Examples of the the word, habitat , in a Sentence Context
The word ( habitat ), is the 3369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Use and carrying, sexual dimorphism in food gathering, changes in climate and, habitat ,(from jungle to savanna) and to reduce the amount of skin exposed to the
- May; by early June it is practically always gone. The ice cover is the main, habitat ,for two larger animal species. They are the gray seal (Halichoerus groups)
- Average airline flight is about 353 kilograms (776 pounds). Loss of natural, habitat ,potential associated with the jet fuel burned per passenger on an airline flight
- S, John B. Carroll, Whorf did indeed spend time with the Hopi in their native, habitat ,in 1938. Wharf explains how the idea of language affecting thought first came
- Environment - current issues: deforestation in Amazon Basin destroys the, habitat ,and endangers the existence of a multitude of plant and animal species
- Horn). " Bongo" is derived from a West African native name. Distribution and, habitat ,Bongos are found in dense tropical jungles with dense undergrowth up to an
- And the IUCN in 2009. The most commonly cited human threat to birds is, habitat ,loss. Other threats include overhunting, accidental mortality due to structural
- Pens the farmed fish are kept in. Mangroves Another important brackish water, habitat ,is the mangrove swamp or manual. Many, though not all, mangrove swamps fringe
- Returned to Angola, but mostly did not settle in their original ", habitat ,", but in the cities—and again above all in Luanda. As a consequence, more than
- Vases of peculiar forms, were of some Mediterranean race, neither their precise, habitat ,nor the degree of their civilization could be determined while so few actuals
- Anoa include hunting for hide, horns and meat by the local peoples and loss of, habitat ,due to the advancement of settlement. Currently, hunting is the more serious
- Situations which created the human-habituated bear. " Placing a bear in, habitat ,used by other bears may lead to competition and social conflict, and result in
- The relatively small size of the island, conflict with humans, poaching and, habitat ,reduction drove the Tiger to extinction. This was the smallest and rarest of
- The hyperstructure is buried deep underground. While ecologically sparse,the, habitat ,'s climate is controlled by complex machinery in the lower levels. The
- Global biodiversity. A number of causes are believed to be involved, including, habitat , destruction and modification, over-exploitation,pollution, introduced species
- Temperatures, therefore optimizing availability of food sources and breeding, habitat , These migrations vary among the different groups. Many land birds, shorebirds
- In Stockholm. The causes of extinction were hunting, a narrowing of, habitat ,due to the development of farming, climatic changes, and diseases transmitted
- They drained into the Arctic Ocean instead of Hudson Bay, and they were prime, habitat ,for fur-bearing animals. The first explorer of the Athabasca region was Peter
- Most of their diet. The dental formula for living bears is: Distribution and, habitat ,The bears are mostly found in the Northern Hemisphere, with a single species
- Park, an enormous reserve located in the western United States, contains prime, habitat ,for the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horrible),and due to the enormous
- Is a member of the weasel family and is the largest of its kind. Because of, habitat ,destruction and hunting its population has dramatically decreased. Reptiles.
- Natural or by logging) and fallowing. Mass bamboo die-off provides ideal, habitat ,in East Africa. Appearance Bongos are one of the largest of the forest
- What was once exclusively the domain of the polar bear. In non-Arctic areas, habitat ,loss is blamed as the leading cause of endangerment, followed by hunting. North
- Among their compatriots. Californian Indians actively avoided prime bear, habitat , and would not allow their young men to hunt alone, for fear of bear attacks.
- Deforestation, due to the uncontrolled cutting-down of trees for fuel; and, habitat ,loss threatens wildlife populations. International agreements Burundi is a
- A variety of different tenses, but Wharf did not visit the Hopi in their native, habitat ,and his understanding of the language came from one Indian who was living in
- Biotic community, all the interacting organisms living together in a specific, habitat ,The Berlin Wall () was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic
- Help us understand changes in on our environment in many ways. *Understanding, habitat ,destruction and species extinction is dependent on an accurate and complete
- Tribe crossed the Zambezi into Zambia). Botswana has diverse areas of wildlife, habitat , In addition to the delta and desert areas, there are grasslands and savannas
- Low-growing shrubs. The island is primarily a nesting, roosting,and foraging, habitat ,for seabirds, shorebirds,and marine wildlife. Baker Island is home to a number
- And West. Today all three populations’ ranges have shrunk in size due to, habitat ,loss for agriculture and uncontrolled timber cutting as well as hunting for
- Regions, the latter being otherwise poor in large game, though the special, habitat ,of the chimpanzee and gorilla. Baboons and mandrills, with few exceptions, are
- One theory to the cave fish's evolution says that because of its dark, habitat , the fish embryo saves energy it would normally use to develop eyes to develop
- Far beyond their original ranges as agricultural practices created suitable new, habitat , Anatomy and physiology Compared with other vertebrates, birds have a body plan
- Are two of the most important drivers of environmental pressures, particularly, habitat , change,climate change, water use and toxic emissions. Agriculture accounts for
- Of micro-brew beer is about 3 kilograms (6.6 pounds). The loss of natural, habitat ,potential from the 6-pack of micro-brew beer is estimated to be 2.5 square
- Work to protect birds, either by passing laws that preserve and restore bird, habitat ,or by establishing captive populations for reintroductions. Such projects have
- West Coast of the USA since these environments mimic their native South African, habitat , Many bulbs sold as Amaryllis and described as 'ready to bloom for the holidays
- And behavior Aardvarks live in sub-Saharan Africa, where there is suitable, habitat ,for them to live, such as savannas, grasslands,woodlands and bushland, and
- Swamps and springs nearby," but further research is needed to determine which, habitat ,Ardipithecus at Gone preferred. An
- Claims that there may at one time have been as many as 90 million. Habitat The, habitat ,of the beaver is the riparian zone, inclusive of stream bed. The actions of
- Endangered by the human presence in the area. In Arctic areas, the potential, habitat ,of the brown bear is increasing. The warming of that region has allowed the
- Factors in Bald Eagle population reductions were a widespread loss of suitable, habitat , as well as both legal and illegal shooting. In 1930 a New York City
- Lions, antelopes,hippos, and monkeys. Historically Benin has served as, habitat ,for the endangered Painted Hunting Dog, Lycaon ictus; however, this candid is
- Large portions of its original range. However, through trap and transfer and, habitat ,conservation it made a nearly complete recovery by the 1940s. Beaver
- And pines, whereas the steppe buzzard prefers more open habitat s. However, habitat ,alone is not a good indicator for these forms. Bohrium is a chemical element
- Normally form flocks, but several may be seen together on migration or in good, habitat , The Victorian writer on Dartmoor, William Crossing, noted he had on occasions
- As vulnerable by the IUCN. The Amazon and its tributaries are the main, habitat ,of the Giant Otter (Pteropoda brasiliensis). The giant otter is a member of
- For the Blue Crane. Other conservation measures are focusing on research, habitat ,management, education,and recruiting the help of private landowners. Cultural
- Are of geological importance, and the various grove structures offer, habitat ,to severely endangered bird species. Sports The soccer team of 1921-founded VFR
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