Examples of the the word, indication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indication ), is the 3357 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vacations, explicitly states" Year one thousand and first ", which is an, indication ,that the citizens of the Empire had a sense of the beginning of a new era, a
  2. But intensely felt emotions, intentionally hidden from others, without any, indication ,of their being requited. It is also possible that an initially mild attraction
  3. Of the tongue; it is believed that this gives the practitioner a good, indication ,of what is happening inside the body. Classically, in clinical practice
  4. And military hospital near Ramat Gan. Heart reported that this move was an, indication ,that Sharon's doctors did not expect him to emerge from his coma in the
  5. Prophetic books, an anonymous editor has supplied the name of the prophet,an, indication ,of his time of activity, and an identification of his speech as the“ word of
  6. Does not distinguish between acupuncture and combustion and gives the same, indication ,for both treatments. The Mawangdui texts, which also date from the 2nd century
  7. Writing-speed Pitman has rules for http://pitmanshorthand.homestead.com" vowel, indication ," using the positioning or choice of consonant signs so that writing
  8. Components of natural and artificial materials. Qualitative analysis gives an, indication ,of the identity of the chemical species in the sample and quantitative analysis
  9. Machine achieves no benefit from being able to solve BQP problems instantly,an, indication ,of the possible difference in power between these similar classes.: \box
  10. Used controversially, and with a dearth of empirical evidence to support their, indication , off-label to treat other conditions, such as anxiety disorders, obsessive
  11. And fourth were Peter, identified as Cepheid, and Jesus himself). There is no, indication ,that Apollos favored or approved an overestimation of his person. Apollos and
  12. III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. His early life gave little, indication ,of his ultimate potential; until the time of his accession in 1855,aged 37
  13. The election of a federal Labor Government. " The platform gives a general, indication ,of the policy direction which a future Labor government would follow, but does
  14. And throw spears without the physical limitation and obstruction; there is no, indication ,of such a practice in works of art, in which the Amazons are always represented
  15. Been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods. The oldest, indication ,for its use in Europe comes from the Stellar in the Ehrenberg valley north
  16. Mothers on SSRIs. In one of the few three cases to ever go to trial for SSRI, indication ,in suicide, Eli Lilly and Company was caught corrupting the judicial process by
  17. The 2002 edition, the Apostles' Creed is included in the Roman Missal with the, indication ," Instead of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, especially during Lent and
  18. Migrated in from islands and lands beyond the Rhine" ( Res Gestate 15.9),an, indication ,that the immigrants came to Gaul from the north (Britain, the Netherlands or
  19. Late sixth or early seventh century AD. The use of dice for the game is another, indication ,of its India origin, since dice and gambling were a favorite pastime in ancient
  20. Assuming a unified composition with a single theology and point of view. As an, indication ,of the many layers of editing which Ezra has undergone, one recent study finds
  21. In the first violins). 2nd bassoon doubling basses in the finale Beethoven's, indication ,that the 2nd bassoon should double the basses in measures 115–164 of the finale
  22. Translation was supposedly validated by a problematic archaeoastronomical, indication ,in which the winter solstice sun shone on an inscription of the sun at the site
  23. Of a sport's main sponsors usually gives a similar, and correlated, indication ,of popularity: for biathlon, these are the Germany-based companies E. ON
  24. isn't consistency on treatment methodology in literature, there is a strong, indication ,that treatment in general has positive outcomes. A multidisciplinary team
  25. To zero, then the key cannot be found in the array and a special" Not found ", indication ,is returned. A binary search halves the number of items to check with each
  26. In the 18th century guidebooks to Aachen as well as to the other spas; the main, indication ,for visiting patients, ironically,was syphilis; only by the end of the 19th
  27. Contract will fail and a desire to raise the stakes (a penalty double),or an, indication ,of strength but no biddable suit coupled with a request that partner bid
  28. From the play when teasing Socrates over his appearance and yet there is no, indication ,of any ill-feeling between Socrates and Aristophanes. Plato's Aristophanes is
  29. Other side of the manometer. The resulting liquid change in the U tube is an, indication ,of the wind speed. Small departures from the true direction of the wind causes
  30. This was reaffirmed in 1997. Regardless of the opposition, Reagan gave every, indication ,that SDI would not be used as a bargaining chip and that the United States
  31. From left to right and licked the window. Only 17 seconds after the first, indication ,by crew of any fire, the transmission ended abruptly at 6:31:21 with a cry as
  32. Beginning in 1837,contains eight tombstones dating back to 1563,the only, indication ,of a Jewish presence on the island before the 18th century. The current prime
  33. An accompanying editorial said:" The findings should not be construed as an, indication ,for discontinuing the use of antipsychotic medications as a treatment for
  34. Celebrities, calling them superficial, facile and commercial, with no depth or, indication ,of the significance of the subjects. They also criticized his 1980 exhibit of
  35. The Vandals. The Patrician Richer is also blamed; this event marks the first, indication ,of the link between the Burgundians and Richer, who was probably Gundioc's
  36. He was not like the ordinary fighting bishops of the Middle Ages, whose sole, indication ,of their religious role was to avoid the shedding of blood by using a mace in
  37. BC if at the time she was at war with Regina. (iv. ) There is an incidental, indication ,of time, which points to the period after Marathon as the true date for the
  38. Bottom-level ATC code stands for a pharmaceutically used substance in a single, indication ,(or use). This means that one drug can have more than one code:
  39. In 1896 with German Social Democracy, a study in politics that was an early, indication ,of a lifelong interest in political and social theory. In 1896,he taught
  40. Equated with truth. Indeed, recent research found that people use beauty as an, indication ,for truth in mathematical pattern tasks. Computational inference of aesthetics
  41. The term" The Ashes" largely disappeared from public use. There is no, indication ,that this was the accepted name for the series, at least not in England. The
  42. Is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main, indication ,in adults. " National adaptions National issues of the ATC classification, such
  43. Tiny particles mingling in a multitude of ways ... their dancing is an actual, indication ,of underlying movements of matter that are hidden from our sight ... It
  44. In this film, she is identified as Miss JTV Marple, though there was no, indication ,as to what the extra initials might stand for); Murder Most Foul (1964)
  45. Of color combined with the characteristic flat projection of figures with no, indication ,of spatial depth—created a sense of order and balance within a composition.
  46. To a variety of capacities. In many cases, the media are marketed without any, indication ,of the end user capacity, as for example, DSDD, meaning double-sided
  47. Between the eastern and the western seas. Some historians consider this as an, indication ,of Bindusara's conquest of the Deccan while others consider it as suppression
  48. The statues of dying warriors in the interior denounced war and gave an, indication ,of his pacifist religious beliefs (he is said to have been a Mennonite).
  49. With his father. Watterson has kept away from the public eye and has given no, indication ,of resuming the strip, creating new works based on the characters, or embarking
  50. To users with whom they have pre-existing business relationships, with a visual, indication ,that the email is from a trusted source and without the risk that the email

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