Examples of the the word, uncertainty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( uncertainty ), is the 3373 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This sphere of astronomical research in 1725,there consequently prevailed much, uncertainty ,whether stellar parallaxes had been observed or not; and it was with the
  2. Quarterback (Joe Franco),the Ravens entered the 2008 campaign with lots of, uncertainty , Its Week 2 contest at the Houston Texans was postponed until two months later
  3. The position and momentum of an electron; this became known as the Heisenberg, uncertainty ,principle after the theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg, who first
  4. Enough that the violation of energy conservation can be accommodated by the, uncertainty ,principle. This opens the way for virtual pair production or annihilation in
  5. Held in Portugal, itself under severe social and political turmoil and, uncertainty ,due to the April 1974 revolution,Angola's three main guerrilla groups agreed
  6. Can achieve remission in about 25 % of patients. By pregnancy There is, uncertainty ,whether pregnancy contributes to medication failure, because the only report so
  7. After finishing his Sinfonia pastoral, Symphony No. 6. This was a period of, uncertainty ,in Beethoven's life, in particular because he had no dependable source of
  8. To the narrative of Bede, the Britons in these regions viewed Augustine with, uncertainty , and their suspicion was compounded by a diplomatic misjudgment on Augustine
  9. The twenty-two mononuclidic elements are known to especially high accuracy – an, uncertainty ,of only one part in 38 million in the case of fluorine, a precision which is
  10. Who lived in Babylon near the end of the Babylonian captivity. There is some, uncertainty ,as to how Deutero-Isaiah and Trito-Isaiah came to be attached to the original
  11. Small to allow for detection of individual isotopes within a material this, uncertainty ,may still, in some cases, confound definitive identification of atomic species.
  12. Of the ion allows for the computation of a mass-to-charge ratio. Whilst the, uncertainty ,in the atomic mass computed by time-of-flight methods in atom probe is
  13. These judges probably reflected the mood of the audiences, yet there is much, uncertainty ,about the composition of those audiences. They were certainly huge, with
  14. The book. Throughout the ordeal, she survives and lives on with Job. There is, uncertainty ,about her intentions when she tells Job to curse God, but it is clear that Job
  15. Answer is crucial to the film's main theme. The inherent ambiguity and, uncertainty ,of the film, as well as its textual richness, have permitted viewers to see it
  16. As the only recovered fossils are of mandibles and teeth, there is some, uncertainty ,about Gigantopithecus's locomotion. Kratz has argued, based on his
  17. And the value for silicon is 28.0855 (3). The relative standard, uncertainty ,in this value is 1 or 10 ppm. Periodic table by atomic weight The Absolute
  18. To come to humanity about every thousand years, at times of turmoil and, uncertainty , With unity as an essential teaching of the religion, Bahá'is follow an
  19. Probability theory and the discoveries following it changed the way we regard, uncertainty , risk, decision-making,and an individual's and society's ability to
  20. But one that ensured the French plan to march on Vienna remained paralyzed by, uncertainty , With Villeroy shadowing Marlborough's every move, Dutch anticipation of an
  21. 28.97649 × 0.046832) + (29.97377 × 0.030872) 28.0854 The estimation of the, uncertainty ,is complicated, especially as the sample distribution is not necessarily
  22. By an affection towards Ruth, in marrying her he has to pay a cost in money and, uncertainty , The nearer kinsman does not rise to these qualities. 3. God's providential
  23. As: Business statistics is the science of good decision-making in the face of, uncertainty ,and is used in many disciplines such as financial analysis, econometrics
  24. Jail commenced in 1841. Adelaide's early history was wrought by economic, uncertainty ,and incompetent leadership. The first governor of South Australia, John
  25. Be reasonably sure that he will never die, and there is already considerable, uncertainty ,as to when he was born. " When Winston Smith is later arrested, O'Brien,his
  26. Determination to secure a future for white children is restated, and an area of, uncertainty ,is addressed and a position which is both principled and politically realistic
  27. AMD had legal rights to use derivatives of Intel's microcode. In the face of, uncertainty , AMD was forced to develop clean room designed versions of Intel code. In 1991
  28. p. 195),“ Theorists are apt to vex themselves with vain efforts to remove, uncertainty ,just where it has a high aesthetic value. ” Visual art In visual art, certain
  29. Note" a sense of ‘ responsibility,’ or self agency, in a context of, uncertainty ,(probabilistic outcomes) drives the neural system underlying repetitive
  30. Lowest velocities. The peak is not infinitely narrow because of the Heisenberg, uncertainty ,principle: since the atoms are trapped in a particular region of space, their
  31. Its" bit-length. " In information theory, one bit is typically defined as the, uncertainty ,of a binary random variable that is 0 or 1 with equal probability, or the
  32. Control standards, and consistency between doses can vary. This leads to, uncertainty ,in the chemical content and biological activity of individual doses. This lack
  33. It is arbitrary and capricious, and it leaves humans in a state of fear and, uncertainty , which ends only in death. In the face of this metaphysical reality, what must
  34. In the Annmarie Pontifical does not include Natalie (perhaps because of the, uncertainty ,of the evidence),nor Antipope Clement VIII. It may be that the following of
  35. Provide no information at all (zero entropic bits, because no resolution of, uncertainty ,and therefore no information). If a computer file that uses n bits of storage
  36. Latinized to Sue vi Angle, located south of the middle Elbe. Owing to the, uncertainty ,of this passage, there has been much speculation regarding the original home of
  37. P_y, and p_z. Translating this into quantum-mechanical terms, the Heisenberg, uncertainty ,principle tells us that it is not possible for all six of these numbers to be
  38. Perceive and remember it. These thematic elements provide an atmosphere of, uncertainty ,for Blade Runners central theme of examining humanity. In order to discover
  39. It was noted by Bohr that the existence of any sort of wave packet implies, uncertainty ,in the wave frequency and wavelength, since a spread of frequencies is needed
  40. Present, techniques to establish the realization of an ampere have a relative, uncertainty ,of approximately a few parts in 107,and involve realizations of the watt, the
  41. In 1997 and 1998,coupled with fluctuations in the price of oil have created, uncertainty ,and instability in Brunei's economy. In addition, the 1998 collapse of Amadeo
  42. Region was in causal contact before the beginning of inflation. Heisenberg's, uncertainty ,principle predicts that during the inflationary phase there would be quantum
  43. Guarantees the unbroken lawful succession of the successors of Saint Peter. The, uncertainty ,that in some cases results has made it advisable to abandon the assignation of
  44. Be found at any distance from the nucleus and in any direction due to the, uncertainty ,principle. However, the electron is much more likely to be found in certain
  45. Lanthanides, which were of an uncertain number, led to inconsistency and, uncertainty ,in the numbering of all elements at least from lutetium (element 71) onwards
  46. General negation/lacking, see " Nyasa ", above ). *дали (Dali) – expresses, uncertainty ,(if in the middle of a clause, can be translated as" whether" ) – e.g. Dali
  47. Funerals. * In English heraldry, black means darkness, doubt,ignorance, and, uncertainty , * The Black Sun is an occult symbol that is said to be related to Nazism and
  48. Modeling. Miles and others argued that the application of probabilistic, uncertainty ,would require the ability to exactly replicate objectively similar events to
  49. Psychology, the term" ambiguity" is used to indicate situations that involve, uncertainty , An increasing amount of research is concentrating on how people react and
  50. Reaction. The critical mass for a bare 242m1Am sphere is about 9–14 kg (the, uncertainty ,results from insufficient knowledge of its material properties). It can be

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