Examples of the the word, Â , in a Sentence Context

The word ( Â ), is the 3486 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Signature theorem. Hirzebruch and Bore had proved the integrality of the, Â ,genus of a spin manifold, and Aliyah suggested that this integrality could be
  2. NBS¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª« ¬ - ®  ̄ 0xb0° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º» ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ 0xc0 À Á,  ,Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï 0xd0 Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß 0xe0 à á â ã ä å
  3. C The spectrum or Gland space of a commutative C*-algebra A, denoted, Â , consists of the set of non-zero *-homomorphism from A to the complex numbers.
  4. Form the following five forms to represent five tones of â. * * * * * Turkish, Â ,was used to soften the letter" A" ( not anymore though, according to the
  5. Of representations as is shown by the following: Theorem. Let S be subset of, Â , Then the following are equivalent for an irreducible representation π # The
  6. The spectrum is actually compact. In the non-unital case, the weak-* closure of,  ,is  ∪, where 0 is the zero homomorphism, and the removal of a single point
  7. Is 4 mod 8. This can be deduced from the index theorem, which implies that the, Â ,genus for spin manifolds is the index of a Dirac operator. The extra factor of
  8. Names,except K, J,Q, W,Y, and Z. Letters with diacritics (Ă, Â , Î, ) are generally transmitted without diacritics (A, A,I,S’T ). Economic
  9. Together of the various An can be quite complicated. Mickey Bore structure, Â ,is a topological space and thus can also be regarded as a Bore space. A famous
  10. Equivalent for an irreducible representation π # The equivalence class of π in, Â ,is in the closure of S # Every state associated to π, that is one of the form::
  11. QWERTY) keyboard layout for Windows XP and Vista. (ë, Ë,ç, Ç,é, É,ô, Ô,â, Â ,) JLG Extended Keyboard Layout The http://www.jlg-utilities.com JLG Extended
  12. The letters â and î both represent the same close central unbounded vowel., Â ,is used only inside words; î is used at the beginning or the end of single
  13. That performs the cross product operation, that is Dy’d×y. The 6x6 matrix, Â ,(A, DA ) obtained from the spatial displacement D (A, d ) operates on a screw
  14. X, and its topological index is the L genus of X, so these are equal. The,  ,genus and Rochlin's theorem The  genus is a rational number defined for any
  15. Syllables (in Brazilian Portuguese when it is before nasal consonants). Welsh, Â ,is used to represent the sound. Character mappings TeX and LaTeX Â and â are
  16. The space Iron (A) There is yet another characterization of the topology on, Â ,which arises by considering the space of representations as a topological space
  17. Romanian alphabet The Romanian alphabet is as follows:: A, a (a); Ă, ă (ă);, Â , â (â din a); B, b (be); C, c (CE); D, d (DE); E, e (e); F, f (Fe /
  18. Baston. Phonetically," â" is pronounced as an emphasized" a ". Frisian,  ,is used to represent the sound. Romanian  is the 3rd letter of the Romanian
  19. Soviet Socialist Republic. Writing systems Crimean Tatar Latin alphabet, Â ,â symbol is not considered to be a separate letter. Crimean Tatar Cyrillic
  20. Gland space of A. Together with the spectral radius formula, this shows that, Â ,is a subset of the unit ball of A* and as such can be given the relative weak-*
  21. As an emphasized" a ". Frisian  is used to represent the sound. Romanian,  ,is the 3rd letter of the Romanian alphabet and represents. This sound is also
  22. Representation of is irreducible. Moreover, the mapping κ: PureSt ate (A) →, Â ,defined by f of is a subjective map. From the previous theorem one can easily
  23. Is the L genus of X, so these are equal. The  genus and Rochlin's theorem The,  ,genus is a rational number defined for any manifold, but is in general not an
  24. Xi \quad \box \for all \xi \in H_n \ x \in A. Theorem. Let An be the subset of, Â ,consisting of equivalence classes of representations whose underlying Hilbert
