Examples of the the word, ingredient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ingredient ), is the 3376 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fish, and dried shrimp. The paste has a savory and slightly spicy taste. As an, ingredient , it has multiple uses: * as a component for dipping sauces, for example as used
  2. OCL)2) is used as a swimming pool disinfectant, as a bleaching agent, as an, ingredient ,in deodorant, and in algaecide and fungicide. *Calcium permanganate (Ca (
  3. That occasion. He was introduced to mescaline (considered to be the key active, ingredient ,of peyote) by the psychiatrist Humphry Ormond in 1953. Through Dr. Ormond
  4. Two ingredient s, the coca leaf or the kola nut, but were unaware of what either, ingredient ,looked like. Dean and Edwards went to the Emeline Fairbanks Memorial Library
  5. Served with a variety of sauces. In southern Benin cuisine, the most common, ingredient ,is corn, often used to prepare dough which is mainly served with peanut-or
  6. Such a modification naturally occurs in a theory with an energy gap. The key, ingredient ,was Leon Neil Cooper's calculation of the bound states of electrons subject to
  7. Served in a bowl with various fruits or other ingredient s. It is also the main, ingredient ,in Mizuyōkan, another popular Japanese food. (See very top image. ) In Indian
  8. With certain species of ant, which also eat them. Acacia is listed as an, ingredient ,in Sun Drop, Fresca, a citrus soft drink, RC Cola,Barq's root beer, Full
  9. Trace levels left over at a molecular level. To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an, ingredient ,a cocaine-free coca leaf extract prepared at a Stefan Company plant in Haywood
  10. It cannot be absorbed through the skin, collagen is now being used as a main, ingredient ,for some cosmetic makeup. Collagen is also frequently used in scientific
  11. It is used as a flavoring agent (for e.g. in soup),rather than a dip. As an, ingredient , peanuts are a relatively prominent feature in this cuisine; used both in
  12. Of potions and has Hero read him the recipe for the sleeping potion; the only, ingredient ,he lacks is" mare's sweat," and Pseudos goes off in search of some.
  13. God! I thought he was dead. " Norman Heatley suggested transferring the active, ingredient ,of penicillin back into water by changing its acidity. This produced enough of
  14. Flavoring and the source of caffeine in Coca-Cola. In Britain, for example,the, ingredient ,label states" Flavorings (Including Caffeine). " Kola nuts contain about 2
  15. Filtration process. Brewer's grains are sold as fodder, and often used as an, ingredient ,in compound feed. Yeast extract is obtained from an additional production
  16. Regarded as brass alloys because they contain zinc as the main alloying, ingredient , They are commonly used in architectural applications. Bismuth bronze is a
  17. Throats, and there are many modern proprietary medicines which use honey as an, ingredient , Etymology The concept of an immortality drink is attested in at least two
  18. Is the second most popular alcoholic beverage. Health effects The main active, ingredient ,of beer is alcohol, and therefore, the health effects of alcohol apply to beer.
