Examples of the the word, glare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glare ), is the 10321 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Polarized sunglasses use the principle of Brewster's angle to reduce, glare ,from the sun reflecting off horizontal surfaces such as water or road. In a
  2. As reddish-brown or tawny hanging below her waist, a harsh voice and a piercing, glare , and habitually wore a large golden necklace (perhaps a torn),a
  3. In September 1970. Incorporating sonic effects to emphasize the" rockets' red, glare ,", and " bombs bursting in air ", it became a late-1960s emblem. Roseanne Barr
  4. According to Mario Motto, president of the Massachusetts Medical Society," ..., glare ,from bad lighting is a public-health hazard—especially the older you become.
  5. As planets can be more readily detected. (In the visible light spectrum,the, glare ,from the star will drown out the reflected light from a planet. ) Infrared
  6. McHenry by the rocket vessel HMS Erebus were the source of the rockets' red, glare ,described by Francis Scott Key in The Star-Spangled Banner. Rockets were also
  7. Absurdity of giving these people votes ", which " at any rate at present, would, glare , out of every roll of their eyes, chuckle in their mouths, and bump in their
  8. United States In telecommunications, a call collision (commonly known as, glare ,) is one of two things: #The contention that occurs when a terminal and data
  9. Mercury is complicated by its proximity to the Sun, as it is lost in the Sun’s, glare ,for much of the time. Mercury can be observed for only a brief period during
  10. Of vision, with luminance similar to the background luminance. This kind of, glare ,is a particular instance of disability glare , called veiling glare . (This is
  11. S Campaign for Dark Skies. According to this classification: *Blinding, glare ,describes effects such as that caused by staring into the Sun. It is completely
  12. Immediately, particularly for the investigation of glow and trespass (, glare ,analyses are more complex to perform and current commercial software does not
  13. PBX, and been accidentally connected to an incoming call, you have experienced, glare , This can sometimes happen at home too, if you pick up your phone to make a
  14. And the inner parts. Hence, there was a fear of" Shabbir" ( lit. " Dazzling, glare ,"),the demon of blindness, who rests on uncovered water at night and strikes
  15. That a call is about to start ringing in. Multi-line hunting generally avoids, glare ,by picking trunks in opposite preference order so the highest numbered line
  16. Observer to become sufficiently dark adapted. The usual measures to reduce this, glare , if reducing the light directly is not an option, include flocking the
  17. Causes loss of contrast and leads to unsafe driving conditions, much like the, glare ,on a dirty windshield from low-angle sunlight or the high beams from an
  18. Side of November 30,Antares is not visible at all, being lost in the Sun's, glare ,; this period of invisibility is longer in the Northern Hemisphere than in the
  19. It becomes visible just before sunrise after moving far enough away from the, glare ,of the Sun. This occurred just before the annual flooding of the Nile and the
  20. This kind of glare is a particular instance of disability glare , called veiling, glare , (This is not the same as loss of accommodation of night vision which is
  21. At the same time don't let us be mild and drab. Malevolence and terror,the, glare ,of evil faces,'the stony grin of unearthly malice ', pursuing forms in
  22. The visibility of the lamp and reflector within a luminaire, so the effects of, glare ,are also reduced. Campaigners also commonly argue that full cutoff fixtures are
  23. The arc with the fingers. For a sun sight, the shades of the sextant overcome, glare , One method of starting is to use both index mirror and horizon mirror shades
  24. To detect such a faint light source, and furthermore the parent star causes a, glare ,that tends to wash it out. For the above reasons, telescopes have directly
  25. And by the hegemony of the Medici family. The eyes of David, with a warning, glare , were turned towards Rome. The statue was moved to the Academia Gallery in
  26. Light pollution implies many things, such as reducing sky glow, reducing, glare , reducing light trespass, and reducing clutter. The method for best reducing
  27. Three degrees across the night sky. Then it disappeared temporarily behind the, glare ,of the Sun. Several months later, when Ceres should have reappeared, Piazzi
  28. Fishtail" style outlets which marginally increased thrust and reduced exhaust, glare ,for night flying. In September 1937 the Spitfire prototype,K5054,was fitted
  29. Has been patented for use in automobile rearview mirrors, to reduce the, glare ,at night. Similar to its use in glasses, neodymium salts are used as a colorant
  30. Background luminance. This kind of glare is a particular instance of disability, glare , called veiling glare . (This is not the same as loss of accommodation of night
  31. Hood, through snow-capped mountains. Virgil comes out of a tunnel into the, glare ,of the sun and his Spec savers lenses immediately darken to protect his vision.
  32. In support of control of light pollution. News about the decision emphasized, glare ,as a public health hazard leading to unsafe driving conditions. Especially in
  33. Flag had been raised. During the bombardment, provided the" rockets' red, glare ,". HMS Meteor provided at least some" bombs bursting in air ". Key was
  34. Across the film itself. Recently, this new technology has been used to achieve, glare ,protection at the touch of a button in passenger airplane windows. Art Since
  35. Not grow in the new park, since the roof panels had been painted to reduce the, glare ,that was causing players on both the Actors and the visiting team to miss
  36. Reduce the reflectivity of the surfaces they coat, and can be used to minimize, glare ,and unwanted reflections. The simplest case is a single layer with thickness
  37. Lines. Name" Deliberate"/> name "/NP"> Spontaneous"/>" Lightning's blue, glare ,fills Oklahoma plains, the train rolls east casting yellow shadow on grass
  38. The ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red, glare , the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was
  39. In some cases. These galaxies are normally too dim to be seen against the, glare ,of the quasar, except with these special techniques. Most quasars cannot be
  40. Blinding and leaves temporary or permanent vision deficiencies. *Disability, glare ,describes effects such as being blinded by oncoming car lights, or light
  41. The first mobile phone to use the technology, in an effort to help eliminate, glare ,from direct sunlight during outdoor use. Electrophoretic displays can be
  42. Before he finds Garfield in the kitchen and chases him out),or give a mere, glare ,when a character is belittled or not impressed. Sometimes, this theme revolves
  43. Here) have to be closer together to meet the same light level, uniformity and, glare ,requirements specified by the IESN. These simulations optimized the height and
  44. At infrared rather than visible wavelengths, in order to reduce the problem of, glare ,from the parent star. A team of researchers from NASA's Jet Propulsion
  45. Light better than yellow or red light. It is a common experience observing ", glare ," and" fog" around and below LED road luminaries as soon as air humidity
  46. Categories of light pollution include light trespass, over-illumination, glare , light clutter, and sky glow. A single offending light source often falls into
  47. Orientation is generally desirable for outdoor courts to avoid background, glare ,at dawn or dusk. Orientation also should take into consideration other
  48. Then bright, with significant reduction in sight capabilities. *Discomfort, glare ,does not typically cause a dangerous situation in itself, though it is annoying
  49. To rockets produced by William Congreve): : And the rockets' red, glare , the bombs bursting in air, : Gave proof through the night, that our flag was
  50. Health hazard leading to unsafe driving conditions. Especially in the elderly, glare ,produces loss of contrast, obscuring night vision. The rhythm of life is

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