  25. e. F (1) is the complex number one. This excludes the zero homomorphism. So, Â ,is closed under weak-* convergence and the spectrum is actually compact. In the
  26. Letters: In addition, the following characters with diacritics are used: Á, Â , Ã, À,Ç, É,Ê, Í,Ó, Ô,Õ, Ú. These are not, however,treated as independent
  27. Algebra Mn (C) consists of a single point. Primitive spectrum The topology of, Â ,can be defined in several equivalent ways. We first define it in terms of the
  28. I. Compact and Abelian groups are also of type I. Theorem. If A is separable, Â ,is smooth if and only if A is of type I. The result implies a far-reaching
  29. Rings of the Paris topology for commutative rings. The topology on, Â ,induced from the hull-kernel topology has other characterizations in terms of
  30. Important to several Western languages: * Spanish (Á, Í,Ó, Ú ), French (À,  , È, Ê,Ë, Ì,Î, Ï,Ô, Œ,œ, Ù,Û),and Portuguese (Ã, ã,Õ, õ ). * German
  31. The ISO 9:1995 system of Ukrainian transliteration as the letter Я. Portuguese, Â ,is used for in stressed syllables (in Brazilian Portuguese when it is before
  32. Need extra space going atop the capital letters for accent marks (e.g. Ñ, Â , Ö, É ), but English doesn't need this. Metric units The traditional
  33. Alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with five additional letters Ă, Â , Î, Ț. Formerly, there were as many as 12 additional letters, but some of them
  34. It is possible to use these letters for writing words of non-Tatar origin: Á, Â , É, Ó,Ú. Crimean Tatar has its own written form, with some differences from
  35. As in the following example: Â is not used in modern Faeroese, however. French, Â ,in the French language is used as the letter" a" with a circumflex accent. It
  36. In terms of positive definite functions are desirable. In fact, the topology on, Â ,is intimately connected with the concept of weak containment of representations
  37. Ca.42 Ca.48 The spectrum of a C*-algebra or dual of a C*-algebra A, denoted, Â , is the set of unitary equivalence classes of irreducible *-representations of
  38. Rightarrow \operator name (A). We use the map k to define the topology on,  ,as follows: Definition. The open sets of  are inverse images k−1 (U) of open
  39. Comma and cedilla as a variation in font. See Unicode and HTML below. Î versus, Â ,The letters î and â are phonetically and functionally identical. The reason for
  40. The map k to define the topology on  as follows: Definition. The open sets of,  ,are inverse images k−1 (U) of open subsets U of Prim (A). This is indeed a
  41. The same again, except that for this series only position 6 is used. These are, Â ,Ê Î Ô Û Ë Ï Ü Ö W ⠡⠣⠩⠹⠱⠫⠻⠳⠪⠺. The–J series lowered in dot space become
  42. Spin manifold is divisible by 16: this follows because in dimension 4 the, Â ,genus is minus one eighth of the signature. Proof techniques Pseudodifferential
  43. As in" Cadet" ( Pieces) " Cadet" ( Tradition) " Kant" ( Paper). Ukrainian, Â ,is used in the ISO 9:1995 system of Ukrainian transliteration as the letter Я.
  44. Signature theorem. Hirzebruch and Bore had proved the integrality of the, Â ,genus of a spin manifold, and Aliyah suggested that this integrality could be
  45. 0) representations on one-dimensional spaces. As explained below, the spectrum, Â ,is also naturally a topological space; this generalizes the notion of the
  46. Like nature (to be born),anime (abyss),master (master) and more. Unlike, Â , Ê, and Ô, the circumflex does not alter the pronunciation of î, nor does it
  47. Welsh  is used to represent the sound. Character mappings TeX and LaTeX,  ,and â are obtained by the commands \A and \a. Ã/ã (a-tilde) is a letter
  48. Is actually compact. In the non-unital case, the weak-* closure of  is,  ,∪, where 0 is the zero homomorphism, and the removal of a single point from a
  49. Represents. This sound is also represented in Romanian as letter î. Vietnamese, Â ,is the 3rd letter of the Vietnamese alphabet and represents. In Vietnamese
  50. In 1823,used â to denote a non-syllabic a, as in the following example:,  ,is not used in modern Faeroese, however. French  in the French language is used

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