Examples of the the word, instant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( instant ), is the 3364 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Speed of light and the motion of Earth in its orbit around the Sun. At the, instant ,of any observation of an object, the apparent position of the object is
  2. Brownian particle: we can speak of the relative number of particles at a single, instant ,just as well as of the time it takes a Brownian particle to reach a given point
  3. The effect of the lyrical arrangement, according to Bruce Hind marsh, allows an, instant ,release of energy in the exclamation" Amazing grace! ", to be followed by a
  4. To read JD 2443144.5003725 (1 January 1977 00:00:32.184) exactly at that, instant , (The offset is to provide continuity with the older Ephemeral Time. ) TAI was
  5. Messaging and presence computer program which uses the proprietary OSCAR, instant ,messaging protocol and the TOC protocol to allow registered users to
  6. Became gradually oppressed; a calm, lethargic state succeeded; and on the 17th, instant , ( April 1790),about eleven o'clock at night, he quietly expired, closing a
  7. From the Works of Anaïs NIN AOL Instant Messenger (abbreviated AIM) is an, instant ,messaging and presence computer program which uses the proprietary OSCAR
  8. With 52 % of the total reported as of 2006). This does not include other, instant ,messaging software related to or developed by AOL, such as ICQ and chat. As of
  9. Her guns on the two ships and fired. The broadside was devastating; in an, instant , Maynard had lost as much as a third of his forces. About 20 on Jane were
  10. They want to gain proficiency. Consumers who have been sold on the benefits of, instant ,results may hesitate giving the required commitment of twenty to forty private
  11. 1992–93) Opening too much fanfare in 1992,Oriole Park at Camden Yards was an, instant ,success, spawning other retro-designed major league ballparks within the next
  12. Material, which seems to be exactly what's called for. " She called it" an, instant ,cult classic. " Marlin concluded by saying that Blue Velvet" is as fascinating
  13. Tenant of Wild fell Hall, was published in the last week of June 1848. It was an, instant ,phenomenal success; within six weeks it was sold out. The Tenant of Wild fell
  14. XMPP support. Terminology AIM and AOL use several terms for elements of their, instant ,messaging that are different from other messengers. These include: * Away
  15. Mala, dura Bell!: :How close the realm of dusky Proserpine: :Yawned at that, instant , If half glimpsed the dire: :Judge of the dead, the blessed in their divine:
  16. Due to the object's motion and distance). Both are determined at the, instant ,when the moving object's light reaches the moving observer on Earth. It is so
  17. Read Julian Date 2436204.5 (1 January 1958 00:00:00) at the corresponding UT2, instant , The procedures used by the BIH evolved, and the name for the timescale
  18. Under the name EAL (Michelle Atomize Libra, meaning Free Atomic Scale). The, instant ,that the gravitational correction started to be applied serves as the epoch for
  19. Literary Club in 1775. The Wealth of Nations was published in 1776 and was an, instant ,success, selling out its first edition in only six months. In 1778,Smith was
  20. From black to white when hit, giving the biathlete as well as the spectators, instant ,visual feedback for each shot fired. Competition format Individual The
  21. On the source is paradoxical: Consider a second source of light that on a given, instant ,coincides with the star, but is not at rest with it. Suppose that two rays of
  22. Himself as an equal to the new high priestess and--in the most ancient recorded, instant ,of sexual harassment--made sexual advances to the high priestess, his
  23. The right ascension and declination of the" epoch of date" to the exact, instant ,of observation. GoTo telescopes have become more popular since
  24. From other messengers. These include: * Away message: A function of some, instant ,messaging applications whereby a user may post a message that appears
  25. At the critical moment, and a caption appears onscreen marking this as the, instant ,of the actor's injury and the ensuing publicity of the accident. Politics:
  26. Lagrange who lamented the beheading by saying:" Cell Lear a Paris element UN, instant ,pour Lew copper la Pete, mais la France portrait né pas en produce one outre
  27. Worldwide, including (but not limited to) diet sodas and other soft drinks, instant ,breakfasts, breath mints, cereals,sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, frozen
  28. The observer, one emitted by the star and the other by the second source in the, instant ,when they coincide. If rays are straight, since they share two points (the
  29. They were hearing was being performed, and heard everywhere, at that precise, instant , Some of the best moments in comedy came when a line was blown and the star had
  30. né pas en produce one outre parallel en un since. " (" It took them only an, instant ,to cut off his head, but France may not produce another such head in a century.
  31. 50 phases of the moon within year 0,showing that it is a full year, not an, instant ,in time. Signed years without year 0 Although he used the usual French terms "
  32. Risk Generally it is impossible to close two or three transactions at the same, instant ,; therefore, there is the possibility that when one part of the deal is closed
  33. Anime like the Gun dam and The Super Dimension Fortress Across series became, instant ,classics in the 1980s,and the robot genre of anime is still one of the most
  34. Unpredictable rock poet greeted the new millennium with a folksy, bluesy, instant , classic. " Chart positions Allegations of plagiarism" Love and Theft "
  35. Published in 1941 to praise from The New York Times Book Review:" A book of, instant ,sensitive responsiveness ... recreates its scene with acuteness and beauty, and
  36. As personal computers, the World Wide Web, email,Bulletin board systems, IRC, instant , messaging and mobile phone text messaging. Most of these technologies
  37. Still receive messages during this time. * Warning: If a user feels a received, instant ,message is inappropriate, the recipient can" warn" the sender, which
  38. Of the mid-1990s). Movement and instability (1962–63) While the Oilers found, instant ,success in the AFL, other teams did not fare as well. The Oakland Raiders and
  39. S first signing was the 20-year-old Arsenal striker Andy Cole, who was an, instant ,hit with fans and quickly established himself as one of the finest goal scoring
  40. High energy regimes. There is little evidence regarding the absolute earliest, instant ,of the expansion. Thus, the Big Bang Theory cannot and does not provide any
  41. A free Internet suite called AOL Open Ride, which combined a web browser, instant ,messenger, email client and media player. * On February 16, 2007,it was
  42. Financially secure before marrying. Although the telephone appeared to be an ", instant ," success, it was not initially a profitable venture and Bell's main sources
  43. That a ray could not proceed from the eyes and reach the distant stars the, instant ,after we open our eyes. He also appealed to common observations such as the eye
  44. Age, sex,location ", commonly used either for personal advertisement or in an, instant ,messaging conversation Auschwitz () or Auschwitz Birkenau German Nazi
  45. Alms) to its subscribers. Since version 2.0,AIM has included person-to-person, instant ,messaging, chatroom messaging, and the ability to share files peer-to-peer with
  46. Pharmaceutical drugs and supplements, shake mixes, tabletop sweeteners, teas, instant , coffees,topping mixes, wine coolers and yogurt. It is provided as a table
  47. Of these exploits rely on social engineering to spread by automatically sending, instant ,messages that contain a URL accompanied by text suggesting the receiving user
  48. The software, maintained by AOL, Inc., at one time had the largest share of the, instant ,messaging market in North America, especially in the United States (with 52 %
  49. Dragon Ball which was initially serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump. It became an, instant ,accomplishment—primarily selling over 35,000,000 copies in Japan, Dragon Ball
  50. S even a Stalinist in me. We must root out this evil. " The book became an, instant ,hit and sold-out everywhere. During Khrushchev's tenure, One Day in the Life

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