Examples of the the word, fuck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fuck ), is the 3405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. States that only" coarse, offensive language intended for adults" ( such as ", fuck ,") are required to air after 9pm. The Canadian Showcase television show
  2. Is the rainbow, where is the glory? ” and another," Die fool song" The, fuck ,all song, tells tourists who visit South Africa for the 2010 Football World Cup
  3. And selectively than younger and more blue-collar speakers. Like the word, fuck , shit is often used to add emphasis more than to add meaning, for example, shit
  4. Go into the chorus. " Cobain told Spin in 1993 that he" didn't give a flying, fuck ," what the lyrics on Bleach were about, figuring " Let's just scream some
  5. The Mishkan River included the quote" ... Drugs are bad for you. They will, fuck ,you up. " The city ultimately decided to sandblast the monument to replace the
  6. The resulting fight prompting the bride's mother to cry out" less it, for, fuck , 's sake" before the police arrived). Another such story revolved around a man
  7. However, the first Metallica album to make me wonder at any point,'What the, fuck ,was that? ' It's as if the jackboot grinding the human face were to take
  8. To my mother does not constitute the reformation of The Stone Roses. Please, fuck ,off and leave it alone. It isn't true and isn't happening. " On 26 May 2011
  9. With nobody. To say something about a Biggs like Meth is crazy, Meth don't, fuck ,with nobody. I'm not going to sit here and say Rae made me do it, that was a
  10. Of different color, or women, please do this one favor for us-leave us the, fuck ,alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records ". An article from
  11. Words. In American English, words that are unacceptable on television, such as, fuck , may be represented by deformations such as freak — even in children's
  12. Card and dice Several popular drinking games involving cards are asshole, fuck ,the dealer, horserace, Kings,liar's poker, pyramid,bloody knuckles, Ring of
  13. When Layer demanded that Tyson stop, the boxer said:" Do you know who the, fuck ,I am? I'm the heavyweight champion of the world," to which Layer replied: "
  14. To it, calling it" Brian's ego music ", and warning the composer not to ", fuck ,with the formula ". Other group members also fretted that the band would lose
  15. And eggs. When she objected, he replied" If you don't like it, you can just, fuck ,off! " These turned out to be his last words. Moon then took 32 tablets of
  16. Standards. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for, fuck , 's sake? We need to vote for Enoch Powell, he’s a great man, speaking truth.
  17. Doing this. After Guinness was done with the scene, Lean said" Now you can all, fuck ,off and go home, you English actors. Thank God that I'm starting work tomorrow
  18. Intends to suggest that she has misheard" foot" as" outre" ( French,", fuck ,") and" coin" as" con" ( French" cunt ", also used to mean" idiot" ).
  19. Called; JE m'appeal: my name is …; JE m'en four:" I don't give a damn/a, fuck , "; JE NE regretted rain:" I regret nothing" ( from the title of a popular
  20. To these Hollywood executive types, we just weren't on the same page. We said, fuck ,it,we'll sit on the idea until we can do it ourselves, and maybe even raise
  21. The show. We haven't played it in like 15 years. So don't blame us for the, fuck ,ups. " The song is playable track in Guitar Hero: World Tour. " Trapped Under
  22. Interpreted by some commissioners as including any form of words like shit and, fuck , for whatever use. Despite this, the word has been featured in popular songs
  23. For Colchester United F. C. There is innuendo in the name: the Internet domain, fuck , Co. UK was at one time held by fans of Viz who claimed to be promoting the
  24. Of literary merit. One of the objections was to the frequent use of the word ", fuck ," and its derivatives and the word" cunt ". Various academic critics and
  25. Afrikaans protest music. The punk group Fokofpolisiekar (which translates to ‘, fuck ,off police car’ ) sings in" Brand Suid-Afrika" Burn South Africa:“ For you
