Examples of the the word, correction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( correction ), is the 3360 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Temperatures of the atomizers used in AAS is relatively small, and second,the, correction ,is performed by the computer within a few seconds. The same algorithm can
  2. Atomize Libra, meaning Free Atomic Scale). The instant that the gravitational, correction ,started to be applied serves as the epoch for Barometric Coordinate Time (TCB
  3. Cause any problem. In addition, as the same algorithm is used for background, correction ,and elimination of lamp noise, the background corrected signals show a much
  4. No additional components are required for background correction . Background, correction ,using correction pixels It has already been mentioned that in HR-CS AAS lamp
  5. Others in our Universe. Statistics A fundamental aspect of asymmetry is error, correction , Various factors introduce errors into the measurement of stellar positions
  6. Absorption, as will be discussed later. Background absorption and background, correction ,The relatively small number of atomic absorption lines (compared to atomic
  7. Lines. Continuum sources, such as deuterium lamps, are only used for background, correction ,purposes. The advantage of this technique is that only a medium-resolution
  8. Is given in the Earth's reference frame (where it becomes purely a light-time, correction ,for the position of the eastward-moving Sun as seen from a stationary Earth)
  9. The relation between absolute and apparent magnitude, and an additional k, correction ,might be required. For nearby astronomical objects (such as stars in our
  10. In contrast to LS AAS, no additional components are required for background, correction , Background correction using correction pixels It has already been mentioned
  11. Image of the former lamp with that of the analyte HCL. Smith-Hieftje background, correction ,This technique (named after their inventors) is based on the line-broadening
  12. Every half hour as the cone pattern got larger and larger. The first mid-course, correction ,came 11 hours into the flight. Testing on the ground had shown that the Service
  13. Of two atomic lines. In essence there are three techniques used for background, correction ,in LS AAS: Deuterium background correction This is the oldest and still most
  14. Fine structure, as in this case the absorbance will be different at each of the, correction ,pixels. In this case HR-CS AAS is offering the possibility to measure
  15. Feature of the Newton handwriting recognition system is the modeless error, correction , That is, correction done in situ without using a separate window or widget
  16. Process, greatly increasing the interruption to a user's workflow that a given, correction ,requires. User interface Text could also be entered by tapping with the stylus
  17. Pixels. In this case HR-CS AAS is offering the possibility to measure, correction ,spectra of the molecule (s) that is (are) responsible for the background
  18. To the same extent at all pixels chosen for correction is eliminated by the, correction ,algorithm. This obviously also includes a reduction of the measured intensity
  19. Research topic. http://www.lyricsemiconductor.com/ Lyric Semiconductor's error, correction ,circuits use analog probabilistic signals. Practical examples These are
  20. To the uncorrected signals, which is also in contrast to LS AAS. Background, correction ,using a least-squares algorithm The above technique can obviously not correct
  21. Unsuitable for correcting structured background. Zeeman-effect background, correction ,An alternating magnetic field is applied at the atomizer (graphite furnace)
  22. Apply for objects at very great distances (far beyond our galaxy),since a, correction ,for General Relativity must then be taken into account due to the non-Euclidean
  23. If the money supply remained stable. Austrian School economists argue that a, correction ,or" credit crunch" – commonly called a" recession" or" bust" – occurs
  24. Magnitude can be computed from the visual magnitude plus a volumetric, correction , M_=M_V+BC. This correction is needed because very hot stars radiate mostly
  25. Handwriting recognition system is the modeless error correction . That is, correction ,done in situ without using a separate window or widget, using a minimum of
  26. Components are required for background correction . Background correction using, correction ,pixels It has already been mentioned that in HR-CS AAS lamp flicker noise is
  27. To pharmaceutical companies making antidepressants. The JAVA later published a, correction ,noting the ties and the authors maintain that the ties have no bearing on their
  28. PC+2 burn. One more decent engine burn was later required for a minor course, correction , Considerable ingenuity under extreme pressure was required from the crew
  29. Burning the engine for a short period would accomplish coating. This first, correction ,burn was only 2.4 seconds and added about velocity prograde (in the direction
  30. Background correction techniques in HR-CS AAS In HR-CS AAS background, correction ,is carried out mathematically in the software using information from detector
  31. In English law,s58 Children Act 2004,limits the availability of the lawful, correction ,defense to common assault under s39 Criminal Justice Act 1988. Prevention of
  32. Conditions of the Peloponnesian war, there does seem to have been a move toward, correction , A new version of democracy was established from 403 BC, but it can be linked
  33. From the visual magnitude plus a volumetric correction ’M_=M_V+BC. This, correction ,is needed because very hot stars radiate mostly ultraviolet radiation, while
  34. Already been mentioned that in HR-CS AAS lamp flicker noise is eliminated using, correction ,pixels. In fact, any increase or decrease in radiation intensity that is
  35. In one of the major Swiss engineering feats of the 19th century, the Jury water, correction , the river, which had previously rendered the countryside north of Bern a
  36. And they are significantly different for LS AAS and HR-CS AAS. Background, correction ,techniques in LS AAS In LS AAS background absorption can only be corrected
  37. To identify inaccuracy, then switching to another while applying the known, correction ,to achieve accuracy and surprise. " Artillery had begun the shift away from
  38. The disadvantage is the increased complexity of the spectrometer. Background, correction ,techniques in HR-CS AAS In HR-CS AAS background correction is carried out
  39. The path length h traversed by the light. It may be more useful to express the, correction ,(θ−φ) to the observed angle φ in terms of the observed angle itself:: \sin (
  40. Superior to the fear instilled by corporal punishment; when he used physical ", correction ," he required that the students be unanimously in support of its application
  41. In the same way. As measurement of total and background absorption, and, correction , for the latter, are strictly simultaneous (in contrast to LS AAS),even the
  42. Are used to measure the atomic absorption, the other pixels are available for, correction ,purposes. One of these correction s is that for lamp flicker noise, which is
  43. Three techniques used for background correction in LS AAS: Deuterium background, correction ,This is the oldest and still most commonly used technique, particularly for
  44. Intensity that is observed to the same extent at all pixels chosen for, correction ,is eliminated by the correction algorithm. This obviously also includes a
  45. Printing of 1952,which omits the numeral" II" and the word" Papal ",the, correction ,had already been made by then. Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring
  46. Fuze will appear soon. In addition to other functions these offer some course, correction ,capability, not full precision but sufficient to significantly reduce the
  47. To a note a week later, for example, they would only see the best match. Error, correction ,in many current handwriting systems provides such functionality but adds more
  48. Hydrogen HCL and deuterium discharge lamps are used in LS AAS for background, correction ,purposes. The radiation intensity emitted by these lamps is decreasing
  49. Pen gestures could do such things as transpose letters (also in situ). The, correction ,popup also allowed the user to revert to the original, un-recognized letter
  50. Rotated with the other (angle) disc; a differential and a few gears did this, correction ,). Referring to the mechanism's frame, the location of the pin corresponded to

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