Examples of the the word, deploy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deploy ), is the 3359 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On standby readiness; the military retains the capability to continually, deploy ,2,000 soldiers in international service or 5,000 over a short time span. The
  2. Earth's atmosphere. Although one of the three parachutes on the CM failed to, deploy ,properly, only two were required for a safe landing (one extra for redundancy
  3. Remained insignificant. In November 2007,Romania announced that they would, deploy ,120 troops to Chad and the Central African Republic in connection with a
  4. Brigade, posted towards the center of the battlefield, had been ordered to, deploy ,its skirmishers in the hollow road and on the forward slope. The rest of the
  5. In arms limitations. It was perceived as requiring two enemies to agree not to, deploy ,a potentially useful weapon, deliberately to maintain the balance of power and
  6. A few have been relaid as narrow gauge, but the majority are standard gauge. Most, deploy ,both steam and diesel locomotives for haulage. The majority of heritage
  7. Was the EU Battle groups initiative, each of which is planned to be able to, deploy ,quickly about 1500 personnel. EU forces have been deploy ed on peacekeeping
  8. His right flank in the air. The leftmost division of the XI Corps was unable to, deploy ,in time to strengthen the line, so Doubleday was forced to throw in reserve
  9. Systems (MEMO),are used in automobiles to tell airbags when to, deploy , in digital projectors to create sharper images and in ink jet printers to
  10. Missiles. By the ABM treaty and a 1974 revision, each country was allowed to, deploy ,a mere 100 ABMs to protect a single, small area. The Soviets retained their
  11. It unacceptable that an ISP, whether by law or by the ISP's own choice, should, deploy , such software without allowing the users to disable the filtering for their own
  12. His feet. Climbing down the nine-rung ladder, Armstrong pulled a D-ring to, deploy ,the Modular Equipment Stowage Assembly (MESA) folded against Eagle's side
  13. Field, Florida and AC-130H's are based at Cannon AFB, New Mexico; though both, deploy ,to bases worldwide in support of operations. The gunship squadrons are part of
  14. Fire, disabling the explosive bolts that open the parachute compartment to, deploy ,them. If they were indeed disabled, the command module would have crashed
  15. Attack tanks with horse cavalry. Later, on the Eastern Front, the Red Army did, deploy ,cavalry units effectively against the Germans. (See also Polish cavalry. ) A
  16. Revised. A joint action refers to a co-ordinated action of the states to, deploy ,resources in order to achieve an objective, for example for mine clearing or to
  17. Servants and commoners whom the French were either unable or unwilling to, deploy , Warren gives the total French army size as 50,000. He says:" They had plenty
  18. Out of the kill zone. Preparation To be successful, an ambush patrol must, deploy ,into the area covertly, ideally under the cover of darkness. The patrol will
  19. Use the air flow to stabilize their position, allowing the parachute to, deploy ,cleanly. BASE jumpers, falling at lower speeds, have less aerodynamic control
  20. As part of a mission, came on 9 March 2008,when two burns were made to, deploy ,the first Automated Transfer Vehicle into a circular parking orbit. Fairing The
  21. Named Heavy Tea, to deploy two battery-powered sensor pallets near the base. To, deploy ,the pallets, a Black Bat Squadron crew was trained in the US to fly the C-130
  22. FBI officials told him. Several authors have accused the FBI of continuing to, deploy ,COINTELPRO-like tactics against radical groups after the official COINTELPRO
  23. Applications. The Community Network is collaborating with Cisco Systems to, deploy ,a cutting-edge wireless network that could provide widespread access to the
  24. For not having consulted Russia prior to announcing its endeavors to, deploy ,a new missile defense system in Central Europe – a criticism that was soon
  25. Test Base using a Lockheed U-2,the CIA developed a plan, named Heavy Tea, to, deploy , two battery-powered sensor pallets near the base. To deploy the pallets, a
  26. Harper took opposite positions. The U. S. opposes Harper's proposed plan to, deploy ,military icebreakers in the Arctic to detect interlopers and assert Canadian
  27. Will award two licenses for international gateways using open technology and, deploy ,WIMAX technology enabling the delivery of last-mile wireless broadband access
  28. RDX to meet its needs. However, by May 1942 Wellington bombers began to, deploy ,depth charges containing Topped, a mixture of RDX, TNT and aluminum, which had
  29. Stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses and, deploy ,both conventional and nuclear weapons. The bomber has a crew of two and can
  30. On final approach, but his parachute did not have sufficient time to fully, deploy , * 2 September 1966 – Lt. Cmdr. Dick Oliver crashed his Tiger and was killed at
  31. A BT Broadband connection through the Vision set-top box (BT have chosen to, deploy ,Microsoft's Media room platform for this. ) North America Canada In 1949
  32. With the cooperation of several U. S. and international exhibitors, began to, deploy ,prototype Digital Cinema systems in commercial theaters. The systems were
  33. It relates to the political motives which drove particular historical actors to, deploy ,certain astronomical concepts or techniques. Art historian Richard Poss took a
  34. Refused bin Laden's offer, opting instead to allow U. S. and allied forces to, deploy ,troops into Saudi territory. The deploy ment angered Bin Laden, as he believed
  35. Up and maintaining a forward patrol harbor from which the attacking force will, deploy , and to which they will retire after the attack. Planning Ambushes are complex
  36. Of tanks to change the battlefield. Where the allied armies were slow to, deploy ,and study the tank in the inter-war years, the German army was very eager to
  37. B-52 and develop and deploy the ALCM would cost perhaps 20 % of the price to, deploy ,the planned 244 B-1As. Domestically, the reaction to the cancellation was split
  38. Is advance notice of impending clinical death, it is sometimes possible to, deploy ,a team of technicians to perform a“ standby ”. The team artificially restores
  39. The U. S. DOD evaluation team found Burkina's Leaf battalion fit to, deploy ,to Sudan. Using a small Department of Defense International Military Education
  40. He needed to know the location of the German fleet to judge when and how to, deploy ,his battleships from their cruising formation (six columns of four ships each
  41. Smaller $2 billion 45,000 ton America-class amphibious assault ships able to, deploy ,squadrons of F-35B. The Apicomplexa (also referred to as Apicomplexia) are a
  42. For staging aircraft operations. They have evolved from wooden vessels used to, deploy ,balloons into nuclear-powered warships that carry dozens of fixed wing and
  43. Units. *In the 1998 computer game, Starcraft, the alien Protons race can, deploy ,a robotic quadrupedal assault unit called a Dragoon. *In the 2000 television
  44. And establish a normal functioning government. Today, more than 22 NATO nations, deploy ,about 140,000 troops in Afghanistan as part of the International Security
  45. The Russia's border with NATO if the United States refuses to abandon plans to, deploy ,10 interceptor missiles and a radar in Poland and the Czech Republic. In April
  46. Select and dismiss the Prime Minister and other ministers, declare war, deploy ,troops abroad, and ratify international treaties and agreements. The president
  47. The first to build a four-level stack interchange; the first to develop and, deploy ,nonreflective raised pavement markers, better known as Boats' dots; and one of
  48. Growing to the forty to seventy-tonne range, airborne forces were unable to, deploy ,reasonable anti-tank forces. The result was a number of attempts to make a
  49. Before battle was joined the heavy units of the fleet would, if possible, deploy ,into a single column. To form the battle-line in the correct orientation
  50. Of Alms, saturating the defense. A program to improve the B-52 and develop and, deploy ,the ALCM would cost perhaps 20 % of the price to deploy the planned 244 B-1As.

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