  26. Years, since we were kids. And then Vinny was playing, and it was like 'What the, fuck , ' It hurt a lot. " The band completed the Heaven and Hell world tour in
  27. Shows the slogan (written by wife Hilly) on his back" 1 Fat Englishman – I, fuck ,anything ". In one of his memoirs, Amis wrote:" Now and then I become
  28. Album Heavy Petting Zoo call on MTV, along with major labels, to " Leave us the, fuck ,alone. " Fat Mike has also repeatedly conducted friendly interviews with the
  29. Vocal interlude near the end of" The End" includes Morrison using the word, fuck ,repeatedly and was taken out of the album's stereo release; however, it
  30. To go back with Shirley ', and then you do, and you go to yourself,'What the, fuck ,was I thinking? '" According to Geezer Butler, there will be no Black Sabbath
  31. And their attitude was" Here's our tunes, and we couldn't give a flying, fuck ,whether you like them or not. In fact,we're going to play them even if you
  32. Songs never before performed. Krefeld stated," I can’t believe it, but, fuck , we’re celebrating 20 years. I’ve been in this band ever since I was 16. It’s
  33. A" greatest hits" record. Containing both" Bodies"—in which Rotten utters ", fuck ," six times—and the previously censored" God Save the Queen" and featuring
  34. Press almost permanently for years on end, including the years when they did, fuck ,all. And they did this by hardly saying anything at all. ” name" Rob, P.
  35. But the mother fuck er that's always picking on a mother fuck er that don't, fuck ,with nobody. To say something about a Biggs like Meth is crazy, Meth don't
  36. Diss my brother, he tried to shit on my Biggs like my Biggs ain't a made man ..., fuck ,Joe Burden" ( referring to what Burden said about Method Man). Joe Burden did
  37. Ian Brown and Sinbad O'Connor's" Illegal Attacks" ( 2007) (" So what the, fuck ,is this UK/Gunning with this US of A/ in Iraq and Iran and in Afghanistan?
  38. As the band debated what to call the album. An exasperated Jones said," Oh, fuck ,it, never mind the bollocks of it all. " After playing a few dates in
  39. It so they had to put it out ", Strummer later explained. " I just went,'Well, fuck ,this ', and fuck ed off to the mountains of Spain to sit sobbing under a palm
  40. And pervasive media. The term also has various other derived uses and, like, fuck , and its derivatives, has been used mutatis mutandis as noun, pronoun,adjective
  41. Meaning of fudge, which itself is used to swallow the cruder interjection ", fuck ,", and hence fudge passes on an" all fuck ed up" sense as well. These meanings
  42. VIP on the strength of Wu-Tang so I kind of reacted, be it right or wrong ..., fuck , " The brief altercation between the two men resulted in a tense situation and
  43. Claims he intended to hand Gareth the signed contract and" tell him to, fuck ,off ", but that Gareth attacked him first. Kernel was released on parole in
  44. According to Factory's co-founder Tony Wilson," All our bands are free to, fuck ,off whenever they please. ") Because of this, the group (rather than Factory
  45. You get a window of opportunity, use it to the best of your ability and then, fuck ,off and let someone else have their turn. But here I am 25 years down the line
  46. Was very interested in New Order. I got the impression he couldn't give a, fuck ,to be honest, whether it happened or not. And it's quite interesting because
  47. Rockfall ", playing on the similarity of the word to the vulgar expression ", fuck ,all ". Similarly, in The Goon Show episode" Napoleon's Piano" Sea goon made a
  48. To garner sympathy and, hopefully,sex (" Hey – I'm the KING of the mercy, fuck , " He declares in his first appearance). In one episode, he is shot in the
  49. As the above, the word shit often functions as an interjection. Unlike the word, fuck , shit is not used emphatically with -ING or as an infix. For example; I lost
  50. Now they're spying on me, controlling my phone calls. I don't give a, fuck , In a few months ... I'll be leaving this shit country that makes me sick. "

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