  19. Decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment. Compost is a key, ingredient ,in organic farming. At its most essential, the process of composting requires
  20. In fact, many of the popular mouthwashes contain sodium lauryl sulfate as an, ingredient ,(e.g., Listerine Total Care). Active ingredient s in
  21. Dishes as succotash, chowder,baked beans, and others. Lobster is an integral, ingredient ,to the cuisine, indigenous to the shores of the region. Other shellfish of the
  22. And Tonga: Known generally as" are" or" kale," the spice is a popular, ingredient ,in curried lamb, mutton,and chicken stew. Often prepared with coconut milk and
  23. Membership chains. The axiom of regularity is arguably the least useful, ingredient ,of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, since virtually all results in the branches of
  24. Or pork and dill. Not served with rice. Curry powder is used as an incidental, ingredient ,in other cuisines, including for example a" curry sauce" ( sauce AU curry
  25. Enzymes have been identified in human cervical mucus. Glycerol is a natural, ingredient ,of human cervical fluid. Studies have shown that the amount of glycerol in
  26. Alchemists were the,a legendary substance that was believed to be an essential, ingredient ,for either or both of those goals. Modern discussions of alchemy are generally
  27. Different mouth feel. Beef extract was eventually reintroduced as a key Boris, ingredient ,in 2006,after the European Commission lifted its ban on the export of Britain
  28. Red algae. Historically and in a modern context, agar is chiefly used as an, ingredient ,in desserts throughout Asia and also as a solid substrate to contain culture
  29. And corn during this period fell by 35.6 million kg of insecticide active, ingredient , which is roughly equal to the amount of pesticide applied to arable crops in
  30. France. It is commonly used in traditional Brazilian cuisine. Cumin can be an, ingredient ,in chili powder (often Texan or Mexican-style),and is found in achieve
  31. The point where a single molecule of the original active (and possibly toxic), ingredient , is likely to remain. They are, thus,considered safe on that count, but " their
  32. Cuisine has a very different basis and understanding of curries. The principle, ingredient ,of almost all Burmese curries are fresh onion (which provides the gravy and
  33. Also pastries (the latter resembling a sort of roll pastry) whose main dough, ingredient ,may be either butter or fat, and which may be simple or stuffed with dunce de
  34. At least twice the shelf life of aspartame, it has become more popular as an, ingredient , This, along with differences in marketing and changing consumer preferences
  35. As the percentage of copper in an alloy increases, is proof that copper is the, ingredient ,in brass and other copper alloys that kills the microbes. The mechanisms of
  36. To the region from western Africa. Okra, which can be one of the principal, ingredient ,gumbo recipes, is used as a thickening agent and for its distinct vegetable
  37. While improving antioxidant status and some immune parameters. While the active, ingredient ,in oats appears to be water-soluble fiber, amaranth appears to lower
  38. Brazil's native liquor. Pachuca is distilled from sugar cane and is the main, ingredient ,in the national cocktail, Caipirinha. Sports The most popular sport in Brazil
  39. Including willow bark and spirea, of which salicylic acid was the active, ingredient , had been known to help alleviate headaches, pains and fevers since antiquity.
  40. Hawaii and by the Māori of New Zealand. Sea lettuce and badder locks are a salad, ingredient ,in Scotland, Ireland,Greenland and Iceland. (ALA). Pollution control *
  41. Or chocolate. *In Morocco, almonds in the form of almond paste are the main, ingredient ,in several desserts. Whole fried almonds are also used in sweet Marines. A
  42. Foot. As the principal component of Benson resin, benzoic acid is also a major, ingredient ,in both tincture of Benson and Friar's balsam. Such products have a long
  43. To produce these items: Rum was the distilled spirit of choice, as the main, ingredient , molasses, was readily available from trade with the West Indies. Further into
  44. Used type of cement (often referred to as PC). Portland cement is a basic, ingredient ,of concrete, mortar and most nonspecialists grout. The most common use for
  45. Resistance. Thus, the collective behavior of" condensate" is a crucial, ingredient ,of superconductivity. More details BCS theory starts from the assumption that
  46. Accommodate insufficiency, an inability to focus on an object * Active, ingredient , the substance in a drug that is pharmaceutically active * Gametogenesis
  47. For sand and a source of nutrition. * By Kan ten Clay Studio as a natural, ingredient ,to form modelling clay for young children to play with. Acid rain is a rain or
  48. To gelatin for its superior gelling properties, and as a strengthening, ingredient ,in souffles and custards. Another use of agar-agar is in Pitch'ye Molotov (Bird
  49. Double onion" referring to the boiled and fried onions used as its primary, ingredient , * Amanda - a mild curry sauce made with cream, coconut milk, and almonds or
  50. Cement is the most common type of cement in general usage. It is a basic, ingredient ,of concrete, mortar and plaster. English masonry worker Joseph Asp din patented

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