimited amount of, information ,(usually through some kind of expertise) and can act as the ‘ information
  33. LED backlit LCDs and arsenic-free glass, Apple also offers detailed, information ,about the emissions, materials,and electrical usage of each product. In June
  34. Of information (usually through some kind of expertise) and can act as the ‘, information ,services provider’ ( pg 268) while the other party acts as the ‘ information
  35. Trait of Nobel that helped him to sharpen his creativity include his talent for, information ,access, via his multilingual skills. Despite the lack of formal secondary and
  36. Kind of control over the information . One party can tell many others a piece of, information ,without losing it themselves, the original information store never becomes
  37. Of a regular verb paradigm in Egyptian Arabic. See varieties of Arabic for more, information ,on grammar differences in the spoken varieties. Writing system The Arabic
  38. Since children with autism process visual information easier than auditory, information , when utilizing assistive technology claims that any time we use these devices
  39. Best of the applicant's knowledge. If, after signing such a declaration,the, information ,is found to be deliberately untrue with the intent to deceive, the applicant
  40. Holds all control over the information . They decide when, how and how much, information ,to give to the information services consumer. The consumer has no control over
  41. Eddie Willers in the employee's cafeteria, and leads Eddie to reveal important, information ,about Deign Haggard and Haggard Transcontinental. Only Eddie's side of their
  42. Asteroids, but even these mostly remain little more than fuzzy blobs. Limited, information ,about the shapes and compositions of asteroids can be inferred from their light
  43. Calendar at both home and school can provide the child with important, information ,regarding up-coming events/activities, rather than relying on auditory
  44. An asteroid passes directly in front of a star). Radar imaging can yield good, information ,about asteroid shapes and orbital and rotational parameters, especially for
  45. To dig in the mud. However, some linguistic contexts do not provide sufficient, information ,to disambiguate a used word. For example," Biweekly" can mean" fortnightly "
  46. On appeal. In media Allocation refers to the one way dissemination of, information ,through a media channel. It assumes that one party has an unlimited amount of
  47. For control characters: codes originally intended not to represent printable, information , but rather to control devices (such as printers) that make use of ASCII, or
  48. Activity of state radio and television, state news agency and other official, information ,media. Armed forces The Albanian Armed Forces (Format e Armature Te
  49. Monuments, ancient rocks and stones survived up to the present times. The first, information ,on the animal kingdom of Azerbaijan was collected during the visits of
  50. Within a certain strict time limit after a civil complaint or criminal, information ,or indictment has been served upon the defendant. It may have been preceded by

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